22221175? ago


During more than 33 years in public service

"33" just has to be a signal or message of some sort to those with eyes to see

22219502? ago


22219602? ago


Politics | Why Donald Trump's Impeachment Senate Trial begins January 21, 2020


Personally, I find it easier to believe that it’s ALL organic than “the guys from the lodge” (thanks Quantum of Conscience) are calling in orders to rig everything.

I say that because the dimensions of the deceit are just too immense for me to imagine all the “guys from the lodge” that would have to be involved to orchestrate such a vast volume of deceit. I understand Zack’s objection to that thinking, insisting it’s just too obvious sometimes that actual people are involved in making sure there’s a particular outcome.

But my counter (to Zach’s counter) is that yes, there’s an intelligence involved in the orchestrated outcome(s), it just not a HUMAN intelligence. I actually find it much easier to believe there’s an intelligence involved, but rather than a HUMAN intelligence, I am of the opinion that it’s a SPIRITUAL or satanic intelligence.

That’s what’s going on here. There’s a classic duel underway between good and evil that’s just out of sight in the spiritual realm. Sadly, as a Christian, I understand that, at least for now, this is Satan’s realm and for a season at least, he has the upper hand.

The Freemasons and other secret societies are working in league with the forces of darkness in the spiritual realm to orchestrate all manner of affairs and the patterns and codes that Zack is deciphering are built into the fabric of their realm. In other words, IT IS ORGANIC.

Of course, from time to time, Christians will pray against those forces and the forces of good may overcome the forces of darkness, but only for a time and on a case by case basis. Absent that, the satanic forces of evil are prevailing and those are the recurring patterns constructed in accordance with the Gematria codes that Zack has learned to decipher and share with us.

So yes, I find that easier to accept than the massive amount of rigging, fixing and orchestrating of games, elections, current events, etc., by “the boys down at the lodge” calling in to the media, team owners, players, politicians, etc. that would be necessary if I believed in the alternative view.

Sticks-of-TNT 🧨 01.21.20

Zach's Letters & Numbers $5 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?v=1gKSk7eLMXY&event=video_description&q=https%3A%2F%2Fzacharyhubbard.selz.com%2Fitem%2F5c8d9302701f5d0dfcfef8b2&redir_token=B9qKYBATUp_7I2Hd4b2BhAkHohl8MTU3OTgxNDY2MEAxNTc5NzI4MjYw

22218958? ago

It is interesting. It maps billions of sentences into a small group of numbers, such as 1-10,000 or 1-100000. There millions or billions of possible sentences have the same numeric signature.

Gematria shows you sentences that other people have tried that had the same signature. It shows the most common matches at the top of the list.

So you are basically looking at what other people were curious about.

It is pretty fun for a short time.

22218352? ago

Yes, several ways:

One, when you don't have an idea, just grab whatever texts from Trump or another party you want to "decode," and put it into Gematrix. Read through a bunch of the hundreds or more of suggested phrases that add to the same number, and pick those that fit the narrative you want to push.

Two, do the reverse, make a phrase of your own devising that pushes the narrative you've decided on, and now go back and find a Trump tweet or whatever that adds to the same. Not that hard to do, with blind guesswork you'll only have to try a hundred or couple hundred candidate phrases, and as you get better you'll spot likely candidates pretty easily and won't have to try that many.

Three, you pick the Trump or other phrases and pick a particular word you want to be included, such as Clinton let's say. You find what the Trump phrase adds to and then Clinton phrase adds to, and now you know what you need for the rest of the phrase.

As you become more facile with bullshit, you'll know the gematria of common words like "and," "but," "the," and various others and it won't take you long at all to devise phrases with "Clinton" it that seem to make sense and push your narrative.

Many a gematria poster I have "proved" by their methods and sections of their text or their username to be Satanists and the like. It is easy to make anything mean anything with their methods. Whatever phrases they claim Trump was encoding, hundreds or thousands of other phrases are equally "encoded," that is to say, not encoded at all, just pure bullshit.

22218304? ago

You multiply the lies by 100 and divide by 17.

22218267? ago

Serial Brain 2 can help on Reddit

22218625? ago

Yep, SB2's decodes are the best i've seen when it comes to gematria Q decoding!

He's here on Voat too: https://voat.co/v/theawakening/3524942

22218247? ago

A bunch of Jewish mumbo-jumbo mysticism bullshit based on Kabbalah.