22195106? ago

The 144,000 are already in heaven. Where is the lamb? In heaven. They come down with the 2 witnesses. Another reason the only blood that is worthy is Christ's. Jewish blood is as good as anyone else's. It's full of sin. Changes prophesy that most Christian teachers spew. If Jerusalem was so holy, why does God quake it twice in Rev? Armageddon is Jesus taking Jerusalem BACK from the devil. Gog and Magog is the devil trying to take it back from Jesus. Read Revelations backwards by chapter. Gog war is last. Left behind the crap movie had it first.

Rev 14:4  These are they which were not defiled with women; for they are virgins. These are they which follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These were redeemed from among men, being the firstfruits unto God and to the Lamb. 

Rev 14:5  And in their mouth was found no guile: for they are without fault before the throne of God.

22193605? ago

I saw that...good job.

22192720? ago

59 years ago JFK was sworn in and made the location of the shot heard around the world a national historic landmark. His speach was possibly the shot Q is referring to. Watch Ike's reaction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnEbFJY4MZk


22192703? ago

The sealed indictments are for the purposes that publicly revealing the name of the accused would impede an ongoing investigation. Most sealed indictments are for people wanted overseas. lol

You sir are what is known as a FALSE PROPHET.

100% guarantee you people are going to be very, very disappointed when NOTHING happens.

22192558? ago

Oustanding Sir. <

There is a lot to consider here.

22190976? ago

William Casey, CIA Director 1981-1987 “We’ll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false.”

Q Anon is a CIA/FBI/NSA COINTELPRO Deep State Wizard of Oz Operation to Obfuscate Truth and to collect information on further dissidents who are against the NWO agenda

22192958? ago

Did you say Wizard of Oz?

22191185? ago

Not even close, jew. You must be scared shit less right now.

22190793? ago

I love you Brothers and Sisters.

22195572? ago

Digits love you all!

22190616? ago

submitted 5.3 hours ago by 3617141?

7141st day of the 7920 days is 5/31/2017 (Tzolk'in 222) start of the 2300 sacrifices/1150 days... Day of Trump's coded covfefe tweet.

7140 at end of 12,000 digits of Pi, 7141 directly intersecting second 14159 of Pi: 1989 875 714159 5781

5/31/2017 plus 3776 days =

Date:            10/2/2027 (Day 275)
Long count: (Tzolk'in 98)
Hebrew date:     7/1/5788 (Day 1 C, 178 E)
Coptic date:     1/21/1744 (Day 21)

First day of new Hebrew year 5788.

First occurrence of 2300 in Pi is also next to the first occurrence of 3776: 2300 159 3776

Have a nice day

22191681? ago


22192198? ago


22189980? ago

This is the kind of brilliant stuff I like to see here.

22191664? ago

Thank you!

22189878? ago

Sealed *cases

22189803? ago

Thank you. Interdasting.

22189266? ago

You don’t make any sense take your meds fuck.

22189139? ago

Okay Anon I will admit, I never much pay attention to the sort of stuff you posted originally, but I see now that you are onto something. I'll be more alert henceforth.

22191698? ago

That's all I can ask for. Thank you got being open minded!


22188796? ago

<3 as always patriot thank you

22188856? ago


22188673? ago

I know about the 144,000

I know that God created everything in 6 days or 144 hours

I know there are 1440 minutes to every day

The meaning of the number 144 is based on the meaning of the number 12 because it is 12 x 12 and God used it this way when He sealed the 144,000 in Revelation 7

22190018? ago

Hold on. 6 days is NOT 6 24 hour blocks. They didnt use 24 hour periods of time back then. Totally different calender. It isnt this simple ya damn nignogs

22190882? ago

A day has always been 24 hours there Einstein.

22195367? ago

The speed of light is measurably slowing down. So, no. Things happened faster in the past. Which is wild, because it makes science-based carbon dating, as well as spirituality-based Hebrew year, both accurate!

22193000? ago

Well, on human scales, yes, but the length of a day does vary and is getting longer. This is measured with the laser reflector experiment set up by the Apollo Astronauts showing the Moon is moving away from the Earth (an experiment that can be repeated by anyone with a laser). By the laws of Angular momentum, this means that the Earth's rotation is slowing and the day is getting longer. But as far as we are concerned day to day, you could say a day is 24 hours.

22191045? ago

Often times in the bible what is translated into day is used to reprisent something that happens over a long period of time.

Einstein was a jew. How dare you.

22189800? ago

And Samson killed 1000 men with a donkey’s jawbone.

Not 999, not 1001, not 376, but exactly 1000 men. With only a donkey’s jawbone.

Also, we must celebrate Jesus’ “birthday” with evergreen trees, Yule and mistletoe, and his crucifixion with rabbits that lay eggs. Don’t question it, goy.

Do you know where the oldest surviving biblical manuscripts come from? Here’s a hint: they’re famous for raping young boys, and for medieval forgeries. The name of their head faggot rhymes with “soap.”

Any guesses?

22190679? ago


22191271? ago

Pope. Medieval church. Origins of modern Christianity.

22193592? ago

Yes, I know. I answered in the same vein as some of the remarks in your post. I should have /s it.

22189037? ago

Also the white dressed casing stones on the great pyramid and the mayan baktun.

22188791? ago



22188706? ago

The #9 represents completion or fulfilment.



22188731? ago

1.) 6 days of creation = 144 hours

2.) Minutes in the day = 1440

3.) 12 x 12 = 144

4.) 360 x 4 = 1440

5.) 360 or (3 + 6 + 0) = 9 and 144 or (1 + 4 + 4) = 9

6.) The word "Light" in Gematria = 144

7.) The rosicrucians think that there exists in the Universe 144 different atoms, though science has not yet discovered them.

8.) 144 is a Fibonacci sequence number in position #12

9.) Revelation 14:1 = "Then I looked and saw the Lamb standing on Mount Zion,

and with Him one hundred forty-four thousand who had His name and His Father?s name written on their foreheads."

10.) 72 x 2 = 144

11.) 72 degrees is considered room temperature.

12.) The precession of the equinoxis move 1 degree every 72 years.

13.) There were 72 languages at the Tower of Babylon.

14.) According to Kaballah there are 72 names of God.

15.) 72 virgins each Muslim martyr will receive as companions in Paradise.

16.) 72 degrees in each step of Jacob's Ladder.

17.) In Islam, 72 is the number of sects or denominations that are doomed to Hell, according to Hadith.

18.) 720p is an HD aspect Ratio. As is 1440.

19.) The number 72 is used 4 times in the Bible.

20.) The number 144,000 is used once in the Bible.

21.) 6 + 6 x 6 = 72

22.) 72 is the average number of heart beats per minute for a resting adult.

23.) Percentage of water of which the human body is composed is 72%.

24.) The life duration of the ovule is 72 hours.

25.) The number of hours it took for Christ to defeat death is 72.

26.) Seventy-two is the sum of four consecutive primes (13 + 17 + 19 + 23).

27.) 360 degrees divided by 5 human senses = 72 (Touch, Sight, Taste, Smell, Sound)

22195199? ago

21.) 6 + 6 x 6 = 72

Typo there. 6 x 6 = 36, but to get 72 you multiply that by 2. Not sure what you intended here; I'm trying to be helpful.

22195223? ago

I forgot parenthesis (6+6)x6 =72 :-)

22195540? ago

Awesome, thanks, I knew there was reason in there somewhere. :)

Do you bring a spider when you move? You mentioned you were Swedish, and a local shop-owner is also and told me that story a few months ago.

22200068? ago

No I mentionned I am Danish (Denmark) - so I have no idea what you are talking about regarding a spider, lol

22209786? ago

Yikes! Several of my recent responses then make less sense. My apologies. The Swedes apparently have this concept of a "house spider" where they carry it with them when they move, and it's supposed to be good luck or something. NMBRFG is a good cook, anyway. :) (I'm Digits.)

22213089? ago

Hi Digits! It's ok, I'm glad I'm not from Sweden, as the country is lost to muslems long time ago and the rape-culture is dominant. I never heard about a house spider although Sweden is our neighbour country, I'll look it up ;-)

22217566? ago

I am recovering from multiple concussions, and memory issues are one aspect of the symptoms. I try to roll with it with humor. :)

Neat to hear about Denmark! Hope you're able to avoid 5G, they're pushing that here as well (US). I'd rather un-wifi my place, but it's not solely my place. Anyway, I did a search on "Swedish house spider" and didn't find anything relevant in the first page of results; might be a regional thing? Take care and God bless!

22218591? ago

Thank you - God bless you too, and I sure hope you will be well soon, concussions can be invalidating. So glad you deal with it with humor, and tell God to help you heal - I talk to him everyday about my struggles, and I feel a great support in doing so. In Denmark, people are Christians, but nobody believes in God, nor do they come to church. Our constitution is build on christianity, but if I tell somebody that I belive in God they expell me, because they think I'm crazy - Denmark is called "little America" for the fact that our government do everything U.S tell them to do, and for the fact that the influence of Hell-wood is so substantial that people think they can "do as thou will". I'm hoping that more Danes will wake up to the storm and smell the coffee, because it's embarrasing how brainwashed everybody is. My best to you Digits, fren ;-)

22192594? ago

I love you guys. <

22189819? ago


22189275? ago

You need to take your meds you gematria loser

22189064? ago

Damn Anon, Thanks for schooling me! I didn't know some of that!... lets add 144k white dressed casing stones on the great pyramid (middle fire), and the 144k mayan baktun!

22192604? ago

Love your work. <

22189336? ago

You're welcome, I see some like it, some called me a gematria loser, but I don't mind :-)

22192690? ago

Badge of Honor. <



22189753? ago

Ignore them. They are close minded divisionfags and have no idea the scale of what we are dealing with. I was on the chans the first few nights Q began posting and the Autists have used these techniques many times since.

God bless you fren

22192608? ago

God bless you back. <3

22188787? ago

Yup fulfilment or completion thanks for the extended work more people will understand now. Thank you numberfag

22192617? ago

I am NMBRFG, but I approve of this message.

22189317? ago

You're welcome, I see some like it, some don't.

22189397? ago

You have to have a thick skin to be an anon. Don't stop what you do it is important.

22192637? ago

He is not NMBRFG, I am. <

The posts are great, just letting you know.



22193873? ago

You are so right he is not, because the he is a she - it's me, I'm a woman

22193993? ago

A woman who loves numbers. Are you single?


22194069? ago

I sure am - that might be the reason, Rofl

22194097? ago

Not for long.


Ps.s - I was more concerned about having your BRILLIANT work, attributed to me incorrectly.

Credit where it is due, and I did not derserve credit for your work.

That is why I made the comments I did.



22194279? ago

As I said in another comment - you seem to be a really nice person, with a great attitude, smart, intelligent and caring. I appreciate it, thanks. ;)

22194465? ago

Aww shucks thanks. :)

That's probably why I am single. Hard to have a conversation with people that have an IQ, 80 points lower than your own.

Most modern women I meet, don't seem to care much for >


Good attitude







Family Man

Amazing Cook

It's more about how much money you have. They never even seem to give me the time of day, and they seem afraid of me if I was being honest.

I am sure their are still amazing women out there, I just haven't found them in the circles in run in.

Doing 17 hours a day of research and number analysis, probably is a bit too nerdy for most people... KEK!

Regardless, I gave up that material life long ago, and I have worked on my intellect instead.

Maybe some women like a beautiful mind as much as they like a handsome, rich Man...?

Sooo lovely to chat to you new Fren.

Hopefully we can meet one day, when this is all over.

22195177? ago

To like a handsome, rich man to me is a cliché - what you like then is what you can show off - but I've tried it, not that I looked for it, but it just happened to come my way. I can tell you, I'd rather marry for reasons that you just listed, and living in a cave. What I experienced twice is men with looks and money, are too confident, and you will as a woman have to put up with a lot of things, which you regret when you finally leave them for good. One of the things is you're his trophy, one of many. They will not be as deep, as loving and caring, but have a tendency to be superficial in every aspect of life. Money is no issue when you are happy, but happiness can be an issue when you have too much money ;-) To meet up when this is over, would be such a great idea ;-)

22195792? ago

Yes I gave my ex wife all those things, but I was just her meal ticket in the end.

She believes in the idea, that once you plant the seed, you throw the seed pack away (The Man).

Then The State falls behind her, and rapes me financially. No access to children. Nothing. This is unfair.

I gave my heart to her forever, promised before God, and she didn't keep her word.

I am not perfect to be sure, but I know I did NOT deserve what happened to me.

Now 7 years have passed, and I am ready for someone better.

22200090? ago

I am so sorry, that is of all the most commen thing happening to men when divorsing - you're so right it's not fair at all! And it's not fair to the kids, they've done nothing wrong and deserve to have a father too. Been throught it 15 years ago, so I know. Wouldn't do it to mine. I hope your luck is up, 7 is a magical number a devine number, and you are now stronger than ever, and have a beatyful mindset. Good morning!

22195298? ago

Nice Digits fren! You two should get a room. And, I will help with that! Making a dating site as I mentioned up above a moment ago, and then saw your conversation continue along those lines, kek!

Oh also it was me pointing out the typo, as well. Love your work, please continue! God bless.

22195798? ago

Thanks sooo much! :)

22189413? ago

I won't :)

22192628? ago

Are you pretending to be NMBRFG (me)?

I have no problem with your posts, but passing yourself off to be someone you are not is plain dishonest. <

22193806? ago

I am not pretending to be anyone else but myself, I have no idea what the hell you're talking about - I just put in some info, that I thought relevant and apparently you fell butt heard, that's your problem not mine

22193963? ago

Not a patent brother. But people do know my "brand" KEK!


A Numberfag is a number specialist (Generic).

THE NumberFag is a person.

NMBRFG is a short version of Numberfag, capitalized with all Vowels removed.

Consonants capitalized have inherent power in themselves. It's a cipher technique.

Gematria of NMBRFG leads to two critical results, which is my reason for having chosen that acronym.

Gematria of 165 >



165 ciphers 3 X 55

I'm not here to Fame Fag bro, I really don't care, I was just worried Shills were posting as me, as they have done this before, and I would prefer not to have my Fellow Anons being Gaslighted (not saying you were doing that).

Your work is amazing, and I am 100 % supportive.

Just wanted to set the record straight.

'o-o' <



22194044? ago

To be honest, I am just a woman in my 50'ies from Scandinavia - Denmark, who sometimes gets so exited by decoding, history, bible-decoding, Trump, Q and to be part of this, that I give my most in return to be a part of this history-writing, and I would never take credit from somebody else. Thank you for explaining to me - I'm greatful you had the time and patence to tell me, and not just tell me off. Respect to you for your work and for your, apparently, great personality <3

22193827? ago

No I have no problem with any of it, nor am I buthurt. I don't care bro, just wanted to make sure people know who is posting.

Can't have dleiberately inaccurate information.

Do what you want by all means, just letting you know what is on my mind.


Peace and Love.

22193897? ago

Well then, we're ok - thanks for letting me know in a sober tone. Peace and love back, from a woman who loves numbers too :-)

22194008? ago

You are most welcome.

Let's play again soon.




22195219? ago

Digits here, that was an awesome exchange!

That reminds me, I should work on the dating site! :)

22194083? ago

Sure thing ;-)

22188660? ago

Interdasting anon

22188574? ago

Excellent contribution

22188501? ago

wasnt there a q post way back re colours having meaning?

22192931? ago

The Storm is color coded. <

22188427? ago

Shills downvoting this like crazy. Thats cool. Ill monitor and repost it later if need be.

22189874? ago

Great work patriot, Qagg allows for easy 1Y and 2Y delta filtering, check it out:


22192480? ago

Awesome! Thank you so much!!!

22192663? ago

Most welcome, you can also search multiple posts at a time,

just use the post # search field and add a comma between post numbers

Keep up the great work patriot WWG1WGA

22189281? ago

Or maybe this post is pure bullshit.?

22189444? ago

I concur lol.

22189500? ago

These gematria tards are an eyesight for the board.

22192653? ago

The Gematria Tards will end up being correct... <

22196106? ago


22196260? ago

It's a bit late now bro. That ship has sailed.

There is no way I am wrong and you know it!

Go through all my work, and calculate the probability of me being wrong.

You can't, as it is now mathematically impossible, I am not 99.999% correct in my analysis.

It's just the start.

22198141? ago

You need to take your meds

22198598? ago

22198570? ago

I will let you know, when I run out Weed. <

22188391? ago

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