22225936? ago

After a Qanon video, youtube always comes with FOX NEWS videos... be aware

22225344? ago

Damn....that was good!

22225006? ago

Whoever made that, bravo!

22224491? ago

That is epic! So well done. My only suggestion is to not truncate JFK’s speech so abruptly there was more worth repeating

22223721? ago

Its not epic what so ever, not a single glaring Q proof to be seen. If this is supposed to wake up normies then it fails?

22223115? ago

For those that hate the music, listen to the real song (not the redux) ... that song made Living Color never able to get on radio again. “They’ll tell you one and one makes three ... only YOU can set YOU free” and many other beautiful quotes. Living Colour - “Cult of Personality”

22221759? ago

This was great.

22221682? ago

Interesting.... that YouTube user Awakening Greatly joined Jan 17, 2020. References 2-17-2020. No other videos posted. Is this video is original? Has it been posted anywhere else?

Clearly the creator of the video has lots of experience in video editing and telling a story through news clips like that. Well made and marketed to the right group to gain traction.

For me, long time Q follower, I'm giving little to the 2-17-20 date without further proofs or evidence. Not worth wasting time on what it could mean when there is not enough known about the source. But interesting nonetheless.

22221047? ago


22220978? ago

That's some good shit! Kinda has a Carpe Donktum style to it.

22220277? ago

Great video and love the music too.

22219887? ago

Eh I wouldn't show this to any newfags. This is for us to get excited about but not to introduce anyone to Q.

22219734? ago

Great video, thanks.

22219418? ago

Ask the Q. 2-17-2020 State of the Union





22219299? ago

Very nicely done. I am looking forward to the full video release.

22218755? ago

Thanks for sharing! Subbed #977.

22218459? ago

Great video.

Think about this; These fake-ass C_A journalists ask the most dumb-ass bullshit questions of 45 every chance they get. Not one of them will ask about Q. Not one. They’ll claim to debunk Q on their tv shows and controlled news programs but not one has asked 45 about Q direct.


Because they already know and they’re scared shitless. MAGA!!

22218167? ago

A few thoughts:

Brian Stelter said in the voice of a 9YO girl, thank you Mark Dice for that.

The more the MSM talks the more likely they move people into Trump's orbit.

At a rally if Trump came onto stage to Living Color Cult of Personality, the MSM would expel fluids from all openings simultaneously.

/i'd pay-per-view to watch that on a loop

22218147? ago

That's just excellent.

Waking people up.

22218082? ago

Q = Question, question everything?

22218061? ago

Qanon: the only cult in the world with no leader, full of people who've never met and who simply research and think for themselves ... and haven't even handed over their money nor their first born.

22218111? ago

Well, one of us handed over some money -- Digits bought NMBRFG a laptop...

22220033? ago

That was generous of Digits. Nice going. Our community in general are good peeps.

22220152? ago

Nice Digits yourself, fren! :)

22217945? ago

Looks shady - the DS disinformation agents are behind this video!!

22218149? ago

fuck off it looks great. you cant sage a thread on QRV faggot. go home to leftist plebbit you stupid cunt

22225955? ago

Dumbass faggot

22217807? ago

Why did you not provide a link i copied and pasted what you have written and it just takes me to a page of how to delete extra spaces in microsoft word. Its pretty easy to copy the actual link in future could you please do that?

22219111? ago

For some reason, QRV and Firefox do not play well. Youtube links do not show up on QRV at all for some people, unless a space is put in.

22220059? ago

Does anyone actually know why YT links are not allowed on QRV?

22217488? ago

The date fagging ... the date fagging <sigh> Great video though.

22217203? ago


22217150? ago

Holy fuck if Trump brings up Q during the state of the union I’m going to fucking flip my tendies!!

22216859? ago

Great video

22216783? ago

that was an awesome video, thanks for sharing🇺🇸

and does anyone know what type of video editor they're using? I like the transitions and T.V. frames.

22218093? ago

The creator commented here, let me link your comment to them and see if they'll answer. Their comment: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3620515/22217551

22222066? ago

thanks, and great to know that we hang out with such talented people;)

22222111? ago

Nice Digits fren! 22 22 22 22 is rapidly approaching, and I want to know what it is. :)

22226401? ago

DID you find 22222222 i want to see it

god gave me the number222222

22230657? ago

I think I can find it. I had both 22 22 22 21, and 22 22 22 29. And, I saved them both so I am able to get the metadata from them (i.e., date/timestamp). So, if I use searchvoat.co to do a search for all comment between those times, I should be able to get the one in question.

Okay, 22 22 22 21 was submitted at 2020-01-23 01:00:01.

22 22 22 29 was submitted at 01:00:33.

Those times are Eastern, and the search box wants UTC. Currently, Eastern is +4:00, so the search is on 2020-01-22 between 21:00:01 and 21:00:33. That found some comments, but not mine; and, the numbers were lower. Guess the search box doesn't really use "UTC", it uses my current timezone. Okay, change to 2020-01-23 between 01:00:01 and 01:00:33 -- and I find my comment!

So, here's the 22 22 22 22 comment: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3621284/22222222

Turns out -- it was submitted by a bot! :)

22236074? ago

please watch these two


and paul revere midknight ride


thank you KEYHOLDER !

22230873? ago




22230930? ago


? Thanks!

22231040? ago


Peace Prosperity and Love Light.

can also be mirrored :P

love light & peace prosperity.

the letter N i nearly the same in either direction same with the & symbol except it is almost an 8 for infinty , but has and two exits to the loop.


22216601? ago

We need more videos like this! I watched the 2 hour q proof video, it was good, but short and sweet videos with music like this are way more powerful!

22218769? ago

The music sucked, way too distracting, otherwise yeah, great video.

22218072? ago

I watched the 2 hour q proof video,

do you have a link to it?

22218146? ago


I think both kinds of video are extremely valuable. The short and sweet videos capture new eyes, and then the proof video gets them caught up. Although 2 hours is long, it saves a newcomer to Q hundreds of hours of research.

22218120? ago

Sorry I can’t post links, but the channel on YouTube is called Conspiracy No More, title of video is Ultimate QProofs - Volume 1. Amazing video ^

22216591? ago

QAnon has already been exposed as a CIA Op.

22218162? ago

baseless claim asshole.

22217042? ago

Lol. Glow harder.

22217053? ago

― Socrates “When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser.”

22217303? ago

There was no debate, just a baseless claim.

22216718? ago

When? Where? Link?

22216778? ago

You should of already figured it out. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3620625

22235286? ago

Should of? Might wanna head back to school. In the meantime, go ahead and debunk some stuff for us.

Go ahead and tell us how a LARP can tweet just prior to POTUS at will. Tell us how he knew to enlighten folks about Epstein's mossad ops 2 years prior to his arrest. Tell us all how this larper knew voting registers would be purged a year in advance. How cures for cancer would be wrestled from big pharma. Tell us all, in detail, how Biden's Ukraine setup wasn't a conflict of interest. Tell us why MSM has spent millions to try to dissuade people from looking at Q, but the won't ask Trump about it. Explain why you believe that powerful, wealthy people - for the first time in history - AREN'T conspiring to keep themselves above everyone else.

You people are transparent. Everyone knows why you're here spreading weak trash. Mock away. Your bosses won't be able to pay you soon.

22235396? ago

Epstein's behaviors was well known back in 08. Nothing new there. Nothing was purged. NY and Cali giving illegals rights to vote. Cures for Cancer. We have AI doing that. Just a handful are being slowed down not cured.

Wow you are brain warped.

Drop #1 “claimed that “HRC extradition [was] already in motion effective yesterday with several countries in case of cross border run” with

Drop #2 alleging “HRC detained, not arrested (yet)” and that there would be “massive riots organized in defiance and others fleeing the US.”


Drop #15 to predict that John Podesta would be indicted on Nov. 3, 17 and Clinton aide Huma Abedin indicted on Nov. 6, 17.


Drop #25 that proof of his predictions would “begin 11.3, 18.” Again, the only significant event of this day was the president leaving for Asia. Drop #32, Q claimed that the “initial wave [of arrests] will be fast and meaningful,” with many members of the media “jailed as deep cover agents.”


Drop #34 unveiled a host of predictions for what Q claimed would happen imminently. He claimed that “over the course of the next several days you will undoubtedly realize that we are taking back our great country.” He claimed that everything he’d been talking about in secret “will then be revealed and will not be openly accepted,” resulting in “public riots.”


Drop #38 continued with the conspiracy fantasizing, predicting “other state actors attempting to harm us during this transition,” along with “increased military movement,” “[National Guard] deployments starting tomorrow, and “false flags.”


Drop #44 that “before POTUS departs on Friday he will be sending an important message via Twitter,” used Drop #47 to warn his readers to “be vigilant today and expect a major false flag,” and claimed in Drop #55 that President Trump would unleash the massive military purge (now nicknamed “The Storm”) with a tweet reading “My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us…….”


Drop #61: that there would be “Twitter and other social media blackouts” that would accompany the massive deep state purge. Drop #65, Q claimed “it has begun,” with Drop #67 predicting that news of John Podesta’s military plane being “forced down” “will be leaked” with a prominent “fake news anchor” being pulled off the air.


On Dec. 10, 17 Q predicted in Drop #326 that “false flag(s)” would occur, with “POTUS 100% insulated” and to “expect fireworks.”


Drop #647, Q seemed to predict a major event involving the Department of Defense for Feb. 1, 18, calling it the “[D]ay [Of] [D]ays.”


A few days after that fizzled, Q insinuated in Drop #700 that the weekend of Feb. 10. 18 and 1 would be a “suicide weekend” for individuals targeted by the president. There were no high-profile suicides by public figures that weekend.


Drop #796 was a post full of quasi-military chatter that seemed to predict a possible car bombing in London around Feb. 18, 18. No terrorist attack of any type happened in London at all that month.


As talk of President Trump’s military parade ramped up, Q predicted in Drop #856 that “a parade that will never be forgotten” would take place on 11/11/18. That parade has now been postponed until next year due to costs, and likely won’t take place at all.


Then, in Drop #912, Q claimed that the intelligence sharing alliance known as “Five Eyes” “won’t be around much longer.” As of August 2018, it is still in effect.


Drop #997 predicted on April 3, 18 that the Pope would “have a terrible May.” The closest to this that happened was the resignation of several Chilean bishops in June after Pope Francis criticized them over their handling of a sex abuse scandal.


On April 7, 2018 Q made a cryptic post in Drop #1067 that read simply “China. Chongqing. Tuesday.” The next Tuesday was April 10, 18 and no newsworthy event took place on that day in that city.


Drop #1302 on April 27, 2018 Q claimed a “Mother of All Bombs” related to negotiations with North Korea would be “dropped” in the next week. Never happened again.

Q predicted on March 5 in Drop #854 that “HRC +++ + +++++(raw vid 5:5)” [sic] would soon emerge, and that it would be the “nail in many coffins.” She went on a tour with William Clinton.


Q predicted in Drop #1043 that “pics will surface of Hussein holding AK47 in tribal attire,” and insinuated in two April drops that photos of Obama with a young girl named “Wendy” would appear and open him up to charges of pedophilia. No such pictures have ever appeared.


Q predicted John McCain’s resignation from the Senate as “imminent” several times, including Drop #1319 and Drop #1850, as well as predicting the “end near” in Drop #1555. Only this week did McCain announce he would stop seeking treatment for cancer.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=23 https://qmap.pub/?pg=19 https://qmap.pub/?pg=14

On April 4, 18 Q claimed in Drop #1014 that Mark Zuckerberg was going to step down as chair of Facebook and flee the United States. The same day Q predicted this, Zuckerberg reiterated that he was NOT going to step down—and he still hasn’t.


Q has also made some fizzled predictions about Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey, saying “goodbye” to him in Drops #525 and #598, insinuating that Dorsey would be removed from Twitter in Drop #799, predicting in Drop #1102 that Dorsey was “next”

https://qmap.pub/?pg=36 https://qmap.pub/?pg=35 https://qmap.pub/?pg=27

Q’s use of the phrase “next week” to denote the occurrence of something important started with Drop #243 when Q told his followers “just wait until next week” without making any kind of claim as to what was going to happen. It would be the first of over a dozen times Q would kick the can down the road to “next week.”


In Drop #464: Q vaguely predicted a “BIG NEXT WEEK” on Jan. 5, 18 doubling down in Drop #527, predicting “Next Week – BIGGER,” repeating the claim three drops later.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=37 https://qmap.pub/?pg=36

Drop #1594 became one of Q’s most famous blown predictions, as he claimed that July would be “the month the world discovered the TRUTH.”


After not posting for about three weeks, Q posted in Drop #1687 that “something BIG is about to drop” with links to various press articles about QAnon. He made the exact same claim in Drops #1708, 1748, and 1802.

https://qmap.pub/?pg=17 https://qmap.pub/?pg=16 https://qmap.pub/?pg=15

QAnon baked a whole loaf of lies March 10 2018 alone.

No Storm.

No perfect storm.

No Crisis.

No it's not coming.

How many times have you brainwashed Q-tist's predicted it's coming? Too many times to count.

What’s supposed to happen? Absolutely NOTHING.

But as Q would say, enjoy the show.

You folks are being Larp'd by the DS Illuminati Cabal.

Red October – FAIL,

Sessions – FAIL.

Mattis - FAIL.

Kelly - FAIL.

Huber - FAIL.


Obama in GITMO – FAIL

Hillary in GITMO – FAIL

Brennan in GITMO – FAIL

Clapper in GITMO – FAIL

Stzrok in GITMO – FAIL

Page in GITMO – FAIL

Steele in GITMO – FAIL

Baker in GITMO – FAIL

Lynch in GITMO - FAIL

Q-anon Update 12/3/2018 THE WORLD IS ABOUT TO CHANGE – HUBER FISA Doc release - FAIL

Wednesday, December 5, often presented as #D5.- FAIL

1-1-19: National Emergency. FAIL

Hey Q - How is everyone going to celebrate the 11-11-2018 failed prediction?

Needless to say, none of what Q predicted in his first 3500+ posts took place. The National Guard was never called up, mass arrests never took place, Hillary Clinton and John Podesta weren’t detained, Donald Trump never sent a tweet mentioning “The Storm,” and the Emergency Alert System wasn’t activated.

You have not seen one shred of evidence or proof that anyone is going after the so called Elites. Although you have seen Manafort, Flynn, Stone, Gates, Pinedo, Alex van der Zwaan, Cohen, and Papadopoulos all go down.

Meanwhile Obummer, Shiton, Podesta, Comey, Clapper, Brennan, Stzrok, Page, Steele, McCabe, Lynch, Yates, and the Ohr's all walk free. All of em involved in the Soft Coup of the President have been protected by the DS and zero charges have been brought up against them


22235472? ago

You realize you just completely outed yourself, right?

What sane non-shill would be sitting on that pile of crap to spew at a moment's notice? You're garbage. There are plenty of people in the world I disagree with, but why would I spend a precious moment of my life to go argue with them?

You know what's coming. Enjoy the show :]

22235507? ago

No it's not coming. 100% guarantee. The only thing coming is your greatest disappointment when Trump loses in 2020 and Q goes up in flames. lol

22235546? ago

Mueller tell you that?

If you thought that, you wouldn't be here.

22235579? ago

100% guarantee. Better do some researching. 70% of suburban women who voted for Trump said they will not be voting for him again. 58% of Independent's said they will not vote for Trump in 2020 either. Pub's better find someone else real quick.

22235645? ago

Oohhh, you still believe in polls after '16. Now it all makes sense.

You know what kind of momentum this guy has - weathered a relentless assault and still turned more around in 3 years than any president ever. I just wonder who he's going to set up for when he's done. No way, after the trade deals and the jobs and the economy, people are going to go back to globalist status quo.

Either you're a fool or you're paid to act like one.

22216709? ago

The CIA knows exactly when Trump will hit send on a tweet?

22216574? ago

First they ridicule, then comes anger. Finally, they admit you were right all along.

22217608? ago

They will never admit wrong doing or that you are in anyway good. After anger comes a visceral hate that blinds their actions and they will carry that hate with them to the grave. Remember this patriots: they want you dead and to this end they will never give up.

22216541? ago

"Good Night America, And God Bless". - Red Skelton

22216505? ago

public hangings mmm...

22216357? ago


22216295? ago

Who is person at the beginning of clip? The guy on the black&white TV talking about cia involvement in the JFK assassination.

22216429? ago

Jim Garrison

22216624? ago

on the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson of all places lol

Carson gaslighted him, if I remember correctly.

22217023? ago

Correct. Carson's job was to mitigate the damage this guy was creating.

22216211? ago

try they might, they won't win the "this is a conspiracy" battle.

22215949? ago


Whats the deal with Feb 17?

22216562? ago

Things that happened on Feb 17th in the past:


We can only wait until then to see what will happen. Speculation at best.

22217302? ago

1863 A precursor of the Red Cross and Red Crescent is founded

The “Committee for Relief to the Wounded” was created by a group of citizens in Geneva, Switzerland.

22215993? ago

Good question. I suspect some of these vids are made by Q team, or friends of Q.

This is the first time I've seen "Ask the Q. 2-17-2020"

My prediction: Trump is acquitted in the Senate trial, and 2-17 (a Monday) will be the State of the Union.

A speech that will live forever. "Mic drop" moment. The Great Awakening.

22239468? ago

Quick check of SOTU on wikipedia (i know, i know) says it normally happens any time during Jan or Feb. Interestingly it says that Pelosi has already formally offered the invitation to (use) the House of Reps chamber for Feb 4. News to me. Check this extract:

"In 1999, Bill Clinton became the first president to deliver an in-person State of the Union address while standing trial for impeachment; the speech occurred the same day that Clinton's defense team made its opening statement, though he did not mention the proceeding.[20] In December 2019, days after Donald Trump was impeached, he accepted an invitation to give the State of the Union on February 4, 2020, which could occur during his Senate trial.[20][21][22][23][24]"

22220003? ago

The SOTU is February 4.

22220189? ago

Yeah but Pelosi will diddle with the date as she always seems to do so it might be after the acquittal....the 17th would be epic with a mic drop on Q.

22219710? ago

SOTU: Trump should call for a Constitutional Amendment to better define Congress’ role and scope.

22217551? ago

Hey I should jump in here for a sec. We made this video. This is a trailer for a follow-up piece on QAnon named "Ask the Q"

We're going to put it up on 2-17-2020. We wanted to create a bridge to those still on the outside, as like many of you if can be difficult to bring in those still in the dark. Sorry for any confusion. We didn't realize this would blow up so quickly and our messaging could have been better out the gate. We'll get it sorted. THANK YOU for spreading the message.

22223936? ago

I was so stoked you were going to provide a bread on 8kun for us to finally catch Q and ask the questions we have all been wondering since post #1.

22219029? ago

Thanks for the clarification, and thanks for the great video.

One minor suggestion: It would be educational and a reminder if you have the clip of Eisenhower warning the American people of the "military industrial complex" in his Farewell Speech.

Thanks again.

22218099? ago

Hi, someone asked about the video creation software and I'm interested as well, so I thought I'd link their comment: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3620515/22216783

Appreciate any insight, thanks and God bless!

22217645? ago

Legendary video! Can you elaborate on the follow up piece? Do you have Twitter/ website where we can track this awesomeness?

22218086? ago

Awakening Greatly on Youtube

@AwakeninGreatly on Twitter.

The follow up piece is longer - but it's goal is the same. Create an accessible video to those on the outside. We all have people in our lives we care about that are resistant, oblivious, or even hostile to the idea that everything isn't exactly as they perceive it to be. That there's more going on. I'm sure many here have experienced some frustration in that area. We love Joe M and his videos inspired us. This project is a gentler pill. It aims to encourage people to start questioning the narrative, specifically from MSM. It's not new ideas or themes to those of us that have followed Q since jump.

Hope this helps. Thanks to everyone here for what you do.

22218751? ago

The video is great but the background music basically ruins it. You should really rethink this and turn down the music, it's extremely distracting and hard to hear the dialogue sometimes and I can't share it as it is. It is other than that, the best I've seen, and when I showed it to wife, looked like it had an impact on her. But continually apologizing for the music likely made a lesser impact.

22219039? ago

I like the music. It adds to the overall feel of the piece. I do not object to the volume, but if the volume were turned down, I wouldn't mind it. But the music should stay in.

22220254? ago

Yeah, keep the jams. Fits perfectly with the message.

22219087? ago

Yeah, the music is okay but definitely needs to be turned down.

No offense but more mature audiences always see this as somewhat immature.

So many of you younger guys gotta throw your own cool spin on your youtube work at the expense of the real content.

I would consider what I'm saying, but it's your deal of course.

22221628? ago

Ok boomer

22224184? ago

I tend to think this a fantastic use of “ok boomer” ... irc, the music cuts out when clips are playing ?

22222320? ago

NP Junior.

Tell this faggot to listen to wisdom.

22216103? ago

I like that answer. Let’s hope Anon.

22217323? ago

All we have is the hope for justice, as our consent is manufactured and we declare WWG1WGA

22215939? ago

Fuck yeah! JFK r. is alive! I love this movie.

22216666? ago

No one here is going to hop on that train. Nice try tho.

22218052? ago

Nice Digits, fren! The 22 22 22 22 is fast approaching!

22216522? ago

Nowhere in this video does it even allude to that.

22216091? ago

That’s not what this video is saying.

22215892? ago

It’s okay, definitely doesn’t explain it and it even puts Q in a negative light.

22215931? ago

Disagree. It shows MSM/Hollywood/politicians in a negative light.

What do you think could be in (or out of) the video that would be better?

22216498? ago

Just use the original Q video, no need to reinvent the wheel.

22216873? ago

No, use this new one with added 2-17-20 datefaggotry, its indisputably predictable

22216753? ago

Which? Not familiar.

22217294? ago

Q Plan to Save the World

22217364? ago


22215805? ago

Yup! One of the best made yet! Share it!!

22223986? ago



22226385? ago


22218163? ago

This one is great too: https://youtu.be/Z15Xt1vGXns

22217895? ago

Holy shit, yes.

22215820? ago

Very good.