22218283? ago

Why does it seem that he is panicking?

22217831? ago

He's pulling a Chirac. Such a poser !

22217772? ago

Frenchie's getting angry! Somebody get a baguette and a cig for the guy.

22217459? ago

A bug in the MKULTRA programming.

22217229? ago

התיעוד הוא לפי סעיף 27/א לחוק זכויות היוצרים?

22217196? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/2x628 :

כאן חדשות on Twitter: ""אתם לא מכבדים את החוקים" - נשיא צרפת עמנואל מקרון התעמת עם שוטרים בעיר העתיקה בירושלים | תיעוד

@AmichaiStein1… "

This has been an automated message.

22217118? ago

'Respect the rules, they are for centuries.. They will not change with me..' What on earth is he on about..?

Secondly, why is everyone suddenly going to Israel this week.? Prince Charles is going there after his little meeting with cheesy Greta too.

22228015? ago

I think his mum and dad have Jew connections, he was a 14 yr old boy and he met his wife of 40 yrs of age?

22217253? ago

A Jewish woman gave birth to the anti-Christ, they are all there to view it.

22220335? ago

And maybe get a nibble. I mean you don't eat a baby like that all at once, right?

22218354? ago

got some saucey sauce? I mean hell, if you believe anyone on Voat ... the jews ARE the anti-Christ.

22218030? ago

Whaaa? Wouldn't that be something

22217454? ago


22217083? ago

Look at macrons history. His "wife" or better known as his old lady is his handler. I feel sorry for that "man".

23302947? ago

what happened to France? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3753906/23302349

22217022? ago

Him and trudeau are straight traitors to their countries yet are still so full of themselves. France and Canada are literally actively trying to bring in so many animals from other countries to replace the existing Whites. It's all so crazy

22219311? ago

my entire town went from one to now being completely overpopulated in less than a year. The college here also got some special status, so now any student can bring their entire family over. Its nuts

22218116? ago

And Jews are the main global faction who have advocated for mass migration.