22159067? ago

Shills are in major panic mode.... Crying, lying, and crying some more. Vile bunch that they are. Profanity part of their MO.

22159064? ago

I have always hated Doucheowitz but he is a very successful lawyer. Also, if he knows secrets about the prosecutors through his past experiences, they may be very wary of challenging him.

22158428? ago

Oy vey goyim, are you tired of winning yet?

22157909? ago

So this IS a puzzling move. Trump and Dershowitz. They seem like strange bedfellows. AD has been on the Lolita Express and also to Little St. James. Multiple times. I can only trust the DT knows what he's doing. I can do that because God is in control and DT is His man for this hour.

22158121? ago

Agreed. Especially with Epstein's "suicide", it seems that the message "Enjoy the show" is still up in the air for what exactly the show is. Hopefully we aren't all being duped.

22159100? ago

Or shills are starting to awaken to the fact, that their end may come, in a similar way to Epstein's.

22157760? ago

The optics alone are fucked up! Does POTUS not know Alan is a shitbag?!?!?!

22157053? ago

It’s all clever 4D chess and part of the plan!

22156831? ago

Yeah, what the fuck is this all about?

22158464? ago

We need our own pedo jews

22157862? ago

Are you new here? Dersh has been on Trump's legal team since early 2018. White hats control Dersh and will make use of him until his usefulness runs out.

22158077? ago

Or just maybe, everything, and I mean EVERYTHING including the supposed "white hats" is just a show? Keep an open mind.

22158097? ago

The fight between Trump and the establishment is just a show?

22159167? ago

Its Jews vs another bunch of Jews for power. Nothing new.

22159789? ago

This is the first time I've noticed Jews scrapping globally.

22158196? ago

Honestly, it very well could be. Trump being considered anti-establishment could be just a ploy to make you think that you (as in US) actually have a choice in what happens to this country/world. If the corruption promised to be ended by Trump does not end, then it seems like we truly never did have a choice.

22158415? ago

It's certainly possible that globalist Jews and Chabad are employing the dialectic with this fight, but if so there's not much that can be done other than try to wake more people up to the JQ which seems to be happening.

22157790? ago

Over target while shills down vote? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3613328

22156776? ago

Dersh is scum but he's been leveraged by white hats since April last year.


22156899? ago

I trust Q and Q+ even if Dersh did some bad things in the past

22158274? ago

But he kept his underwear on! /s

22156916? ago


22157930? ago

AD must not have harmed children. Thank God.

22157997? ago

The idea that Dersh being leveraged now means he won't be punished in the future seems to be a popular take for concern trolls.

22157299? ago

Even if he raped children. He MUST be given a pass

22157327? ago

He can be used now and punished later.

22157387? ago

Agreed. We should keep him out of jail. No matter if he hurts other children. As long as he’s advancing our interests

22157412? ago

You're going to straw man me? Lol.

22157438? ago

No I’m agreeing with you. Even though he raped kids, he serves our interest

22157469? ago

Turning an enemy against another, before disposing of them, is rational.

22157488? ago

Amen. Patriot. I’m willing to sacrifice children to his sexual depravity in the meantime as well.

22157740? ago

I’m willing to sacrifice children to his sexual depravity in the meantime

Pure fantasy.

22156496? ago

The jew is poison. Bad Move.

22158481? ago

No. You are blinded and filled with hate. Thus Jew poison.

22156196? ago

I can't wait to watch this legal team utterly crush the deep state narrative.

Moar popcorn please!!!

22156168? ago

^^ Scared bruh?


22156479? ago

I don’t believe Virgina Roberts either. She’s likely lying about Epstein and Dershowitz and Prince Andrew

22156157? ago

Agree, Alan is also a full on Zionist without regret.

22158478? ago

But our baby raping faggot kike will nullify one of their baby raping kikes

22156172? ago

^^^OP's alt account

22156549? ago

^^^We got a pedo defender here boys. How many kids have you fucked personally?