22169414? ago

enjoy the show folks, try not to overthink things too much we do not have the big picture but I am sure there's a reason for it

22160470? ago

You have conflicting feelings - lol. This guy is a fucking pedo. Wasn't Trump supposed to take the pedo elite down - why the fuck is he hiring them then.

22161362? ago

Remember early in Trump’s campaign — almost ended because one on Trump’s team was accused of grabbing a woman reporter to the floor? Trump stood by the man, would not fire him, and showed the security video that proved she was lying. We came that close to never having Trump as President.

22159277? ago

This might be one of the most fascinating topics right now. If he's really guilty of what she claims, why would Trump want him to defend him? If he's not guilty, what does that tell us about Virginia? Is she really telling the truth in fighting the cause that she claims? Is she working for some Black operations?

22160489? ago

Is she really telling the truth in fighting the cause that she claims? Is she working for some Black operations?

Oh great. Now we are attacking Epstein's victims, because Trump chose to hang out with another pedo.

22161293? ago

I'm not making a statement. I'm staying the questions that come to mind. Besides, if Trump were guilty he could shit that investigation down. Yet it continues.

22160350? ago

Seems soap box might have been correct from day one, Q anon was just Jew Anon Larp garbage? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3613373/22158405

22159252? ago

There’s a team of sleazy lawyers guiding her every move, and I doubt they would have dared point a finger at Dershowitz unless there was something substantial to support the charges.

The words before the comma discredit the words that follow.

22158760? ago

He's a supersmart and ultrapersuasive bastard all right.

He had me completely fucking amazed in Bush vs Gore.

What Gore was demanding was so patently outrageous -- lose according to the established tabulating rules, get recount and lose, demand changes to how votes are counted and lose again, and still demand yet more recounts and selective ones at that -- that I couldn't imagine anyone could seriously argue the merits of it. What, keep counting and change how you do it till you win via essentially selective stuffing of the ballot box, then the counts end? That's the only criterion for when the process stops?

But Dershowitz wrote astounding briefs, and wrote them fast. Amazingly persuasive. In truth completely wrong, but amazingly persuasive.

22158730? ago

Innocent until proven guilty.

Dersh was framed by the DS. Don't buy into the fake news.

22159217? ago

Agreed. Same with Epstein and Prince Andrew

22160646? ago


22158691? ago

Maybe to keep the Epstein story alive? I dunno either, scratching my head on this one

22160513? ago

No, because Trump doesn't give a fuck about Epstein's victims.

22160377? ago

The Q Anon thing is fake, basically Jew Anon LARP cosplay bullshit https://voat.co/v/QRV/3613248/22160329