22177660? ago

She knew about what Adam Schiff had done at The Standard and had to be [187'd]. She was a liability?

22177418? ago

Nothing of value lost. See her twitter, chock full of leftist logic: https://twitter.com/mamawatz

1) Instructions for 'covertly' obtaining an abortion ... check

2) Literally next post is pretending to care about a little niglet killed in a walmart parking lot ... (jeez, so excited about abortion but you feel bad about this "late term" abortion!?!??!

3) ...and there's the Holohoax -- She simply "can't find the words", as the emotions are *just ... too .... much"!

Can't even make this shit up anymore. And those are literally just the first 3 posts.

22176929? ago

What year is it fucker?

22178276? ago

Fuck you and your "old news" dismissal.

22242570? ago

Ok faggot

22177540? ago

They are only two years behind here. 2 year delta in reverse.

22176826? ago

Was she was killed for knowing too much? Did she "look the other way" once too often?

22176731? ago

Old news op ---> Wednesday - January 31, 2018

22178398? ago

Please realize that there are new people here who may not have seen this. It is instructive to them.

As an aside, one of the things I love about Dan Bongino's podcast and Bongino Report web site is he takes the trouble to bring up old news that takes on new relevance in light of recent stories. Connecting the dots that the MSM won't. Don't bash people for bringing old stories to light again for the new members' benefit. We have to get them up to speed. Personally, I feel sorry for people who discover Q now because there are over 3,700 drops. When I discovered Q, there were only a couple hundred. I have been following ever since. Anyone who comes in now has an overwhelming amount of catching up to do. It's like handing someone the Bible and saying "Read this quickly, so you know what's going on."