22163731? ago

It would be worthy as a social experiment to ban an jew from being an admissions officer for four years and see what happens.

22161578? ago

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22156472? ago

It's a lot more than just Harvard!

22153316? ago

It'll never happen. They can pass this off as not corrupt all they want. But we know the truth. No way does this country ever let that happen.

22153301? ago

That's basically a formula to start a civil war. Holy shit what a reckless idea

22152866? ago

It isn't. It's a Luciferian/Marxist academy for trained parrots. Thought is strictly prohibited by law.

22152370? ago


22152341? ago

Harvard is at the dead center of everything going wrong in the United States. It starts with The Day The Logic Died. Now look into who is running and involved with...

  • The Harvard Board of Overseers, and its relationships to both British agent Ronald Mourad Cohen, Yad Hanadiv, and the Shorenstein family's Environmental Defense Fund
  • The Belfer Center
  • The Berkman Center
  • The Shorenstein Center
  • The USC Annenberg Center and Democracy Works via Nicco Mele

USC Annenberg is another place where all of the bullshit-as-academia is coming out of.

22152282? ago

It's a brainwashing institute.

22152204? ago

I wonder if all the older parents (not even those out of country) know this or if they still have outdated input and still send their kids there.

The later would be fun to see, when some rich Saudi or Chinnese sees what the kid turned into and that its no way near of runing the position you pictured it in. Then you get a file on whats really going on there and start fucking with the US in fun ways to get back at them.

"Dear spinless Dean I belive we hand an understanding that I donate a new dorm and my kid gets extra education, you just let him become like the rest of those useless waste of space, you feared the wrath of some fate blue haired goal post shifting degenerates who can't take a piss without having a psychosis? Just imagine what I can do."

22151055? ago

Simple fix, stop believing it is. Other men, no different than you or I have deemed this institution one of the best. Let us all be clear, "regular" Americans do not attend this so called "elite" college packed together in a group of other "elite" schools named after a vine. Let the rich countries sons and daughters suffer, and the already indoctrinated legacy kids continue to the echo chamber they have been primed to thrive in. As far as I'm concerned going there is not something anyone who isn't already high up in the game can even afford, or would choose own their own if they were not treated as if they are better than the rest of us somehow because of the name of the college they attend. That should do nothing for anyone with their head on straight, not seeking praise from strangers and the very people we are here to defeat.

22150998? ago

There is a reason Ivy league schools can't do sports. And it's not for the reasons they have told you, like lack of funding, or lack of interest. It's because they have always been filled with weak-ass soy boys. Weak of body, soul, and mind.

22161600? ago

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22150935? ago

This is stunningly arrogant. DC swamp denizens fancy themselves to be noblemen.

22150858? ago

Question unrelated. I just got a vpn. When I am connected to it, then I can't log into any of my usual website such as voat. If I disconnect from it then I can log into everything like before. HELP...what do I need to do to fix it??

22151715? ago

You need to configure your vpn connection to not override your default gateway. How that is done depends on what software you have. How I did it for openVpn, for example, was to add the following config option on my client:

pull-filter ignore redirect-gateway

22160451? ago


22150561? ago

If anyone would dare to do a deep-dive into the Ivy League schools, one would find the scrubbed/secret history that the majority of these schools were built from the enormous profits of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade. One would also find that 80% of this human trafficking was conducted by a certain ethnic group that tends to vote Marxist and hold most of the highest paid administrative and/or faculty positions at these schools.

PS: I don't know anything about the Clinton's. Just wanted to get this out there for my own safety.

22150497? ago

Don’t forget a base for foreigners to steal from us at the tax payer expense. Have you seen campuses lately? I walk around and as a White male, feel like a foreigner in my own country. Fuck the commies that destroyed this country and us for not fighting back.

22150273? ago

Washington DC explicitly cannot be a state …bunch of retards.

22149864? ago

Just call Harvard what it is. Harvard Perversity

22149790? ago

Communists... Marxists... Socialists in America!

22149595? ago

Harvard was founded as a Jewish college

22153580? ago

Harvard was founded by John Harvard. Only one text was used for all debate, study, and written assignments - The Holy Bible.

22149513? ago

All those Ivy leagues took over Race over Merit. Once you put Anything over merit, the crack is there, and the whole institution loses it's merit / credit.

22148857? ago

One of my early awakenings, someone's ex-wife did "research", what that really meant was being a part of a grant money scam run by "professors" at a big university.

22148792? ago

We call them Jews.

22148676? ago

Harvard is a congress chicken farm

22150670? ago

Im james comey, and No it cluckin ain't you bo-bok faggot.

22148300? ago

You let in a few Jews and this what you eventually get. They were wise to institute jewish quotas 100 years ago. When will we ever learn?

22148229? ago

I have never seen anyone walking around that school whose brain I would have liked to pick.

22148218? ago

not just Harvard but the Boston area

22148217? ago

Harvard = Shithole Money Grab

22150617? ago

No point in go there anyways. All the paint chips have been eaten off the walls.

22148136? ago

just look at the complete retards they are admitting these days

22148019? ago

When I come across someone from Harvard, I discount them immediately. And as a lawyer, I see plenty of Harvard people. Never been impressed with any of them, I have to say.

22147880? ago

Demonrats want to get rid of the EC because it means they only need to focus on 5 cities which they utterly own to win every presidential race for the rest of time.

Eliminating the EC would see that the interests of states like North Dakota or Wyoming were so irrelevant that no politician would ever visit those states in 100 years. The people there would be utterly trampled by the interest of urban Americans.

22156516? ago

No politician visiting for 100 years? Sounds like heaven. But I digress....

22158973? ago

I means they will be heavily taxing you to pay for the insanity in Socal and NYC.

22152272? ago

Give them the EC if they agree for Voter ID that can be easily checked if its legit. I know I know still those 5 cities would propably be enough but the dems wouldn't go down that path.

22147868? ago

Burn them all to the ground.

22147806? ago


22147801? ago

from: doglegwarrior its probaboy over 25% jews at harvard.

22147742? ago

For fucks sake, just name the Jew.

By the way, fuck the Constitution. It's bullshit. A nation is its Blood not its Soil. Would you still love the Constitution if we held a Constitutional Convention and revoked the Bill of Rights? It'd be entirely legal.

Morality trumps legality.

22152275? ago

Be careful with statments like that.

Just imagine things would run on leftist Morality, there wouldn't be any legality and the Morality of me having to cut my kids dick off is not a Morality I can get behind.

22152913? ago

That's because it's not moral. Morality is objective, not subjective.

22147446? ago

Was there an article? All I saw was a bunch of ads.

22147404? ago

Isn't it all kikes?

22147403? ago

The biggest dumbass you will ever encounter is a college educated leftist

22148914? ago

My grandfather called them "educated idiots" and warned me to be wary of them early on like he warned me to be wary of poisonous snakes in our woods.

22147192? ago

The ivy league system was taken over by jews a long time ago. Jews are like 8000% over-represented in the ivy league. Blacks, like 800%, hispanics 600%. White are represented at about 70% at the Ivy League, with Asians sharing a similar number.

22147165? ago

I couldn't agree more. I've been saying the same thing for decades now. Their degrees should be regarded as garbage. No offense to those who had to be subjected to their progressive indoctrination and still managed to come away from there with some semblance of sanity. They should lose all accreditation.

22147163? ago

Rich kids get pampered throughout the Ivy League. They take in a few actual geniuses for the optics! Mostly just elitist Bullshit! Most of them would wash down to Sociogy or psychology or drop out in a Real State University with legitimate competition.

22147140? ago

The [Enemy] within.

22147133? ago

Well no shit this applies to all higher learning, the entire education system has devolved into a propaganda machine and debt enslavement tool/ barrier to entrance

22148012? ago

It was all part and parcel to the plan. Uni professors tend to be idealists so they were ideal places to stick radical communists, globalists, and jewish supremacists.

They are also the refuse bin of people who are smart, but far too insane to work or get along in the real world. So they join insular Irovy towers and echo chamber until they have lost all connection to reality.

And there is a bloody reason every person who sizes power in a chaotic situation kills university professors as the first step towards stabilizing a nation. Sedition and subversion and bad ideas, one of their major found for radicalism and treason is universities.

22163832? ago

In fairness, only a few select university have profs like you describe. The average state school treats their profs like McDonald's employees with low pay and little respect while the admins rake in six figure incomes. Being treated like private sector corporate serfs tends to make them more realistic about life

22147090? ago

Harvard has released a radical proposal to fix America's broken democracy.

The United States of America is a constitutional republic, not a democracy. This is another attempt by Jewish tyrants to rig the USA elections in favor of grifters who are freaking out that their funding avenues have been cut off.

22147014? ago

Along with the rest of the education system.

22150203? ago

You are missing the point. Harvard is a total sham. As is the whole I y LeGue farce. RJ h mid schools. Legacies and buy-ins.

22148210? ago

Clear your bank account and buy gold and silver silver. FIAT is a dead horse.

22148295? ago

I'm buying brass and lead.

22149548? ago

I'm buying boomers and cocaine

22149565? ago


I meant hookers.

22147577? ago

There is still effective private education. Not much, but it exists.

22149524? ago

There will always be an effective private. That's the point of private, to cater to you.

22148553? ago


22148810? ago

I went there, and wished I had gone to a better school for my major. Ridiculously expensive too.

22148867? ago

Did they try to indoctrinate? Or did they allow free thinking?

22149026? ago

Calvinist Indoctrination

22149991? ago

Apparently they weren't big on spelling either....

22147716? ago

I’m a hiring manager, and I always toss out applications if the person went to one of those wacko Christian schools like Liberty University or Oral Roberts

22150218? ago

Where? We need to know who to boycott.

22150226? ago

Koch Industries

22149107? ago

Of all the young people that I've worked with, those are the ones who were the most responsible and capable. All the others were grossly irresponsible and incapable, basically slackers who I wouldn't hire to wash my car.

22149220? ago

Weird. Maybe it’s different for different industries.

22148570? ago

Why? Don’t you think people believe we W people are crazy and wacko?

22148759? ago

No because evangelical universities like that don’t really teach anything of worth. They also attract looney religious types

22148891? ago

What makes a person a looney religious type?

22149062? ago

One chick I hired wouldn’t take birth control or any type of medicine and got cramps from periods so bad that she constantly needed time off. Shit like that. Luckily, she quit because the work was too intellectually rigorous

22148740? ago

he's larping

22148761? ago

Sorry if you went to a shitty Christian University.

22149012? ago

They are much better than any liberal cesspool.

22149046? ago

I’ve hired a couple. Never again. One chick wouldn’t take birth control or any type of medicine and got cramps so bad that she constantly needed time off.

22147799? ago

Ahh, yes. Because "hiring manager" isn't just a blanket aggregate, or in simple terms meaningless as a descriptor of defining caliber.

22147038? ago

A place that forgets to teach common sense, they pass an exam but they come to a door and they have a look of confusion on their faces, no instruction manual and they don't know if to push or pull ... the party and drugs happen, someone else has all those blackmail pictures.

22148880? ago

Why do they need to learn anything with google at their fingertips 24/7


22146928? ago


22146985? ago

Masonic orders hidden in a frat house, werd gay lesbian drugged up party rituals, Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale etc Skull and Bones, The Order, Order 322 or The Brotherhood of Death.

Tranny? http://college.usatoday.com/2016/07/08/chi-phi-transgender-pledges/ Real arrests and false arrest, do weird shit and sell it to some brayzzsers porno tube, Frat houses both good and bad? http://police.berkeley.edu/crimealerts/2014/14-101514-70.html , https://www.apnews.com/188d705724f049e59f1faaf2ce6572e4 ,http://henrymakow.com/upload_images/Frats.jpg , https://www.jta.org/2018/08/24/news-opinion/jewish-fraternity-ucla-sued-sexual-assault This Q thing is amazingly ignorant of how much the Masons are not our friends.This is the mother of all secret societies and their oaths make them protect each other and that's saying nothing about their occult religion based on the gnostic kabalah shit pile. https://i.imgur.com/SE9dUgw.jpg , https://voat.co/v/Wikipedia/3292557 , https://www.aepi.org/about/about-aepi/notable-alumni/ , http://viterbivoices.usc.edu/feature/sororities-and-fraternities-part-2/ Babylon became the norm?Party time, college people, cheerleading , alcohol, drugs, always an old camera man in those Glam metal and groupie party Dens?? today its even worse cameras and phones everywhere, even normalized. Georgia Tech Football Player Dies During Initiation Ritual Practice for Black Fraternity Omega Psi Phi. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/13/us/fraternity-death-penn-state.html it's PSU... "The events leading up to Piazza's death have come into clearer focus since the charges were filed.", "At about 9 p.m. on February 2, 19-year-old Timothy Piazza showed up for a pledge event at Penn State's Beta Theta Pi fraternity." https://archive.is/k9xog

Boule – Skull and Bones Society https://secret--societies.blogspot.com/2013/12/the-boule-skull-and-bones-society.html Many coke heads, high on beer and eating mushrooms. You get celeb and political types the Comedians, Bush, Zuckerberg, Obama, Kerry ..... http://12160.info/profiles/blogs/alpha-delta-kappa-animal-house-fraternities , http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread3799/pg1 , https://www.conspirazzi.com/who-iz-da-boule/ , http://yournamesecretsocieties.iwarp.com/ , http://theuniversalseduction.com/articles/college-fraternities-linked-to-freemasonry , If one wants to examine the whole fabric of the elite's control, one must take note of college fraternities. Millions of Americans have been members of college fraternities and sororities, and many go on to prominence. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phi_Kappa_Sigma , https://forums.studentdoctor.net/threads/does-joining-a-fraternity-impact-my-application.445029/ , https://psychology.wikia.org/wiki/Fraternities_and_sororities , https://wikivisually.com/wiki/Sigma_Phi_Epsilon , step one to something more strange ... students act like kids and dont see the risks lost in a haze of drugs and booze and partying. You also have Coeducational fraternities, Acacia (fraternity) = Masons / Shriner then Delta Lambda Phi = faggot dykes trannies, Phi Kappa Theta Vatican Catholic, Sigma Alpha Mu = Jewish Moslem and British Royals, Gamma Rho Lambda = female lesbo dyke, Kappa Theta Epsilon lesbian gay dykes lesbo sjw antifa types

at least they didn't fuck the corpse ... http://archive.is/rhNmM Jewish Frat

Phi Theta Kappa - Alpha Rho Pi - College & University

They say first was Phi Beta Kappa, which was founded hundreds of yrs ago, some have drugs alcohol, some have hazings sororities, frats have not been without their problems, including hazings-related problems, including deaths. Masonic, Shriners, Jewish and Roman and Scottish and York Rite symbols are still there but its become more Greek pagan faggotry these past years. Either stupid riding the goat type jackass shit or worse 'Every Rape Reported at Fraternities This Year' it leaks into the news, the posh college and uni get to cover some stuff up.

22146863? ago

not to mention that it is the SEAT of Illuminati recruiting in the USA.

22146994? ago

some even brain damaged from their rituals, Over Target? its like their secret parties have these weird masonic elements

22146780? ago

This has been true forever; we await the day when those educated in the Ivy League are blacklisted and unemployable.

22147028? ago

Never Ending Wars? ... See skull n bones and the other names. The guy got addicted to strong alcohol spirits and booze....they tried to blackmail ... older brother freely admitted it multiple times? Brother was in a Jewish college fraternity? A famous powerful family, no he leads, the brother died fought those addictions. Joined a Jewish fraternity? Bizarre....Great uncle in Scotland was married to a Jewish woman who was also born there...Fraternity seem to have lots of masonic babylon greek symbols.... an alcoholic brother, he was supposed to take the Empire and then blackmail, he's dead now