22284539? ago

"State funeral"

Q doesn't mean a prominent US politician is going to die.

He means, the funeral of a state is coming. Which state/government is dying?

Iran? CHINA?

22279360? ago

what are chances of Bolton testimony really messing things up??? i think thats the excuse RINO republicans need to bring him and others in for testimony and drag this thing out.

22276849? ago

Back in the day we had car 54 where are you Now-a-days we have Spaceship Q; where are you ?? Let the week begin.

22276804? ago

If the State Funeral were domestic, wouldn't Q have pointed us to a USG document? We were, instead, pointed to a wiki encompassing State Funerals of the world.





Who is dying?

22271153? ago

[CORONA] virus?

Who does this virus target, exactly? Just anyone??

22282259? ago

only those that have poor taste in beer

22283665? ago


22268186? ago

Kobe Bryant died in a plane crash this morning.

and, v/Niggers is awesome!

22265887? ago

Harry and wife are not directly implicated in human trafficking.

They have split from royal family moved to Canada.

Royal family fucked under dec 21 2017 executive order.

Are harry and meg?

How much of Canada could they conceivably own?

22264861? ago

https:// www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/nuccore/MN908947

The genome for coronavirus ends in 33 (masonic) A’s (A looking like a pyramid with gold cap).

Funny, this was the plot of the video game deus ex.

22258926? ago

Shills get fucked. The second Q has the shot he’ll drop the hammer. Whites of their eyes, anon.

22247733? ago

Holy shit anons.

The ‘cure’ will spread WW (post 556).

The sickness is them. Arrests under cover of pandemic. Wuhan will be announced coronavirus free. Quarantines will spread all over China then go back down as arrests completed. Quarantines and arrests spread WW...


22255077? ago

Interesting.....FISA goes both ways, as do outbreaks and quarantines and lockdowns - all depends on who wields that power!

22249581? ago

Speaking of quarantines, article about quarantines in China. 20 million. And, it says in timeline that they knew about it in early December. Not surprising.


22260816? ago

And the Chinese Canadians at the level 4 virus lab?

22269507? ago

Bomb that fucking lab, Candida people shouldn't have such a thing.

22263869? ago

Interesting that you mentioned Canada. Two days ago, did a search on DDG. 'Quarantines in China.' This was first on the list.


Today's search. Same story on top. Why would this be the top story? Canada right away saying hands down, we got this?

Thank you for your reply Anon. Now, starting to make some sense.

22238422? ago

TL;DR: Q is fake.

22237819? ago

“You are watching a movie” because we were in flight.

Movie’s over. We’re landing and shit’s about to get REAL.

22237028? ago

Q - 3794 - State Funeral

So, who is the DS going to WHACK to change the narrative when the SHTF??? Any guesses patriots??? Give me a roll call of names...

TIA (thanks in advance)

22278103? ago

Prince Philip, the Queens boo. He's been looking ropey for ages now. Could have 'died' before xmas but I bet they're holding off for the mother of all distractions.

22241232? ago

Well, the list of US State Funerals included a bunch of Presidents and like one or two high-level military generals. So my guess would be WJC, GWB or BHO by suicidal gunshot wounds to the back of the head.

22235489? ago

State funeral for Jimmy makes most sense. Rbg is at the very least a cyborg by now, if not an actual robot. They won't let her die any time soon.

22238767? ago

I thought potus can't nominate ussc during impeachment? In that case, wouldn't a dead rbg be more useful to DS to put in their own nominee?

22235284? ago

Dead HRC??? or BC?

22238501? ago


22235072? ago

Dead Queen?

22238498? ago


22235291? ago

Suicide weekend.

22235097? ago

But she's not from the US. Don't think that would apply?

22241244? ago

State Funeral could be for any country

22235145? ago

sure as shit would be full coverage for weeks followed by all the BS about new king and all that Jazz.

22234635? ago

I wonder who’s state funeral is next.

My money is Jimmy Carter!

“JIMMY, get in that fucking coffin, NOW! Your time is up buddy” - Deep State.

Or RBG: “ok defrost the old bitch, kill her body double; we need a BIG distraction” - Deepstate.

22260806? ago

RGB is not eligible for a state funeral.

22263557? ago

Why not

22269476? ago

she thawed out and rotted

22247752? ago

its jimmy. just saw x22 video. last few minutes it would appear they have to set up the state funeral specifics in advance ...the info came in for carter. so likely he is already dead as we speak

22239212? ago

It's Carter. This is news in my general area.

Peanut Farmer.

This is too much of a coincidence.

Mr Peanut dies by a "noble sacrifice."

22253113? ago

Nice catch. I missed that one.

22242050? ago

You are absolutely right. They have to announce their intentions in advance. Luciferian rules.

22240491? ago

Damn.... good one

22234614? ago

Looks like someone is going to need a state funeral. Wonder who it will be?

22233754? ago

More detailed discussion on this over in v/Niggers.

22233435? ago

Days between public knowledge RE 4 FISAs and Anon - 465.

465 days from Anon knowledge RE Cruz - April 15, 2020.

22232293? ago

I'm bored.

22238504? ago

Piss off.

22238107? ago

After 27 fucking months, we all should be,

The promised Giuliani shit had better BLOW THE DOORS of of the Dem’s wrap up tomorrow, or I’m nopeing the fuck out of this clown show.

22232113? ago

Thanks Q...it does get boring for those of us not politically inclined. Looking forward to better days

22231948? ago

our team has punted for the last 3 years. We could score ONE touchdown or a freakin field goal to keep the crowd in the game.

22233468? ago

you don't like the wall being built?

you don't like low unemployment?

you don't like evil cabal minions being put to jail for pedo?

you don't like Trump putting over 180 judges in power?

Or you want to go straight to jail killary? Wait for it. Let Trump and Q team do their magic.

22237271? ago

Executive order

Tax bill and businesses like Trump's pro business attitude

Definition changed to include losers with CP on their computer

Mostly conservative judges waiting nearly a decade so their replacement will be picked by a conservative

Literally nothing to do with Q, any of those

22255068? ago

"Literally nothing to do with Q, any of those..."

You're assuming the Q team and Q+ (POTUS) and these happenings aren't one and the same...

22256741? ago

I'm saying it's a bunch of stuff that any president could reasonably do. I don't see how any of it involves a high ranking military team trying to take down the deep state

22230921? ago

If this doesn't prove Q is real then I don't know what to tell you. This is some incredible information that only someone way high up in the chain would have. It's not just repeated, vague comments. There is a lot to unpack here. I'll be going into my Q bunker to dig through all this. Going to take days or weeks. Wish me luck

22256759? ago


Bravo, well done

22238460? ago

Just finished myself. <

22238415? ago

Post 3772 killed Q. There’s no running from that.

22260794? ago

Q is right on 3772. How their set up does not warrant a Federal Court injunction is beyond belief. Just because it is all technically correct does not mean it is not a violation of the voting rights act. Just because the CA Republicans enabled and allowed this outcome and they are the victims of it does not make it any less wrong or any less illegal.

22239016? ago

You upset, darling?

22238753? ago

Seriously asking. Why?

22238729? ago

no it did not, you're tripping

22238412? ago

It looks like Q is threatening our President. Time to shut down this bullshit now.

22238859? ago


22237891? ago

If anyone truly believes Q without question, that makes us as bad as the rabid left. Question all and never let your guard down. Blind faith is as dangerous on our side as the left. This drop proves nothing. It’s yet again shit anons know.

‘Watch the news’


22237780? ago

Rudy Giuliani tweets and a WSJ article are "incredible information only someone way high up would have". Huh.

22237216? ago

I'll be going into my Q bunker to dig through all this.

The essence of this movement is endorphin rushes in your basement and no arrests ever

22237899? ago

Seriously. A vast majority in here must be masochists. They keep pumping themselves up for Z E R O reward. No arrests. Open corruption unchecked. How can anyone here think this is winning?

22237705? ago

Your attempts at discouraging us are getting really boring, asshole.

22237903? ago

Don’t forget to reup your AARP membership.

22239767? ago

Dont forget that you're a faggot shekel nigger and Israel will be forced to open its borders to refugees

22259802? ago

Ummmm I constantly fall for the Israel kikes to be turned into fertilizer so whTs your angle you muzzie fuck?

22238002? ago

That's American. I'm not. Besides, old people frighten me.

22237896? ago

Scared to think he’s right? How’s your Q bunker? Aka your moms basement.

22237974? ago

Haven't had a Mom in decades, asswipe.

22259810? ago

She got lucky.

22246359? ago

Did she die from embarrassment?

22247689? ago

i bet your mother ate a bullet when she ralized what a buttfucking loser you are

22247788? ago

Buttfucking girls is a straight activity

Check. Mate.

22249315? ago

not when they are under 12 years old. pedo

22256778? ago

No, sexual orientation is based off gender, ya dummy

22259392? ago

holy shit, what a retard you are. what is your IQ? 12? same as your sexual preferences? yup i think so...

22259617? ago

My sexual preference is 12?

22259758? ago

12 year old little boys and girls. stop with your pathetic english grammer arguments. when you have nothing to say you point out spelling and grammatical errors. you shills are so worthless. kill yourself. you have no value to the world

22259817? ago

Well you support Alan Dershowitz, so I think you should support me too

22259830? ago

man you shills bounce to completely left field. out there alll by yourself? confused. lost with your pants pooling about your ankles.

22260434? ago

Just saying you seem to be treating one proven pedophile (Dershowitz) like he did nothing wrong, and you're treating the anonymous assumed pedophile (me) like shit.

Have some consistency in your beliefs, man

22260519? ago

i dont approve of dershowitz. at all

22231071? ago

Post #3772 sealed the fate of Q.

22235398? ago


22232202? ago

Like a baby throwing a tantrum.

22230807? ago

WOOOOOOOW!!!! These are amazing Q drops!! It's really happening this time!

22230035? ago

Hmmm comments indicate Q is a fraud. Better pack it up guys. Movement is done.

/s if that wasn't apparent.

22232367? ago

Says nobody.

22230868? ago

I hate niggers 100.

@Crensch is a kike!

22229528? ago

Twitter always putting preying medic at the top of tweets. Gotta funnel as many patriots as they can into the arms of that controlled op, limited hangout, MAGA coalition assclown as they can.

22229686? ago

I believe he’s sincere. It’s not his fault that Q is a fraud. He’s just been duped, like IPOT and X22. They’re good people who have been suckered is all.

22229758? ago

Fuck off kike. We know you jews own PM. I sat and watched the same IDs posting pro jewish copypasta on 8chan jump to his defense.

Plus he is pictured eating dinner with MAGA coalition in tempe AZ

And twitter promotes him more than the krassenstein bros.


22237324? ago

It's odd how mad you guys get at what should be at impossibility, since you already "have it all" and you've already won. It's like yelling at the sun for rising, right?

22237373? ago

I aint even mad doh

22230113? ago

Sounds like they know Q is fake and they promote him for that reason.

22230135? ago

Keep trying to push that

Its working

22229291? ago

Well it already happened, you guys missed it, you missed it all.

22229123? ago

Q didn’t even quote POTUS right. POTUS says “you’ll find out”, not “You’ll see!”



I love Q and follow all day every day, but this is the stuff that baffles me.

22257315? ago

maybe Q changed this by purpose?

Potus told US, the "digital soldiers", that we will "find out"

- actively, while doing OUR research.

Now he says "You will see".

  • means we are now going to "watch" something.

  • probably something that will confirm our own research.

22250795? ago

IMHO POTUS was being vague with his improvised answer (You'll find out) While Q implied that it would be something Visual.

22268146? ago

Kobe Bryant died.

22237928? ago

The foreign losers of Dem interns are getting sloppy with the Q posts. This psyop is so obvious and if the ‘all powerful Q’ was real, the mid terms would have been safe, 8chan wouldn’t have been destroyed, Trump wouldn’t have been impeached (symbolically or not), and the Jews flooding our country with low IQ parasites wouldn’t be succeeding so well all while propaganda is stronger than ever.

Q posts have been shit for years. Nothing of any significance. Only regurgitating what we already know and research.

This board is like r/politics. Sheep.

22238120? ago

Low energy! Try harder! c'mon, I know you can do better than that!

22259827? ago

Listen you kike geriatric. No one is more low energy than Qultists like you. Mid terms are safe, right goy? Enjoy bowing down to your psyop you fucking weak lemming. Try harder to not be a faggot. You can’t. Trust the plan.

22231127? ago

POTUS has probably been asked that question more than a few times, so it's more than likely he's answered it slightly differently at times.

22230939? ago

STFU, don't be that guy. Trump obviously said this to Q directly. Clear now faggot?

22231058? ago

Couldn’t have. You see, Q is a fake; a fraud; a stinky pile of Q.

(Sorry to burst your bubble.)

22235780? ago

Prove it.

22240199? ago

Post #3772.

22241933? ago

Nah, I live in Cali. The point of 3772 is accurate, even if the details were flawed.

They really do make it difficult for R's to register. Same thing for L's.

22230854? ago

I hate niggers 100.

@Crensch is a kike

22230827? ago

I mean they are effectively saying the same thing, but it not an exact quote. That is very curious. Did Q fuck up or is something more strange going on?

I'm still of the opinion that Q is a team in the Army.

22233352? ago

As long as it's not the navy or Marines. Both of those are used by the CIA to "fast track" people to Full bird so they can be the ship captain to transport the drugs and guns around the world and to run the programs. Think Oliver North, was point man on the Iran-Contra cocaine and gun running treason. Also the Tail Hook scandal. That was an initiation for receiving that rank. It was a party called "shell backing" or "dining in" where the one being promoted in the recipient of a homo gang bang. Oh yeah, they are fags. They get initiated in college in the coffin like at Skull and Bones etc. The ones who do more homo stuff get fast tracked faster. There are literally islands in the Aegean sea where they retire to where the whole town is them or people in the know.

22233023? ago

22237794? ago

Not likely at all.

22229560? ago

Yes, I came here to point exactly this. Very odd, I remember it word-for-word. Now going to find that video, and see if Mandela Effected again!

22260744? ago

Are we certain that Q is really Q, since 8chan went down?

22231439? ago

Play it again, Samantha.

22229600? ago

kek, you linked it, and it definitely says "you'll find out".

22229388? ago

Disinfo is necessary!!! Lol yeah he's not even trying anymore

22229591? ago

Post #3772 killed Q and Q knows it, hence why he never tried correcting the mistake. Now he’s just posting fodder to keep his sycophants licking his boots.

22228930? ago

So The Storm causes the slow drip to become a flood, got it.

22230457? ago

No. Just some idiots dont know what the greater sign is....

22229604? ago

lol foo.

22233168? ago

Damn, now I'm hungry for Chinese.

22228857? ago

It is apparent that the switch has flipped. President Trump recently did an exclusive interview on the Laura Ingraham Show. After that both she and Rush Limbaugh have been sharing a lot of new info as if it is new. They are hitting harder and harder, both with genuine positivity. The impeachment trial is where the world is watching...

22228611? ago

while the elite on both sides put on a show, the poor live in poverty, the homeless are just a number, and minorities create societies of hate. Q is doing nothing but defending the non actions against the other elites. Many of us see what Q is doing. The new world will not have room for everyone, please remember, not everyone is hypnotized by the cell phone, and video games. Stay strong patriots our time is now. prepare.

22232879? ago

Then why are you on here? Get off your ass and go out and work with the homeless. Go out and protest against banksters. Go to your legislature and demand usury laws be reinstated - or in some cases, enforced. I don't think this is just a show to keep people busy. I believe it truly is a great awakening and a lot of us are waking up to a place where we finally know what to say, what to do, and what needs to be done. You have two choices: stay on here and whine, or go out and take action to stop all the things you are upset about

22238879? ago

my solution is not PC and I am wise enough to keep the solution to myself.

22229638? ago

Negroes are poor because of their behavior.

22238140? ago

You are dumb because your mum huffed model glue in the 70's.

22228862? ago

It sure is frustrating to see this taking so long, but I liken it to trying to turn an aircraft carrier around....it's huge and takes a lot of time and effort to PERMANENTLY get it heading back in the right direction. The alternative would be to blow up the thing and launch a new one (that's always been Plan B).

Too many continue to suffer or die right now, but Plan B would result in unprecedented upheaval and death tolls in the millions...something that could take generations to recover from, with the potential risk that we never would. Let's give 2020 a try before we revert to 1776. And that is what "trust the plan" really means, imho...

22235676? ago

I concur. Ready to fight, but hoping to not have to.

22228665? ago

Q is doing something, but I agree with a lot of what you're saying. People are having family members die of cancer, while the elite get cured. We need to tip the scales to even NOW! Justice can come later, but at least end the suffering!

22229609? ago

Two of my cousins died of pancreatic cancer but RBG seems to be doing just fine

22228723? ago

Thank you for your reply.

22229231? ago

Thank you for your reply to my reply to your reply to the OP.

22228518? ago

Mornin Q

22229619? ago

Mornin Q! Tell us about #3772.

22230755? ago

You’ll find out.

22228304? ago

Why did VPOTUS Mike Pence turn his plane around in July 2019 Q?

22229554? ago

Yes, it had to do with a quid pro quo with Ukraine.

22229443? ago

Someone he was supposed to meet wound up being a drug dealer that was about to be indicted or something like that.

22229644? ago

He brought back heroin or something.

22228423? ago

Did we ever figure that out

22247706? ago


22255048? ago


22259406? ago

look it up. we arent baby sitters here.

22230862? ago

I hate niggers 100.

@Crensch is a kike.

22233295? ago

Well that certainly doesn’t have anything to do with Pence’s plane being turned around.

22233643? ago

Whenever damning info comes out, the shills like to plant hate „evidence“ to be used at a future date. The fabricated evidence is mostly against jews and blacks, and never backed by evidence of any kind.

22237519? ago

It’s ok to be black and it’s ok to be Jewish.

Fuck the fake nazis and actual nazis. Losers and useful idiots.

22228211? ago

https://archive.ph/biT1d :

Joe Zollo on Twitter: "BREAKING

Laura Ingraham investigation: Emails expose what Obama admin knew about Bidens and Burisma!

maga #tcot @fox29philly #QAnon #bloomberg #RT_com #cbsnews ⁦@RedEyeRadioNet⁩

⁦@MaryWalterRadio⁩ ⁦@gatewaypundit⁩ ⁦@dbongino⁩ t.co/IjRbkd6ED6"

This has been an automated message.

22237283? ago

Excuse me while nobody gives a shit