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22162727? ago

Sephardic Rabbi, Sabbatai Zevi and London burns in 1666 .... Somebody some group would later erase, re-wrote books, BANNED History. “In no small measrue it prepared the ground for the messianic movement of the ‘Sabbatean Movement’. ” The Sabbatean movement which later found resurgence in the Sabbatean-Frankist movement, a bunch of grifters who faked being one religion while remaining Sabbateans, and engaged in objectively Hedonist or Pagan or Satanic or Luciferian practices.... manages to roll all conspiracies into one great big conspiracy. Jacob Frank, who changed his name to Dobrushka, to construct an upper level above the regular Masonic structure which opened doors. 1666 was also the year of the Great Fire of London, just 10 years after Jews were allowed back into England after their expulsion. Only six (there's that number again) deaths were recorded. The fire consumed 87 parish churches and St Paul's Cathedral...Babylonian Black Magick and Occult Secret Societies.

22162797? ago

and house of saxe gotha someone said the Queen was head of Masons and another said Rothschild @WD_Pelley @IIJOSEPHXII @Conspirologist @Monkeyshinerbot3000 ? Where do the Royals fit, the maxwell boat and an arab family of irangate gun runners? I thought Diana fucked the red headed body guard?