22195860? ago

"The shot heard round the world".... THINK MIRROR.

Not one shot fired, not one arrest, nothing. And everyone there was armed.

THAT'S a shot heard round the world.

22194994? ago

The "shot heard round the world" had nothing to do with the Virgina rally. The date stamp is 2/21/2018; a two year delta to 2/21/2020 when Trump's impeachment trial is set to kick off.

Will the evidence presented be the shot heard round the world?

22193111? ago

WWG1WGA USA!!!! šŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡øšŸ‡ŗšŸ‡ø

22191357? ago

This should be at the top of hot! I think this discussion is most important !

22189021? ago

are Ya'll forgetting "the shot heard round the world" was the first shot of the American Revolution?

22188817? ago

We know Roberts has been compromised, i think the first motion by POTUS's defense team will be for Roberts to recuse himself. With evidence entered to support his removal from the bench.

22188696? ago

This 2 year delta post has nothing to do with Virginia. The shot heard around the world is Trump's impeachment opening statement. How do you introduce evidence into an investigation (legally)?

22188658? ago

It will be a week to remember when IT IS a week to remember...enough with the predictive forecasts, the conditioning has worn off.

22188095? ago

Side note: from my experience when you're trying to red pill people- they are far more open to the term/name The Great Awakening compared to Q anon (likely due to the MSM propaganda). The painting is becoming more and more clear everyday (even to those who only watch the MSM); as the systems of the Old Guard continue to slip away into the forgotten past, we will gradually glide into the Golden Age of man (the final marker will be axing of the Fed, a worldwide jubilee and a return to the gold standard IMO).

22187651? ago

Just so everyone's clear.

The "shot heard around the war" was the beginning of the American Civil War, it was a shot fired at Fort Sumter, S.C when forces attacked the U.S. Army in Fort Sumter.

It's also been used historically to describe the first shots of the battle of lexington which was the first American vs British land battle during the American Revolution.

Either way, the context in this case is troubling.

22190695? ago

Just so everyone's clear. The "shot heard around the war"

Just so you are clear, nobody here is discussing the shot heard around the war. Thatā€™s because it isnā€™t relevant. Thatā€™s because nobody ever heard of it. Thatā€™s because it never happened.

Just so you are clear.

22188705? ago

Bunker hill

22187754? ago

I thought the phrase was first used in reference to the revolutionary war, maybe in newspapers, way before the civil war. (?)

22188776? ago

You are correct; it was NOT the war of northern aggression/civil war

22187606? ago

It means nothing, as usual...

22187498? ago

Anyone else getting bad returns like a tiny little number and breads not loading?

22187928? ago

Yes. It's all fucked up ATM.

22187445? ago

I still think this is meant for 2021.

22187287? ago

What are the odds the VA rally is a deep state honeypot?

22187269? ago

Anybody else unable to open 8kun Q Research?

22187157? ago

And the board is fucked up.

22188701? ago

Shills turned on their DDoS bots, must prevent patriots from responding.

22187084? ago

More Project Looking Glass. Reverse-engineered pineal gland essentially. Beautiful stuff. Let's finish the fight.

22187924? ago

'o-o' <

22187002? ago

Given the fact that Jan 21 is the start of the Senate Impeachement trial it is safe to say that's what Q was referencing.

22193183? ago

plus Jan 21 is exactly one year from date of that drop

22187925? ago


22186989? ago

This is drop # '3776' --- which has a faint echo of '1776'.

Shot heard 'round the world....

22187320? ago

Good connection Patriot.

22186950? ago

Nah. Iā€™m afraid Q post #3772 destroyed Qā€™s credibility. ā€œMilitary Intelligenceā€ would have known that there was no Republican primary ballot in California this year. (Or should have known. If our ā€œMilitary Intelligenceā€ missed that one then thereā€™s not much hope for us anyway.)

22189460? ago

Why would there be a primary for the Republican president? He's running unopposed by any other Republican.

22187026? ago

Wait I assumed the takeaway from 3772 was that the lack of Republican primary was being used as an opportunity to trick Republicans into registering as a member of another party (and therefore deregistering for the future without knowing)?

22187161? ago

If Republicans are so fucking dumb they don't know that Trump isn't being primaried, that's kind of on them, isn't it? "Oops looks like Trump isn't running, guess I'll register as a democrat". yeah, no.

22188710? ago

Google Limbaugh operation Kaos.

22186919? ago

I was really worried violence would happen in Virginia. Now that Q promises action I can rest easy that ainā€™t shit gonna happen tomorrow.

22190731? ago

I didnā€™t want to, but, kek.

22188414? ago

Pretty sure this relates to the impeachment, not the VA protests.

22187485? ago

LOL true. Thatā€™s what date fagging taught me

22187040? ago

This is war. Shit could definitely happen.

22188782? ago

This is Information War. No violence is needed.

22238548? ago

True. <

22190646? ago

Well many have died already.

22190743? ago

ā€œYou and your families are safeā€.

Q is not unexpectedly sparking a civil war.

22186962? ago

The date on the reiterated post was 1/21 not 1/20. The "shot" may come in the form of revelations from the first day of impeachment hearings in the Senate, Tuesday. Impeachment itself may be the "shot." Either way, it's uncanny that Q predicts this stuff and makes it cryptic enough that the DS can't tell what is going to happen until it does.

22188570? ago

Something about the impeachment was also my initial take. Though I had forgotten that tommorrow is that rally where the DS would love for something to happen to cause people to think twice about having guns. Either one and you are right. Two years to the day and Q seemed to be aware of major happenings for tommorrow.

22188873? ago

Backing this up.

How do you introduce evidence?

What is a shot that could literally impact all in the US?

Dark to Light. Evidence -> Public via Senate Trial

Bout to be a throw down at the showdown and my guess is VA is being mounted as an organized even to distract, as always.

22191627? ago

Trump is good at accomplishing things under the radar as these distractions rage on. So it could be that the rally is a feint to draw MSM eyes away from something.

22191769? ago

definitely possible. Q could also be adding emphasis to speculation that could cast eyes that way as well.

22188346? ago

Q stated last year we were two days ahead. 21-19 equals what?

22189618? ago

Sure enough. I remember that, though I didn't put it together.

22187702? ago

AKA he writes random, vague bullshit that means precisely nothing until you autists manage to shoehorn it to fit whatever pseudo-meaningful interpretation you can manage.

22187878? ago

Nostradamus aint got nothing on Q

22187733? ago

That's one of many solo or ensemble possibilities.

22186839? ago

It was they that fired the first shot.

In my opinion, anything after that is justified in His Holy name.

22190760? ago

I am anti violence and believe Q promises a fully peaceful solution.

But I support this post.

22186809? ago





Okay Q, this coming less than 24 hours before armed patriots are set to protest against armed tyrants in VA. Pretty sure what you're telling us here.

22187480? ago

If ā€œshot heard round the worldā€ isnā€™t letting Virginians know exactly what to do tomorrow then what the fuck does it mean?

22190654? ago

No one is advocating violence. Least of all Q. That is not the plan.

22189340? ago

You're a fucking moron.

22197009? ago


22188021? ago

It's letting us know what is likely going to happen tomorrow. And who will be firing the first shot(s).

A shot heard around the world means it will be transparent and there will be outrage.

22187644? ago

Hearing it is not effecting it.

22187916? ago

Yes, if the patriots had planned to spill first blood, they would have done so already.

22189647? ago

Iā€™m skeptical that anything will happen quickly. Iā€™m also skeptical that the media wonā€™t try to spin whatever happens. They have no other option and I donā€™t see journalists being rounded up all at once.

22187366? ago


22188241? ago

++ <


Light 'em up. <

22194969? ago


manifesting our destiny for future generations

full vid avail on D . podcast soon.

curtain open the veil has been

lifted for all to see and

the date is as 17

has proclaimed

for god has

made it



22195353? ago


Got it.



22195299? ago

5.27 >






22195873? ago

PLEASE share.


22195894? ago


How do I explain it...?

Let me think about how I going to go about this.

Two days left on that Video. <

22196249? ago

1 day left :(

how do you explain that i, paint therefore i am.


22196729? ago

Paint Houses?

The Midnight Ride of Paul Revere.

Now I am getting this.

Head spinning bro!

Need to get my brain around it.

When you said "ON TEAM" you really meant it... KEK!

22196812? ago

she how angry somebody made her? ;)

22197279? ago


She is PISSED.

Did I do that...?

Who knew?!



22196223? ago

yea we need to get it to bitchute do you anybody? or invdio.us please

22198677? ago

It's currently processing and should be ready shortly.

Sorted. <


Service with a smile



22200357? ago

lmao thiug life;'

god i lub you


22200864? ago

I DO try Sir. <


22221919? ago

How arte we today?

22224290? ago

Awesome, apart from being torn to shreds no matter what I post.

People DO realize that I also post the work of OTHER Authors, and I do not always agree with what they are saying, but post it so as to promote discussion.

So many dumb people, and Shills.

Nice Digits BTW.

22224749? ago


If I am to do a decode right here right now, I need a starting point.

I have the QPost number

I have the POTUS Tweet number

I have the time stamp from Qs Post

I have the timestamp from POTUS tweet

I have the file name of the photo of the Marine Q Posted.

And I have the date stamp.

I have the capitalized letters from POTUS.

I have patterns in the letters Q posted, that can be analyzed, like his caps as well.

Then lastly I have the tweet from DHS.

This is a lot. There are literally thousands of pages of gematria, and many numeric codes, anagrams, and Palindromes to analyze here, in addition to symbolism.

My point is, I am flying completely blind, and literally using The Force (The Holy Spirit) to discern what is correct and what isn't.

These decodes are not easy Fren, and I have NEVER seen anyone do it like this.


22224831? ago

Let the love shine through 1000 points so the world will see your manes effervescence like never before ! Roar Lion GRRRRRR

22225927? ago





22226148? ago

thank you for everything you give the world!! for the love lions exude CANNOT BE matched the fire is inextinguishable my soul is made From LAVA with its love it melts everyone whom it touches!!!!!!!



22226178? ago

Thanks. <

22235763? ago

you arnt gonna believe this 222222


22238352? ago

I saw it!

I cant BELIEVE this either.

Now THAT's what I call high up clearance. <


Declassification Chain of Command



23 Jan 2020 - 5:57:08 PM


POTUS > Barr

Barr > Durham

[[F] classified intel provided [FVEY - Non FVEY] as needed]

Does Durham want to hold [freeze] 'public' declas due to criminal nature of the probe(s)?

Think GJ material.

When did the investigation begin?

When did the investigation really begin?

Nothing can stop what is coming.


Slow drip > Flood


22238377? ago

Time to vacate that flood plain.< Ill get on the $ for your answer. Kek i had .99 in my account for 3 weeks f... the banks. Good luck making sheckles off of .99 .

22238526? ago

Do I need my P_Port?

22238736? ago

my cousins child sent me this as she died on the 12 of jan.

i can not get it out of me its as one as she is.

theres more to this story ill share with ya soon Mea God be with you.


22240098? ago

Sorry to hear that Fren.

22255347? ago

Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me.

Was given this message all last week.

22256055? ago

Inspiring words for hard times. <

22261141? ago


With visions of grandeur  i create 
Inspired musical notes float around you at harmony's gate
In your garden i do play
Molding my statues out of clay 

So perfect you may seem 
Could this all be a dream
The heavens wind cast its breeze
Behold the lush fruit sways in the trees

Just before the starlight shower
Rainbows dance off twilights tower
Translucent sidewalks made of glass
As tranquil days slide pass

Such a place of wonder and delight
Abundant life abounds without freight

ramblings of a commoner

22261535? ago

Thanks. <

22262265? ago


22271782? ago

Here when you need me. <

22272239? ago

calling viper to check in. already in []

22272653? ago

Here Sir! <

22298088? ago


this stood out tom me with the 3 555


22298173? ago

Glad to see you guys are noticing.

Those were some killer decodes I did yesterday.

Get the Gatt indeed. <

Currently looking at analysis of 1414, per Q's post pic file name.

22298210? ago

pls link it too me i havent seen it yet!

22297559? ago

Sir how arte you sleeping?

interesting but scattered most of his videos are like that.

Are you good?>


22298129? ago

Could always sleep better.

Lots to do. I can sleep when I'm dead.

Yes I'm ok. Average.

I will watch shortly.

22298830? ago


22298196? ago

my list to do grows daily its now a behemoth all of its own

But its getting nicked down tooo.

im still looking for something special for you


22273704? ago

30:40 of mighknight ride vid O.O

10 days before present time.

22272150? ago

whats the bitchute < addy pls.?

22272135? ago

the vid is supurb but this was confirmation!! hace sol ready for +++


22263517? ago

Will message tomorrow.

22238575? ago

Yes O.o its full of interdasting digits ;)

22239217? ago

That's going to be a bit of an effort, but I will sort.

It takes ages, and costs a lot too.

22231135? ago

my LOVE for the is the love from within it shines and melts for you as it does it keeps me warm come for i have a place with in the hearth (heart) for you to sit and warm.

AS part of me i love myself for that path is the path to enlightenment for the course to love others is found within.


22231705? ago

Are you working in the Pentagon bro

22232219? ago

We are generals for GOD and no but i am his hand.

For i am Elijah. I am Paul. I have known many but most of all i know myself.

22224840? ago

On it. <

22196671? ago

Downloading now.

Do you want the channel's entire video library to be uploaded to Bit Chute?

22197084? ago

decoding live

22197243? ago

OK. I got it. <

22197161? ago

So I am starting my own show then I guess... <

Better start learning how to make videos!

22196823? ago

sure library of congreessss ::P

22196246? ago

I have an account.

Will look to sort it later today.

My new Video channel...?

22186742? ago

Honestly, another useless tweet. Meanwhile, VA is taking peoples amendments, rights and freedoms away. What does Q do? Retweet that shit's going down, and then later claim it was to "expend ammunition", again. At this point, they have an unlimited clip according to Q.

Will anyone be arrested this week? No. Will anyone be arrested ever? No. So what difference does it make?

22191056? ago

Wasn't Epstein arrested?

22191195? ago

Ok, where's his testimony? Where are all the arrests from his case? Are you saying that he acted 100% alone and he is and was the entire deep state and no one helped him? No one paid for his services, he acted 100% alone. Case closed.

After 3 years (and honestly many more), they can only catch a guy who openly has acted as a pedo and rapist? Then he dies/disappears and you're like OK FOLKS, we got em! Where the fuck is Ghislaine? What about all the money trails? No arrests from all the people who paid for pedos? All those flights and logs? Yet, a big fat nothing. Does that sound like winning? You don't question anything beyond this???

Besides, more than likely he's alive and well sipping more expensive wine than you could ever afford in Israel. If he is dead, who killed him? Why isn't that uncovered? Why is the media still ignore the entire epstein story despite everything going on?

22193719? ago

These are all extremely good questions, and I don't have the answers to them other than we'll have to see what happens. If he's just gone and sipping wine in Israel well then the joke's on us. I don't have any evidence to the contrary, just conjecture you've already heard. I certainly question these things myself and I hope to God there is a plan in place that is succeeding (i.e. he's really at Gitmo etc.) but, if that's what's going on, we're not privy to the details. On the other hand, I believe we will get the full story and see justice. All I can tell you is more of what you don't want to hear "it takes time" etc. I can tell you a war of this magnitude will not be won with careless speed, and I personally think it's amazing how much we have been made aware of the goings-on behind the scenes. One person can look at current events and doubt, and another believe. We won't know for sure for a while, and I don't have a smoking gun to say "ah ha! Now here's why things are going our way for certain!".

22194807? ago

Well, I can certainly agree to that and I hope and pray that you're right!

22187351? ago

Q doesn't "tweet", ya sower of discord

22190488? ago

and if he did, it wouldn't come true either. So there's that.

In any case, now you're 0-2.

22187329? ago

Put your hands behind your back.

22190457? ago

no, u

22187173? ago

Read the drops. Arrests begin right around the time of the election. Podesta 11/3-11/4. Riots start and then the military makes its move.

22187081? ago

Is that you Hillary?

22190482? ago

OMG, someone with a different opinion than mine, it must be Killary!

You're just like the leftist idiots on twitter blaming eveything on the russian bots. Youre EXACTLY like them.

22186710? ago

I'm afraid of the "shot heard round the world." Anyone else concerned about this?

22190683? ago

Yes. Poor choice of words, IMO. Hope thatā€™s all it is...

22187520? ago


22187504? ago

You may be suprised when the first shot is Q team arresting Northum

22187493? ago


22187481? ago

it may be the first indictment, which is supposed to cut across political divisions

22187375? ago

It means you're a soft cock.

22187296? ago

I think it's about time....while none of us want to go to war we can not tolerate tyranny.

Freedom without Life is no Freedom at all.

22187542? ago

Life without freedom is no life at all

22187273? ago

I'm more worried about drop #2221/2222

22187912? ago


Alien Life Exists in Outer Space



20 Sep 2018 - 10:25:34 AM


20 Sep 2018 - 10:10:44 AM


Are we alone ?

Roswell ?



Highest classification.

Consider the vastness of space.


22187634? ago

Now you're talking...

22187224? ago

Not in the form of violence. I think it may be the first indictment. What else would be the shot heard around the world?

22187442? ago

It would be amazing, if the first significant* arrests were against the VA Governor & the anti gun redcoats.

22188036? ago

Marines storm the courthouse.

I'm sorry, I cannot hide this FREEDOM BONER

22186736? ago

Given the protest tomorrow, yeah.

22187054? ago

Hopefully itā€™s a Christian conservative that gets killed

22189003? ago

I hate christcucks.

They were the abolitionists, they taught reading to subhuman niggers, they pushed miscegenation, they pushed desegregation, they pushed thus country over a cliff into the hands of jews.

22188030? ago

They will try to use comments like that to justify slaughtering our countrymen.

22187373? ago

May you receive what you deserve.

22187191? ago

I prefer that nobody gets killed.

22187063? ago


22187601? ago

You need to be better at spotting shills dude.

Youā€™re getting played so easily.

22186679? ago

Two year Delta? If shit goes down at 2:48PM EST, I might need new underpants.

Eyes open, Virginia Patriots.

22189933? ago

is 248 a typo? 2:28, if i'm following where you got that timestamp from, no?

22192402? ago

Maybe. It was late and I was trying to not s#!t the bed

22188002? ago

Today's my birthday.

Team America :) Fuck yea. o7

22188423? ago

šŸŽ‚ šŸŽ šŸ¾ šŸŽ‰

22188823? ago


22187741? ago

The Great Awakening x 44


22189673? ago

If this is all 1-2 year Delta stuff, spouse-Anon will make me sleep in the bathtub. šŸ’©

22187360? ago

Eyez on. <

'o-o' <

22188275? ago

Greater than spectacles

22188282? ago

Looking Glass. <


22186898? ago


22186663? ago


22186991? ago

Call it a revelation - a revolution is constant spin of the same old slavery that weā€™ve witnessed for centuries. Try it out patriot!

22187024? ago

Im down with that.. A Relevation it is.

22186865? ago

This political revolution has been going on for quite a while now.

22186960? ago

Yeah but no one fired a shot yet...yet...yet...yet...

22188551? ago

Superfluous upvoat for graphical style.

22190753? ago

Aye same. Message is shit tho. This can be done peacefully, that is Qā€™s premise... not jumping to option Z.

22186662? ago

Now it's the shot heard round the world.

Revolution time Qomrads!

22186604? ago

Go here --- https://qalerts.app/

sign up for q alerts


22187500? ago

Nope dont sign up for anything. View the website with a VPN and laugh at the fucks trying to track you.

22194056? ago

always do -- actually use a double VPN ... the browser has one and I log onto one prior to starting my day.

multiple ways to do it

22187921? ago

It's a bit late for that.

22186603? ago

Part of the Great Awakening is Cannabis education. Join us and subscribe.


22186886? ago

^ Thatā€™s iffy. ^

22186878? ago

Thatā€™s iffy. ^

22186644? ago

Cant tell if youre serious.. if you are I hope youve had the opportunity to experiment with true psychedelics such as lsd and shrooms.

22186807? ago

Two guys on acid were sitting on the sidewalk counting cars...an ambulance flies by.. the one guy says to the other, ā€œI thought heā€™d never leaveā€

22187267? ago

Can I get an explanation for that one

22186618? ago

Ice cream cake, wedding cake, biscotti, gelato41

22186827? ago

Eh, you are a fuckin poser. Blueberry, White Widow, Trainwreck, Blue dream, Flow, Lambs Bread etc.

22187093? ago

Are you a time traveler? Those strains lost their luster in the early 2000ā€™s due to both low THC and terpenes. Itā€™s 2020 bud.

22187184? ago

Flow and wookie were not even out in 2000, much less 2010, and you would not know your terpines from asshole, asshole.

22187376? ago

To specifically mention Wookie varieties (the white x cookies) and not mention Girl Scout Cookies says plenty. You attacked me first by calling me a poser. Then you mention super lackluster strains that no one is asking for only shows youā€™re very disconnect to todayā€™s current Market. And the only FLO that ever mattered was DJ Shorts original flo circa 1997. You are no where near my level, take your fucking L and hit the fucking road Kid.

22197583? ago

Yeah, sorry cokehead, your commie weed is not popular.

22200307? ago

You donā€™t know anything, youā€™re a faggot

22186562? ago

Who gives a shit

22186451? ago

Whoopty fucking do

22186676? ago

^^ Obsessive apathy.

22186725? ago

Is that a clinical diagnosis? Can I get SSI now?

22186863? ago

Gibs are incoming patriot. Open your mouth and close your eyes, for you Iā€™ve got a big surprise!

22186872? ago

Just the check weirdo

22186380? ago


22186463? ago

Stupid lazy worthless fucking researcher. Can't even find a Q post.


22186636? ago

Haha. Not to lazy, but checked qmap.pub and it wasn't there. Since there where literally thousands of "NEW Q-POST!" postings here on voat while not one contained a link to validate i was a bit upset. Just thought it was one of the recent "muh q said"-Shill attacks.

Thank you for posting the actual 8kun-link. Upvoated!

22186855? ago

Its there now.

22186703? ago

You are welcome, fren.

22186520? ago

Major fuckery happening. 300 breads missing. Boards aren't updating. Kinda hard finding a post that doesn't appear to exist. Qmap hasn't listed it yet either.

22186845? ago

I see it on QMAP

22186538? ago

He posted agian

22186532? ago

Qmap blows. Qanon.pub has it

22186640? ago


22186513? ago

Now I have to click that link? Fuck.