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22158019? ago

Dershowitz was named...he is a pervert.

22159794? ago

Things you need to know about Alan Dershowitz

  • Photo Jeffrey Epstein with Alan Dershowitz at

  • Financier Jeffrey Epstein and Alan Dershowitz met in 1996 through Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a Martha’s Vineyard friend.

  • Alan Dershowitz began flying on Jeffrey Epstein’s jet. Lolita Express.

  • In late 2014, a woman named Virginia Roberts alleged in court that financier and convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein had kept her as an underage sex slave, while arranging for various high-profile friends—including Dershowitz

  • Virginal Roberts, a Jeffrey Epstein's sex slave, claimed to have had sex with Alan Dershowitz on numerous occasions, at several of Epstein’s residencies and his jet, while she was a minor.

  • Alan Dershowitz says he resisted Epstein’s request for representation—he was his friend, not his lawyer—but eventually gave in. Then represented Jeffrey Epstein.

  • Dershowitz is married and has three adult children. Carolyn Cohen, his second wife, is a psychologist.


22162550? ago

Look at the Media Matrers faggots trying HARD on ole Dershowitz...we must be over target.

22160136? ago

Virginal Roberts, a Jeffrey Epstein's sex slave, claimed to have had sex with Alan Dershowitz on numerous occasions, at several of Epstein’s residencies and his jet, while she was a minor.

Bullshit shill! Not one mention of Dershowitz in that article. Go sell your bullshit somewhere else.

22163744? ago

have u not paid attention. He went all over tv denying her claim after she made it

22158315? ago

Innocent until proven guilty, ferner.

22161992? ago

And to investigate an innocent man is unfair.

22162389? ago

investigate away. Let me know when someone is convicted of something.

22160141? ago


22158164? ago

oh no named. must mean he is guilty right?just like trump being "named" in some suit that went nowhere.

22158179? ago

Was Virgina Roberts lying about Epstein too?

22158534? ago

Alicia Arden, Courtney Wild, Jennifer Araoz, Michelle Licata could be telling the truth about Epstein... i mean are you fucking retarded or just are you intentionally pretending to be clueless?

22158195? ago

I dont know.

22158241? ago

But she WAS lying about Dersh?

22162199? ago

Yes. She was a filthy liar. Trust Dershowitz. Trust Wray. Nothing to be concerned about there. But absolutely you should be concerned that “Republican” wasn’t an option to register for the CA ballot primary.

22158317? ago

We literally don't know for sure. Question everything. Be careful who you follow. Disinfo is necessary.

22162480? ago

The shills are eating this up. Cross linking even...I’m living rent free in their heads. They don’t even see the troll yet. They will after FISA.

22158422? ago

we're going to cut your head off kike

22158625? ago


22158654? ago

right above the clavicle


22160172? ago

Can you feel your soul burning?

22160232? ago

Once you figure out the riddle of the inversion, getting into heaven is quite easy.

You have to destroy satan. And ALL HIS WORKS.

22160297? ago


22160313? ago

20 bucks says I’m ok

22160508? ago

Everyone knows otherwise, but you. You will feel it when you pass.

22160569? ago

Your 20 bucks!?

In my cold dead hand? Ok!

22158614? ago

Blonde haired, blue eyed, small Finnish button nosed Christian. Try harder faggot.

I simply quoted Q.

22158644? ago

do that in a physical environment and you're going to be a blonde haired blue eyed headless finnish christian.

enjoy your pedophile satanist leadership and their pedophile satanist attorneys.

22162224? ago

Assumptions make you look VERY stupid, especially when they're wrong!

You must be stupid because your reading comprehension is garbage. "I simply quoted Q"

Unless you're suggesting Trump/Q are pedophile satanist leadership? You do realize his daughter, son-in-law and grandchildren are all what you would call "kikes"?

Why exactly are you here? Lemme guess...paid divisionfag?

Your employer should be very unsatisfied with your work. So sad.

22162446? ago

Trump and Q are not associated. Trump is President. Q is a faker.

22158354? ago

Epstein IS innocent IF Dersh is

22158591? ago

Not necessarily.

22158410? ago

of that Single allegation lolol. epstein has tons of bitches that accused him. fuck off with your closed door logic.

22158418? ago

Can you name any other Epstein accusers? I’ll wait

22159617? ago

where did you go you fucking faggot? admit you are wrong you stupid cunt.I always blow you out here and you never admit you are wrong. faggot cunt

22159920? ago

No thanks. You sound triggered defending the pedokike Dershowitz

22160021? ago

well im a nazi but have jewish blood. we exist...

22158483? ago

Alicia Arden, Courtney Wild, Jennifer Araoz... i mean are you fucking retarded or just are you intentionally pretending to be clueless?

22158042? ago

A new law soon to be passed .... The new law includes a piece about intra web free thought extremism, and specifically mentions political sites like Gab and Voat are both on there.

22159045? ago

Links or you are a lying faggot.

22158187? ago

go on. more details please! i can feel it coming