22195458? ago

pic of Shifty with Ed Buck and some poor black man they are using has been released. so far no has the balls to publish it, but it will have an impact on the sham trial.

22194119? ago

If we go by the date - it means not today but tomorrow, January 21.

All I know is POTUS seems quite chipper.

And BTW - loving that he's tweeting in Farsi to the people of Iran... going around their Deep State Mullahs just like he does in the US.

Gotta admit -- I wasn't a huge trump fan in the beginning even though it was easy to vote for him.

My admiration for his moxie and his visionary approach to challenges grows every day.

GO Q and Q+!

God Bless America! God Bless the world!

22192366? ago

The fisa memo starts it all off!

Look at the two year delta posts for the 19th. It's the memo. Fisa is the beginning.

22191187? ago

Not going to happen. American's are too weak and brainwashed into being solace pacification.

22190932? ago



Just a coincidence ...

22190883? ago

Q:Indictments coming. [2019]

2019: ???

Conclusion: don't bother. Q is terrible about dates.

22192126? ago

Re-read the drop, fool.

22190745? ago

If there is a shot, it will be of this magnitude. The line in the sand is drawn. VA is what they've been waiting for. If they can't disarm their slaves there and now, they won't be able to.

Either decent people finally say no more, or wicked people will.

22190712? ago

No, Not WE you. I tend to think for myself.

22190409? ago

the shot heard around the world was JFK's inauguration 59 years ago today at noon.


22190704? ago

The "shot heard round the world" was definitely Lexington/Concord.

22194219? ago

With all Q drops there are multiple references.

Also remember these people are date crazy, so a lot of this has symbolic meaning to the DS, therefore it needs to be recognized by us

22190846? ago

Or listen carefully to JFK's inaugural speach... that is the shot heard around the world Q is referring to. Watch Ike.

22190094? ago

Surely Q cant mean what we think this means.

Who is "we" and WTF demented definition did you apply to it?

"The shot heard around the world" has a metaphorical / figurative meaning as ""widely used to refer to extraordinary events in general"".... so yes, be a violence shill and use fear mongering. And fuck off with your "we".

22190368? ago

Ok snowflake

22190399? ago

Says the pedo

22190086? ago

I’m calling it Mike Pence is the first indictment and it’s going to provide all the evidence to take down the Dems.

22194263? ago

OK - so thinking out loud. Let's say Pence is the first to go down (which will lull Dems into thinking they've "won" )

Now what? Who would POTUS bring forth as his VP? Is this the big reveal of JFK jr (ok ok, I know, that's not supposed to be a thing...)

But who do we have? Flynn? Giuliani? Nunes? Meadows? Jordan? Gowdy? Who would POTUS put in there in place of Pence?

If he does that and one of the Freedom Caucus guys gets in, the Leftards with have a complete and total meltdown. I think Gowdy would scare the shit out of them. Gowdy has it all. He stepped down for a reason.

Damn this is exciting

22190421? ago

fuck no.

22191286? ago

Democrats would not be doing everything they can to impeach Trump if Pence was clean. I don't trust him at all.

22195603? ago

Do you think they're delusional enough to believe they will actually get him out of office? i think they just hope to have a chance of having ammo for media talking points and hurting his chances in the election.

22190071? ago


22190034? ago

Live stream callers claiming “snipers on the rooftops” oh, my!

Those are law inforcement.

If the seeyiay has a shooter in a building you won t see him until he starts.

This is a possibility on the “Shot”

Maybe they have him on video, etc.

Remember the “Texas Mohammed drawing contest” shooting with FBI I’m the car begins the Muslim shooters?

Or it could be some impeachment Adam Schiff photo thingy.

But it will be more evidence Q team has a looking glass if something big and related to that post happens.

22189885? ago

Virginia rally?

22189715? ago

Drone strike that killed Soleimani

22189582? ago

The 2 year delta is for the 21st. Maybe he's referring to impeachment hearing. Maybe it has a double meaning to let black hats know what they have planned? Q saying if you do this, everyone will know? Just thinking out loud

22190463? ago

It's also been 21 days between Q post last night and the previous last post in December 2019. It seems the number 21 is being shoved in our faces for a reason.

22190096? ago

Hopefully nancy's peachmint pens with bullet tips haven't made there way into the Senate chamber.

22194173? ago

hmmmm I wonder if any of those have something in the chamber -- poison? actual ammo? something else? Weird choice

22189381? ago

Maybe just another head fake, but I think this may be something big. Finally.

22189356? ago

2 year delta tomorrow when impeachment starts. How do you legally inject evidence?

22191316? ago

Then why would democrats impeach? Makes no sense. The democrats knew that there aren't enough senate votes to ever convict and remove.

22195321? ago

these people are stupid!

22194196? ago

a lot of what the dems do doesn't make sense... at least in the current situation. Remember, they've been acting with impunity for 200 years. They've gotten away with it. So they are operating on an old paradigm. They started to believe in their invincibility and there's what will be their downfall.

22192285? ago

We don't know what we don't know

Think about that

22194185? ago

Yep. I wish I had enough money to put up a ginormous Billboard like that along the California Freeway system.

All these celeb hacks second guessing POTUS and declaring him wrong and evil and insane.

Not one of them would survive the collapse of Venezuela for one day, let alone live to take over governance.

My absolute favorite to watch (besides meathead Rob Reiner) is Cardi B. I love her comment, "I think I'll run for President. I have so much ideas!" kek oh honey. First learn the English language. So much ideas doesn't cut it. Ideas are like assholes, everyone has one. But no one in the history of the world has had the cojones and strategic intelligence of our POTUS... Sorry cupcake!

22191554? ago

It's that thing of 'This is our plan and we are sticking to it'

No other options.

Ammunition spent.

They are hoping for a 'Miracle' of some kind.

It isn't going to happen.

These people are stupid.

Really stupid.

22189893? ago

Bingo! Evidence can be presented as legal discovery during the course of a trial.

22191500? ago

Except they will move to dismiss the trial and no evidence will be shown.

22195224? ago

We will see

22194710? ago

So declas will take full force.

22189666? ago

Well, if one is a Leo then they are required by law to report it.

22190153? ago

Military intel is best intel, but can't be introduced into civilian courts without special conditions.

22191413? ago

That’s not what I’m talking about. I’m talking about for instance, the nypd officers in the fall of 2016 that viewed the info on the wiener laptop involving the hrc emails and the subsequent cover up. Or, any FBI agents who saw any of the bullshit that McCabe, Strzok and the crew pulled for instance. I’m ex Leo and if I saw any of this stuff, I’d have to report it otherwise I’d lose my job.

22191690? ago

I get the feeling that the people responsible for calling the shots, were having the shots called on the people reporting this stuff rather than the people being incriminated. Report it to some superior, and then next thing you know, there are some accidents. That's why you had so many suicides and other suspicious deaths around the Epstein case.

22192068? ago

Yeah, I get it. I also think that this occurs across every single govt agency, doj, state, etc. I was state law enforcement and since I worked for the state of Michigan I also had to follow the same malfeasance reporting that other, non-law enforcements agencies also had to adhere to. So no matter the agency, whether law enforcement or not, the same reporting of any crimes committed with your knowledge was mandatory or else you would be fired too, along with the perp. But, as you pointed out, the same applies. These line staff employees maybe did report it and it was swept away or the line staff didn’t bother reporting it to superiors because the line staff knew that the superiors were/are dirty. But having said this, I think at some point, across one of these many agencies, that some line staff employee or even a middle manager or higher level employee, would have somehow been able to get this info out to someone who wasn’t corrupted in my opinion. Maybe they could’ve became a whistle blower like Nate Cain did? And this brings up another example of legally injecting evidence into the courts. Nate Cain supposedly has evidence of actual crimes. He has reported these crimes and it should be at this point, that this evidence be legally injected into the courts but for some reason, it’s not. So like I said in an earlier comment, I don’t really buy that whole “how do u inject evidence into the courts” as if it needs to be some sophisticated, secret squirrel shit. It’s as simple as letting Nate Cain have his day in court but like I said, for some reason, they aren’t letting him.

22192587? ago

The problems in the chain of command that you are describing are exactly why the election of a corrupt president is so deeply destructive to our country. Imagine what is possible when the guy at the very top of all of the most important chains of command is also dirty, knows where his dirty operatives are farther down the chain, and can begin coordinating their activities from the top down. Not only that, but imagine the horror of this kind of clown show going on for decades on end, with only brief and partial relief here and there when a half-decent candidate like JFK or Reagan manages to get past them through some massive political effort. And even those presidents were boxed in and compromised in various ways, not to mention there were assassination attempts on both of them, one of them successful.

We have very serious structural problems as a country at this point. I heard a general in an interview once suggest that the best answer to 21st century problems going forward is to have open source intelligence and basically have the civilian public as a whole become more directly engaged in issues of defense and national security. That works hand in hand with protecting, if not expanding gun rights. I believe "Q anon" is an actual operation to create exactly the kind of open source intelligence-sharing system that we could greatly benefit from.

As far as the evidence they want to bring in court, my impression was that they were referring to raw NSA data, from the illegal and half-secret system where they record all data transfers across all mediums everywhere. Snowden (CIA) only exposed some of what the NSA collecting, and even that was controversial enough, and its legality/constitutionality questioned, rightfully in my opinion. Evidence obtained illegally isn't allowed in court, so this makes for an interesting situation when you have raw NSA data that may or may not have been collected unconstitutionally. I suppose if they make that legal argument, they'd basically be surrendering any defense against the actual criminal activity that is going to be alleged against them. I guess we'll just have to wait and see how this is going to play out.

22192672? ago

Great points.

22189456? ago

An arrest would be a good way.