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22158019? ago

Dershowitz was named...he is a pervert.

22159794? ago

Things you need to know about Alan Dershowitz

  • Photo Jeffrey Epstein with Alan Dershowitz at

  • Financier Jeffrey Epstein and Alan Dershowitz met in 1996 through Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a Martha’s Vineyard friend.

  • Alan Dershowitz began flying on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet. Lolita Express.

  • In late 2014, a woman named Virginia Roberts alleged in court that financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein had kept her as an underage sex slave, while arranging for various high-profile friends—including Dershowitz

  • Virginal Roberts, a Jeffrey Epstein's sex slave, claimed to have had sex with Alan Dershowitz on numerous occasions, at several of Epstein’s residencies and his jet, while she was a minor.

  • Alan Dershowitz says he resisted Epstein’s request for representation—he was his friend, not his lawyer—but eventually gave in. Then represented Jeffrey Epstein.

  • Dershowitz is married and has three adult children. Carolyn Cohen, his second wife, is a psychologist.


22162550? ago

Look at the Media Matrers faggots trying HARD on ole Dershowitz...we must be over target.

22160136? ago

Virginal Roberts, a Jeffrey Epstein's sex slave, claimed to have had sex with Alan Dershowitz on numerous occasions, at several of Epstein’s residencies and his jet, while she was a minor.

Bullshit shill! Not one mention of Dershowitz in that article. Go sell your bullshit somewhere else.

22163744? ago

have u not paid attention. He went all over tv denying her claim after she made it