22228941? ago

JFKs vision of camelot?

22226330? ago

I wonder if this means Pence is resigning?

22225397? ago

Time to make irrational assertions about a POTUS tweet... you people stupid.

22225085? ago

Red Castle, Green Castle, Clean Castle

22224371? ago

People still need q proofs? Q still feels the need to prove himself? Seems needy/desperate. Proof is there, move on... Unless it's for newcomers, which makes me wonder if it's all a campaign stunt.

22226384? ago

new people coming every day.

22224416? ago

Q is almost certainly associated directly with Trump, who is obviously a jewish asset. You don't sell your entire family to the jews if you're about to destroy them.

22226396? ago

he knows exactly that it's not 'the jew'. 'the jew' all the retarded moo-joo goats moan about are not jews, they are luciferians, and they have nothing in common with the hassidic jew next door.

22231556? ago

So, that's the story now? Sure, I can see why it'd be worth throwing everything at the wall to see what sticks. But yeah, no.

22224185? ago


Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Attorney General William P. Barr Announces the Establishment of the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice

Today, Attorney General William P. Barr announced the establishment of the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice. On Oct. 28, 2019, President Donald J. Trump signed Executive Order No. 13896, authorizing and designating the Attorney General to create such a Commission that would explore modern issues affecting law enforcement that most impact the ability of American policing to reduce crime.

“There is no more noble and important profession than law enforcement. A free and safe society requires a trusted and capable police force to safeguard our rights to life and liberty,” said Attorney General William P. Barr. “But as criminal threats and social conditions have changed the responsibilities and roles of police officers, there is a need for a modern study of how law enforcement can best protect and serve American communities. This is why the President instructed me to establish this critical Commission, whose members truly reflect the best there is in law enforcement. Together, we will examine, discuss, and debate how justice is administered in the United States and uncover opportunities for progress, improvement, and innovation.”

The Executive Order instructs the Commission to conduct its study by focusing on the law enforcement officers who are tasked with reducing crime on a daily basis. It also directs the Commission to research “important current issues facing law enforcement and the criminal justice system,” and recommends a variety of subjects for study, such as, but not limited to:

The challenges to law enforcement associated with mental illness, homelessness, substance abuse, and other social factors that influence crime and strain criminal justice resources;

The recruitment, hiring, training, and retention of law enforcement officers, including in rural and tribal communities;

Refusals by State and local prosecutors to enforce laws or prosecute categories of crimes;

The need to promote public confidence and respect for the law and law enforcement officers; and

The effects of technological innovations on law enforcement and the criminal justice system, including the challenges and opportunities presented by such innovations.

The Commission will principally conduct its study through a series of hearings, panel presentations, field visits, and other public meetings. At these events, the Commission will hear from subject matter experts, public officials, private citizens, and other relevant stakeholders and institutions who can provide valuable insight into these issues.

The Commissioners, appointed by the Attorney General and announced today, are urban police chiefs, state prosecutors, county sheriffs, members of rural law enforcement, federal agents, U.S. Attorneys, and a state attorney general. In addition to their diverse experiences and backgrounds, each member brings to the Commission an expertise in formulating and shaping law enforcement policy and leading police departments and law enforcement organizations.

Commissioners on the Presidential Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice include:

Chair: Phil Keith, Director, Community Oriented Policing Services

Vice-Chair: Katharine Sullivan, Principal Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Office of Justice Programs

David Bowdich, Deputy Director, Federal Bureau of Investigation

Donald Washington, Director, United States Marshals Services

Regina Lombardo, Acting Director, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms & Explosives

Erica Macdonald, United States Attorney, District Of Minnesota

D. Christopher Evans, Chief of Operations, Drug Enforcement Administration

James Clemmons, Sheriff, Richmond County, North Carolina

Frederick Frazier, City Council, McKinney, Texas/ Police Officer, Dallas Police Department

Robert Gualtieri, Sheriff, Pinellas County, Florida

Gina Hawkins, Chief of Police, Fayetteville, North Carolina

Ashley Moody, Florida Attorney General

Nancy Parr, Commonwealth’s Attorney, Chesapeake, Virginia

Craig Price, South Dakota Secretary of Public Safety

Gordon Ramsay, Chief of Police, Wichita, Kansas

David B. Rausch, Director, Tennessee Bureau of Investigation

John Samaniego, Sheriff, Shelby County, Alabama

James Smallwood, Police Officer, Nashville Metropolitan Police Department

The Commission will meet monthly for the next year and then report its findings to the Attorney General, who will submit a final report to the President.

22223826? ago

Maybe out of left field, maybe not (multiple meanings):

Castle Clean

559 Saw Mill Rd

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

(717) 691-0777


Anything fishy going on near Mechanicsburg, PA, that required "cleaning"?

22224437? ago

That's right on the edge of Amish country.

22224376? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/QRV comment.

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22224373? ago

ON IT . 17 0 55 = Q 5:5



22227105? ago


... and a 17 in the zip code !

22231078? ago

Area CODE. IT IMPLIES # are a code occult hidden in plain sight this hole time.

take care annon.

22224354? ago

Yes you are correct, it seems you are the only one who has a clue to the hint Q made here... I just made a post about what you just mentioned: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3621526

22225911? ago

Excellent work!

22223327? ago

Obviously a chess reference.

22223065? ago

This is so dumb.

22222936? ago

I take no credit for this, This is accepted by anons on Qresearch as best explanation Notable on bread 10085

Castle clean refers to a Chess move. Iy is Q's way of letting us know that POTUS is clear to castle (not in check) nor would he pass through check by castling. Nor end up in check after castling. These are the rules. I mean come on! Just look at the photo. To me you are clearly looking at a representation of a King and two Castles. I believe that in this scenario Castling means to turn the tables on impeachment and bring demoncrat corruption to light and into the legal record. AG Barr created a new Commision today and swore in 17 new new commissioners. When you castle, if your king is on a dark square he ends up on a light one. Dark to Light.

22231138? ago

And here's me thinking it was because Big Earred Chuck was in Davos. Eh.

22227348? ago

The end is not true. The white king moves from a dark square to another dark square, mo matter which way he castles...


See for yourself. This castling explanation is a bad one if you're talking about dark to light...

22224394? ago

Maybe it is a chess move, but 1/22/2020 is also a very special day, and "Castle Clean" also contains a code:

Castle Clean

559 Saw Mill Rd

Mechanicsburg, PA 17055

(717) 691-0777

Check my post here: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3621526

22224736? ago

Lmao jesus christ SB2 isnt your numbers cult large enough

22224096? ago

King and two Castles

King and two rooks

22224053? ago

All good except for the last part; the king moves 2 squares, so it remains on the same color.

22225629? ago

It’s also a defensive move. No one has ever castled on offense.

22225243? ago

Unless it’s a queenside castle?

22226999? ago

The king still moves two squares, but in a queenside castle the rook moves an additional square. Which in that case makes sense, the rook does go dark to light.

So... Who/what is the rook, then?

22227357? ago

If the king only moves 2 squares, he stays on the same color square as he started on... dark to dark... this guy doesnt know chess.

22224981? ago

Agreed. They don’t know shit.

22224289? ago


22225246? ago

Ahh, queen side castle is different from king side castle.

22223124? ago

great explanation

22224988? ago

Sure, for the mentally challenged.

22226277? ago

then I take it you understand the explanation despite your disability.

22222776? ago

The house isn't the White House, its America

22222700? ago

Did anyone just leave the white house? Whoever it is may have been the last remnants of the deep state in his “castle”

22223917? ago

Yes. NSC member (European and Russian Affairs) Andrew Peek was escorted out a few days ago. A "security issue."


22222665? ago

3 downvoats right on queue. Their bots are extremely predictable.

22222434? ago

Think this has to do with removing Peekerhead whatsit. Cant remember his name. Dont care either. Another maroon out the door.

22223930? ago

Andrew Peek.

22224212? ago

Peek peck. Tomato tomaato. Lol thx 😎

22222315? ago

Delta is simply a mathematical symbol meaning “change” or “difference”.

22222286? ago

I thought the White House was already clean.

I wonder if this means a REAL castle is clean.

Royal Family?

22223060? ago

I was hoping one of the Alphabets got cleaned.

22222282? ago

Then let’s get it on!

22221645? ago

...I really hope they're sure!

22221516? ago

I think these might be important. especially the " H is the House of Reps.".. drop




22221280? ago

10 minute delta T12228 4:46 Q 3782 4:56

22221225? ago

Once you get your house in order "then" you can begin helping others get theirs in order.

22223952? ago

Didn’t know Jordan Peterson was an anon.

22223398? ago

Please help Canada! We're absolutely cucked beyond belief.




22223969? ago

Sorry, Colorado needs help first!

22223645? ago

couldn't agree more.

22225662? ago

Colorado is the next Virginia and the city council is infiltrated this time around.

22226756? ago

Which saddens me greatly. They took over my home state and are turning it into another California.

22234581? ago

CdeBaca or what ever her name has openly admitted to advocating for communism on camera and instilling it by any mean necessary.

Use your tongue and intellect and contact them all via email and the general inbox. We are not hiding, we love our country , we want transparency of where politicians get funding both before they are elected and after.

22221890? ago

Clean your room.

22224080? ago

Febreze your butthole.

22222006? ago

Wash your penis.

22222707? ago

If you’re circumcised it requires much less cleaning.

22225496? ago

No amount of cleaning your penis will EVER bring your foreskin back... And besides, I think I rather spend a few extra seconds washing my penis than have my peepee blood drank by a chosen-raced mohel.

22222856? ago


22222541? ago

Can't you do it mom??

22223978? ago

Only if your arms are broken, dear.

22222079? ago

First, wash your penis, then clean your room, then get your shit in order... and only then can you begin to help others.

22221364? ago

Applies to everything

22221052? ago

What relevance is "delta", or the symbol? I get that there was a 17 minute gap, but if it was a 30 minute gap, could you just as easily mention whatever that is? Did "delta", or delta symbol, come up anywhere?

22221416? ago

A Delta is a measurement between things. If q posts at 1:20, and PDJT posts at 1:25, there's a 5 min delta

22224470? ago


1.MATHEMATICS - variation of a variable or function.

2.MATHEMATICS - a finite increment.

22221068? ago

Detla is military talk for 'Delay'

The triangle symbol is a Delta symbol.

22223228? ago

Delta, to me, has always meant amount of change/difference in whatever units one is working.

I found it useful to apply the term "offset" to Delta personally.

22221102? ago

That's not true at all. In science and math, "delta" refers to CHANGE. The delta, or change between the two posts was 17 minutes. Delta doesnt mean delay at all. Delta is however the military phoenitic for "D".

22222658? ago

So, "delta-t" could be a change in time - like a delay?

22222601? ago

There is a lot of meaning to delta, but in regard to Q, it simply means delay.

22222845? ago

I'm someone else but it really means "difference" as in, the delta between 5 and 12 is 7; the difference between 5 and 12, is also 7.

It's from physics. Makes sense that not a lot have been exposed to it.

22221089? ago

So is 17 minutes a typical "delay"? I'm trying to figure out relevance of all this.

22222810? ago

17 is gematria for Q. 17th letter of English alphabet.

22222635? ago

No, 17 =Q.

Typically, Deltas we are advised to watch for are:

0, 5, 10 and 15.

Plus there are 1, 2 and possibly mighty even have 3 year (in the future) delta posts.

Posts ahead of time, 1 year to three day for example, are proof of Project Looking Glass.

22221766? ago

Delta = Change or difference between so like temperature change of 70 to 65 degrees would be a delta of 5

22221332? ago

This is the "subtle" way or signifying a coincidence, and coincidence is an inside joke that there are no coincidences.

Similar to "Look at harry showing the masonic hidden hand in his photos". It's for people that read between the lines

22221212? ago

17 is the number we understand is appearing a lot. Q = 17th letter. Trump held a Jersey with 17 on it a few months ago. Several articles in the media reference 17. It's like a massive synchronicity event.

22221903? ago

Ah, thanks!

22222860? ago

No one ever keeps track of other common deltas so people think 17 is common

22221179? ago

17th letter of the alphabet is Q. Trump posted right after Q's post. Sometimes the difference is only seconds, meaning that the posts and related tweets possibly originated from the same people.

22221046? ago

What's interesting is the .jpg file name. Starts with EO, Executive Order.

22221019? ago

Shit man it took them 3 fucking years to clean out the swamp from the white house alone.

22221160? ago

Search qmap for posts related to patriots being in control, order brought back, old guard lost control, etc.. It’s the same post just phrased differently at different time periods. I’m sure some numerologist will calculate some correlation between the deltas of those and make some proof of it.

22225002? ago

Hey! Q is fake. Try again.

22222965? ago

They'll spend days on their number wheels while at the same time chanting 'symbolism will be their downfall'.

Irony overload

22222843? ago

Get your truth bullshit outta here. Downvoting for honesty.

22221146? ago

Plus God knows how many years of planning beforehand.

22220770? ago

Nice job.

22221023? ago

I don't know what this post means but I could use a job and it starts with a b!!!

22222570? ago

Ed Buck?

22221814? ago


22221039? ago

Bar patron?

22220650? ago

I have only 8 minute delta on them.

Q-Post: Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 22 Jan 2020 - 10:56:13 PM

Tweet: Donald J. Trump 22 Jan 2020 - 11:04:40 PM