22233610? ago

They arnt the same species. Eat what they try to prevent us from eating. They want us fat, sick and dumb. Be careful out there.

22232148? ago

Okay Rabbi.

22231691? ago

What, infants foreskin?

22230757? ago

Either a Jew shill or dumb pot smoking paranoid bullshit

22230428? ago


I think they are the healthiest and one of the tastiest hot dogs on the market. I've been buying them for decades.


22230454? ago

These religious Jews are sick inbred morons with many inherited health problems from a dying bloodline

22230333? ago

Of that we’re true, we'd all look like Jerry Nadler.

Do thanks.

22230246? ago

No way. They limit themselves too much. No religious diets for me. Ima gonna chow down on all the pork I want.

22230389? ago

The middle east Jews are some of the most unhealthy inbred people on the planet, the Arab bloodline even worse.

22230992? ago

Maybe something to that pork then that they don't get because they don't eat it.

22230219? ago

Pedocanibalism is wrong.

22230100? ago

Shaman here. Can confirm, pork will fuck your shit up. Pigs have the soul of the devil. They are disgusting, just watch their behavior.

Pigs can and do eat just about anything. Use you imagination and think about what the cabal might feed pigs if they really wanted to make us sick.

Also besides pig, what does the old testament say about rare meat?

22230270? ago

Japs, Swiss, SKoreans, Taiwanese eat all kinds of crazy shit and they are some of the longest lived most healthy people

22230432? ago

Japanese: nothing wrong with raw fish. Maybe you think things like natto are "crazy shit"... nothing wrong with that but not my taste.

Swiss: this seems like one of the last "crazy shit" countries as far as food goes. Can you be more specific?

As for South Korea, Taiwan, or the rest of Asia... I don't know man, I've only been to China where they eat everything and that country is a disgusting shithole, at least the places I saw.

Anyway another thing to consider is intent. What has gone into the food spiritually / energetically. It matters where the food came from, how it was farmed and prepared. Wild boar is totally fine for example.

And let's say if you are having "beef tataki" at a sushi restaurant, where it is the highest quality meat that is prepared and served with class, that is a totally different thing than wolfing down a black-and-blue roundup-corn-fed ribeye from Safeway.

22230076? ago

OY Vey!!! The comments in here.

22229985? ago

black cock?

22229980? ago

That nasty fish? Nah.

22229860? ago

Eat grass fed beef. Cook in cast iron. Don’t use the microwave ever. If you have a microwave throw it out.

22230548? ago

Why cast iron? It leaches into the food and some people already have too high iron levels. What's wrong with stainless steel?

22231916? ago

Why cast iron? Because it’s the best.

22233776? ago

I really like my Le Creuset Cast iron pans that have a ceramic glaze on them. All the benefits of cast iron with no downside. Regular cast iron is great too.

22233916? ago

I like mine as well.

22231372? ago

many people are anemic

very few people have a low level of stainless steel in them

22233750? ago

I don't know where you live, but in the US, where people eat a lot of meat, iron levels can get too high with supplemental iron. I have some cast iron cookware, but I don't use it exclusively because I know I don't need any extra iron in my diet.

22234798? ago

and, as i observed: you need even less extra stainless steel in your diet! be careful what you cook with, as well as wish for, i guess...

22234990? ago

Stainless doesn't leach as much. Very little, actually.

22230072? ago

heats up my coffee water, fuck off

22230346? ago

Eat shit you fucking Bum, fucking slob

22229856? ago

Ain't giving up my bacon because some follower of a fake psychopathic god who is supposed to be all knowing but orders his first alleged follower to sacrifice his son (just kidding it was a test!) tells me to.

I believe in God. Decency. Truth, kindness, love...and the right to defend it from evil. I will never buy into the false sun god that is the basis of the 3 religions 9 (yeah, catholic christianity) used by the elites and their demonic masters to control us.

22230379? ago

What is the New God? Senomyx Human Baby Cells in Food HEK293 Ajinomoto Co Kraft Foods, PepsiCo, Firmenich SA, Nestlé SA, and Solae all collaborate with Senomyx ... do not specify where its additives may be found in their products.

22230556? ago


22229901? ago

Define God.

22230177? ago

No, you define your God.

I think most religions have been corrupted and used by the elites for control and programming. Like The Bible is infallible. Baloney. It's been corrupted and mistranslated many times in it's history. I've done serious research because I'm a seeker of truth. There is a lot of truth in the bible, but also a lot of sketchy garbage because evil men were in charge of its placement. It's up to the individual soul to discern what is true and look at what kind of fruits biblical knowledge bears.

Decent human beings - many of whom are religious, but not fanatical - instinctively understand good and evil if they have been raised properly to deal with their selfishness. The God I'm familiar with allows for both good and evil. The soul makes a choice. It is not forced upon the soul via rules and regulations and authorities whose selfishness and lust for power is ignored. Decency to overcome selfish impulses can be taught, but it ultimately is up to the individual how they conduct their lives and whether or not they wish to progress to a heavenly realm or be sucked into a black hole that is hell.

I pray this Awakening helps decent folks to come together and understand they've been conned by truth mixed with a lot of lies and assumptions that lead all the way back to Babylon...maybe even earlier. While there is spiritual truth out there, it is not what the elite controllers would have the sheep believe.

22234312? ago

So God inspired you with all that flowery speech?

22231821? ago

This resonates for me as well. Thank you for laying it out so eloquently.

22229845? ago

I stopped eating shell fish and pork products 10 years ago as an advisement with a health doctor, and ALL my arthritis and joint pains vanished. These are the two top foods God said not to eat. New testament supposedly says eat what you want (references Peter and the vision of food) but I have stuck with no pork or shellfish and I feel great. Just a personal preference.

22229839? ago

lazy hooknose women love chink take-out

22229835? ago

Poison Pork ☠️

22230341? ago

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22230084? ago

EVERYTHING is poison idiots

The smaller animal the more fragile they are an the more vaccines required. CHICKEN is every bit as poisonous as pork.

22230119? ago

Soylent Green for me then

22229783? ago

Read up on kosher slaughter and lmk if you still feel that way.

22230197? ago

same as the islamist halal bullshit

22230446? ago

Indeed. Will not touch either personally.

22229769? ago


22230029? ago

What if you found out they were using pig farms to dispose of baby carcasses

22230059? ago

Babies are a clean source of protein.

22230045? ago

pigs eat worse than babies

22229701? ago

Dont buy kosher. You know where the money goes. Follow the biblical guidelines regarding food (dont eat animals who eat their own shit),

jews (caanonites) arent biblical, they dont believe in or follow the Torah (the word jews isnt even mentioned until the book of kings FFS) they just hijacked the idea and infiltrated.

Cook your own food, buy your own meats and veggies etc

Do not buy kosher

22230054? ago

What about Ashkenaz? Canaan was the son of Ham and Grandson of Noah. Noah threw out his curse because he was castrated by Ham and Canaan received the curse as punishment because he informed his father of Noah's drunken sex party. Not all he Jews are Canaanites though. You have failed to mention Noah's other grandson. I'll give you a hint. He had a father named Japeth and 90% of today's international Jewish population descend from his DNA. Here's another hint, he settled in the Germanic region of modern day Europe and areas in modern day France.

22230599? ago

You jews are talented at your endless attempts to twist scripture.

The (((serpent))) was around before noah. No, "jews" do not have anything to do with the true israel (caucasian people) and it wasnt a "sex party".

If anything the mongrel performes a homosexual act on noah while sleeping, hence the curse. And something a mamzer WOULD do.

Nice try. Only ziochurch zombies would fall for it. Adam, and white people, were sent into an already existing system, for a reason.

That reason is why your people hate us. In the end, you parasites (100% of you) are going to be wiped out.

22234061? ago

If Jesus is the "Tree of Life" than maybe "The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil" wasn't a tree either. Cough cough.

22234037? ago

The serpent wasn't Jewish either. ((())) The

"(((serpent)))" could very well of been the father of a historical figure I will live unnamed.

22234012? ago

But my skin tone is very very white. I burn easily in the sun.

22234000? ago

I am mostly Polish with English, Italian, Scotish, Norse, and Greek/Balkan State DNA. What an ugly mutt I must be.

22233650? ago

I'm not Jewish and Ham and Canaan(Hams son) didn't want Noah having anymore kids. So, when Noah got drunk and laid with some puss puss, they castrated him. When he woke up he was like, "Fuck you Ham'and fuck your son Canaan even more. You guys castrated me when I was passed out after drinking too much wine and fucking the pig." Do you want to talk about Adam and Eve and their children? Cain killed Abel. Cain is definitely the son of Adam? Cain descends 7 generations to Tubal-Cain(the freemasons love Tubal-Cain). Then, the flood happens and wipes out Cains lineage, except for Na'amah, Tubals sister, who married Noah. Nephilim blood anyone?

22233960? ago

-1 for pointing out that the guy who called all Jews Canaanites is blatantly wrong. In fact, the "giants" aka Nephilim were spotted in the land of Canaan after the flood. Ham was settled in Egypt aka the land of Ham. The Israelites ended up conquering the Cannanites. The population of Israel is split almost 50 50 into Sephardic Jews and Ashkenazi Jews. The world population of Jews is a bit more lopsided though. Like a 90 10 split in favor of ASHKENAZI. Let's do more ancestry now. Abraham and Sarah visit Egypt(the Land of Ham) and Sarah was gifted her servant by the Pharoah. The servants name was Hagar. Father Abraham had two sons. The 1st was with Hagar and his name was Ishmael. He and his mother were both banished by Abe and they wandered until they founded Mecca. Ishmael had 12 sons and his lineage populated the Arabian Penninsula, led directly to Muhammad himself, and Islam. Isaac(history's first circumcised pee pee) was the son of Abe and Sarah. He had a son who had 12 sons that became the 12 tribes of Israel. The tribe of Judah led to King David, who in turn descends to Mary mother of... You guessed it, JC baby. Jesus H Christ. Jesus, through blood, descends from Abrsham, and so does Muhammad.

22230489? ago

Are descendants of Ygog the Y family that Q mentions?

22234260? ago

Im fairly certain that the Rothschilds are the Y family. Their surname wasn't always Rothschild either, they were the Baccarachs and the Bauers. They do a good job at hiding their lineage. Maier Amschel Rothschild was from Frankfurt Am in Germany. They are Ashkenazi. He lived in the Jewish ghetto there. He was the man who started the Rothschild empire. 5 sons. 5 countries. England. France. Austria. Italy. Germany. Central banks. Debt. Power. Was Hitler a descendant of Maier's son who was sent to Austria? Did he knock his young German house maid up and than ship her back to Germany to save face? Was she pregnant with Alois Hitler? Was Hitler a Jew? Was WWII started to create the ethnic nation state of Israel for the Rothschilds Jewish brethren? Was WWI started by the Rothschilds playing both sides? Did they benefit financially from it? How about the United States Federal Reserve? 1913. WWI soon followed. Was there any important people on the Titanic? 1912. Who owned that boat? There is too much to talk about.

22229695? ago

I know exactly where my food comes from. I have a butcher and grow my veg. I get grains, eggs and rice from farms nearby.

Fuck eating food that's been prayed over to whatever they worship.

My advice, never eat seafood inland. On the coasts or fresh out a lake is ok.

22230298? ago

I only eat coastal bacon

22230662? ago

Inland pigs are bourgeoisie

22229629? ago

You'll never take away my bacon.

22229642? ago

It's delicious, but terrible for you.

22230385? ago

Get some fresh bacon from an amish butcher, non-seasoned or processed... you may change your mind on it being terrible for you, you will probably also not like it since it’s real bacon.

22229588? ago

All the Goyim food is tainted with toxins, trying to destroy us

22230444? ago

are u a kike or kebab?

22230234? ago

Jerusalem Mecca foods have that tungsten carbide, weird Toxicology and a whiff of depleted uranium in the dusts and air, its what happens when you bomb the shit out the middle east for 30 yrs. All the rich 'chosen people' including rich ragheads will often live in some fortress over seas, the Britbong royals have their own special ranches and farms away from common people.

22229555? ago

You have a very good point. They won't slowly poison their own.

Eat only Kosher foods patriots. Fuckers are evil.

22230316? ago

Middle East foods are horror cancer, Jerusalem Mecca foods have that tungsten carbide, weird Toxicology and a whiff of depleted uranium in the dusts and airs, as nations and kingdoms they lack space for growing so its done through international connected companies, trade agreements, one group of food companies often pay jihad Somali or India or Kenyan to grow some shit, its traded up and down like forex and you can trust those food sources even less, the entire food system is almost cluster fucked, kike and kebab will not escape, only the elite might chose in the end.

22230058? ago

Why is media more liberal in Israel than in the USA, its like the kikes abuse their own people just the same?

22231492? ago

Israeli media is very filtered and propagandized. Just like our media.

Who do you think Goebbels learned from? The Nazi propaganda machine is still alive and doing well in today's world.

22229458? ago

baby cocks?

22230191? ago

So kosher, animal torture foods where they are mutilated in satanic rituals just like that jihadi halal funding shit?

22230329? ago

You mean the victims of organ "donation"?

22230370? ago

Senomyx Human Baby Cells in Food HEK293 Ajinomoto Co Kraft Foods, PepsiCo, Firmenich SA, Nestlé SA, and Solae all collaborate with Senomyx, but do not specify where its additives may be found in their products.

22230439? ago

Nonsense that has been debunked.

22230480? ago

'debunked' by a corporate jewgle? back in the day you would be one of the morons shilling cigarettes as healthy?

22230674? ago

No you idiot. They only use the fetal cells in the lab to test chemical food additives. I'm not saying it's OK. But when you spread false nonsense around it just makes everyone look stupid. Which may be why so many of you shill nonsense on these boards.

22230805? ago

Anon so you finally admitted infanticide products, aborted parts are used to help produce these foods and that corp hands up finally admit to. They said oops they said yes we did it, in a big legal speech, that controlled sterilized statement is only what the corporate and food industry is forced to admit. Sounds like youre in the city a while, eating corporate tv and interweb media, you seem kinda removed from nature I wonder how long have you been living inside the machine?

22233702? ago

Finally admitted? I never denied it. I only corrected your false statement which only makes us all look stupid and dishonest. I also said I wasn't defending their practice,

As for the rest of your idiocy, I live in the country, not the city, I have no TV and no cable. I don't know what you mean by interweb media. If you mean Alex Jones or corporate media,then no. Why try to make this about me? Why can't you just be honest and accept correction when your falsehoods are pointed out?

22229605? ago

Nah, just the chitlins.