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22216783? ago

that was an awesome video, thanks for sharing🇺🇸

and does anyone know what type of video editor they're using? I like the transitions and T.V. frames.

22218093? ago

The creator commented here, let me link your comment to them and see if they'll answer. Their comment:

22222066? ago

thanks, and great to know that we hang out with such talented people;)

22222111? ago

Nice Digits fren! 22 22 22 22 is rapidly approaching, and I want to know what it is. :)

22226401? ago

DID you find 22222222 i want to see it

god gave me the number222222

22230657? ago

I think I can find it. I had both 22 22 22 21, and 22 22 22 29. And, I saved them both so I am able to get the metadata from them (i.e., date/timestamp). So, if I use to do a search for all comment between those times, I should be able to get the one in question.

Okay, 22 22 22 21 was submitted at 2020-01-23 01:00:01.

22 22 22 29 was submitted at 01:00:33.

Those times are Eastern, and the search box wants UTC. Currently, Eastern is +4:00, so the search is on 2020-01-22 between 21:00:01 and 21:00:33. That found some comments, but not mine; and, the numbers were lower. Guess the search box doesn't really use "UTC", it uses my current timezone. Okay, change to 2020-01-23 between 01:00:01 and 01:00:33 -- and I find my comment!

So, here's the 22 22 22 22 comment:

Turns out -- it was submitted by a bot! :)

22236074? ago

please watch these two


and paul revere midknight ride

thank you KEYHOLDER !

22230873? ago




22230930? ago


? Thanks!

22231040? ago


Peace Prosperity and Love Light.

can also be mirrored :P

love light & peace prosperity.

the letter N i nearly the same in either direction same with the & symbol except it is almost an 8 for infinty , but has and two exits to the loop.