Child rapist lawyer who defended a child rapist and Hollywood rapist (QRV)
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3613687?
Is cool cuz he’s OUR child rapist lawyer now
22160562? 5.1 years ago
Yep. And we won't believe his victims anymore, because Trump said he is our pedo boy!!!!
22160394? 5.1 years ago
The Q anon stuff is Larp cosplay bullshit?
22160145? 5.1 years ago
Q anon is fake and gay?
22160499? 5.1 years ago I see no swamp-draining, I see swamp business as usual.
22160562? ago
Yep. And we won't believe his victims anymore, because Trump said he is our pedo boy!!!!
22160394? ago
The Q anon stuff is Larp cosplay bullshit?
22160145? ago
Q anon is fake and gay?
22160499? ago I see no swamp-draining, I see swamp business as usual.