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22222936? ago

I take no credit for this, This is accepted by anons on Qresearch as best explanation Notable on bread 10085

Castle clean refers to a Chess move. Iy is Q's way of letting us know that POTUS is clear to castle (not in check) nor would he pass through check by castling. Nor end up in check after castling. These are the rules. I mean come on! Just look at the photo. To me you are clearly looking at a representation of a King and two Castles. I believe that in this scenario Castling means to turn the tables on impeachment and bring demoncrat corruption to light and into the legal record. AG Barr created a new Commision today and swore in 17 new new commissioners. When you castle, if your king is on a dark square he ends up on a light one. Dark to Light.

22224394? ago

Maybe it is a chess move, but 1/22/2020 is also a very special day, and "Castle Clean" also contains a code:

Castle Clean

559 Saw Mill Rd

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

(717) 691-0777

Check my post here:

22224736? ago

Lmao jesus christ SB2 isnt your numbers cult large enough