The official narrative of the collapse? BBC also did a WTC 7 Collapse BEFORE it Happens...WTC7 "Pull-It" Demolition ?? (
submitted 4.9 years ago by 3614803?
22343540? 4.9 years ago
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22229964? 4.9 years ago
22172754? 4.9 years ago
Pull the other one - it's all about time
22171632? 4.9 years ago
This must be exposed for the unprecedented treason that it was.
Plus, exposing this would help the patriots so much.
22171125? 4.9 years ago
Sunday before 9/11, Our own PBS did a show on airplane that hit the Empire State Building. Was it a timing signal?
22343540? ago
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22229964? ago
22172754? ago
Pull the other one - it's all about time
22171632? ago
This must be exposed for the unprecedented treason that it was.
Plus, exposing this would help the patriots so much.
22171125? ago
Sunday before 9/11, Our own PBS did a show on airplane that hit the Empire State Building. Was it a timing signal?