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22142722? ago

could have been shipping more clean USA coal to China, but the shitstain communist in Seattle blocked that from happening a few years ago (before Pres. Trump on the scene) - didn't want the train loads of coal passing through their city on the way to a new super tech coal handling facility to be built in Bellingham, WA

22142763? ago

No such thing as clean coal you retard

22143317? ago

Yeah there is, and the US is the world's leading producer of it. I think it's properties make it harder with so that it burns cleaner than some other coal. Plus, with the use of smoke stack scrubbing technology, the "smoke" is actually mostly just water vapor.

22143799? ago

I’m a chemical engineer. Please tell me what you THINK clean coal is?

22144520? ago

It is well known that the US has a much larger supply of cleaner burning coal than that mined in China. It is one of a number of reasons that China has such a problem with wintertime smog when people are burning their coal to keep warm.

22144556? ago

You didn’t answer the question. What do you think clean coal means?

22145163? ago

Part 6 >

Zero Emission Platform (ZEP), founded in 2005, is a European CCS lobby group involving major utilities. ZEP serves as advisor to the European Commission on the research, demonstration and deployment of CCS. However, early in 2015 RWE, Vattenfall and Gas Natural Fenosa (also apparently EdF) dropped out, pleading restricted time and budget and saying that “we do not have the necessary economic framework conditions in Europe to make CCS an attractive technology to invest in.”

In Netherlands, the Rotterdam Opslag and Afvang Demonstratieproject (ROAD, Rotterdam Capture and Storage Demonstration Project) set up by E.On and GdF Suez/ Engie aimed to capture 1.1 Mt CO2/yr from a 250 MWe coal-fired plant at the Maasvlakte-3 plant in Rotterdam. However, it was abandoned in mid-2017, leaving no other European CCS power projects.

In Germany, Vattenfall’s Schwarze Pumpe lignite power plant started a 30 MW pilot CCS project in 2007, but never proceeded past this and the company will abandoned the project in 2018. In 2014 Vattenfall announced it would abandon CCS altogether.

Rest of world

In China, the first phase of Huaneng Group’s $1.5 billion GreenGen project – a 250 MWe oxyfuel IGCC power plant burning syngas (mainly hydrogen and carbon monoxide) from coal feed – commenced operation at Tianjin in 2012 and has been fully operational since 2014. The second phase involves a pilot plant which draws about 7% of the syngas from the IGCC power plant, shifts CO and water to CO2 and H2, then separates the CO2 from the H2 after desulphurisation, and produces electricity from hydrogen. The 60,000 to 100,000 tpa CO2 is used for enhanced oil recovery. Phase 3 will be a 400 MWe commercial IGCC plant with CCS to capture up to 2 million tonnes of CO2 per year, from about 2020.

The Sinopec Shengli power plant CCS project is planned to come online in 2018, with post-combustion capture and 1 Mt/yr CO2 used for EOR.

The Uthmaniyah project in the Eastern Province of Saudi Arabia commissioned in 2015 will capture around 800,000 tonnes of CO2 per year from the Hawiyah natural gas liquids recovery plant to be injected for enhanced oil recovery (EOR) at the Ghawar oilfield.

In Australia the $240 million Callide Oxyfuel project in Queensland aims to demonstrate oxyfuel capture technology retrofitted to a 30 MW unit of an existing coal-fired power plant and to research how it might be applied to new power stations. The plant was commissioned in 2012 and was to run for an extended test period until November 2014. By mid-2013 the project had demonstrated CO2 capture rates from the oxyfuel flue gas stream to the CO2 capture plant in excess of 85%, and produced a high quality CO2 product suitable for geological storage. The project achieved more than 10,000 hours of oxy-combustion and more than 5,000 hours of carbon capture from Callide A. The plant was then decommissioned. CS Energy led the project and is working closely with an international team of partners including IHI Corporation (Japan), J-Power (Japan), Mitsui & Company (Japan), and Xstrata Coal.

Also in Australia the $150 million Delta Post Combustion Capture project hosted at Delta’s 1320 MWe Vales Point coal-fired power station in NSW aimed to demonstrate capture and sequestration of 100,000 t/yr of CO2 by 2015. However, after massive losses the plant was sold for a token sum in November 2015, with no mention of the CCS project.

Both Australian projects were funded by federal and state governments and the coal industry.

Gasification processes

In conventional plants coal, often pulverised, is burned with excess air (to give complete combustion), resulting in very dilute carbon dioxide at the rate of 800 to 1200 g/kWh.

Gasification converts the coal to burnable gas with the maximum amount of potential energy from the coal being in the gas.

In Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle (IGCC) the first gasification step is pyrolysis, from 400°C up, where the coal in the absence of oxygen rapidly gives carbon-rich char and hydrogen-rich volatiles.

In the second step the char is gasified from 700°C up to yield gas, mostly CO, leaving ash. With oxygen feed, the gas is not diluted with nitrogen.

The key reactions today are C + O2 to CO, and the water gas reaction: C + H2O (steam) to CO & H2 – syngas, which reaction is endothermic.

In gasification, including that using oxygen, the O2 supply is much less than required for full combustion, so as to yield CO and H2. The hydrogen has a heat value of 121 MJ/kg – about five times that of the coal, so it is a very energy-dense fuel. However, the air separation plant to produce oxygen consumes up to 20% of the gross power of the whole IGCC plant system. This syngas can then be burned in a gas turbine, the exhaust gas from which can then be used to raise steam for a steam turbine, hence the "combined cycle" in IGCC.

To achieve a much fuller clean coal technology in the future, the water-shift reaction will become a key part of the process so that:

C + O2 gives CO, and
C + H2O gives CO & H2, then the
CO + H2O gives CO2 & H2 (the water-shift reaction).

The products are then concentrated CO2 which can be captured, and hydrogen. (There is also some hydrogen from the coal pyrolysis), which is the final fuel for the gas turbine.

Overall thermal efficiency for oxygen-blown coal gasification, including carbon dioxide capture and sequestration, is about 73%. Using the hydrogen in a gas turbine for electricity generation is efficient, so the overall system has long-term potential to achieve an efficiency of up to 60%.

Present trends

The clean coal technology field is moving in the direction of coal gasification with a second stage so as to produce a concentrated and pressurised carbon dioxide stream followed by its separation and geological storage. This technology has the potential to provide what may be called "zero emissions" – in reality, extremely low emissions of the conventional coal pollutants, and as low-as-engineered carbon dioxide emissions.

This has come about as a result of the realisation that efficiency improvements, together with the use of natural gas and renewables such as wind will not provide the deep cuts in greenhouse gas emissions necessary to meet future national targets.

The US DOE sees "zero emissions" coal technology as a core element of its future energy supply in a carbon-constrained world. It had an ambitious program to develop and demonstrate the technology and have commercial designs for plants with an electricity cost of only 10% greater than conventional coal plants available by 2012, but this is at least postponed.

Australia is very well endowed with carbon dioxide storage sites near major carbon dioxide sources, but as elsewhere, demonstration plants will be needed to gain public acceptance and show that the storage is permanent.

Natural gas as alternative fuel

There are many advocates for the use of natural gas as an alternative to coal for electricity generation, on the grounds that it emits much less CO2 per kWh generated. This is true on almost any basis of comparison, but it ignores the global warming potential of leaked natural gas, and the CO2 emissions in transporting it as LNG (up to one third of the energy is consumed in transport). Leakage of 3% of the natural gas will bring it into approximate parity with coal-fired electricity in terms of global warming effect.

There is a range of ways of using natural gas primarily for power generation:

Central Heat and Power (CHP) – Typically burn in a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) for electricity, using exhaust gas to heat steam boiler to make more electricity, and finally using "the exhaust stream to heat buildings or other purposes. Thermodynamic efficiencies of 80% for this have been reported.

Combined cycle gas turbine – On its own, the best efficiency is GE's H series, which claims 60% efficiency.

Direct gas turbine – high 30's% efficiency, or straight steam boiler with about 40% efficiency (now obsolete).

All of these have potential for CCS. Methane when burned gives CO2 and water, the latter is easily separated. With high efficiencies the nitrogen proportion should be less that that with low efficiency, such as most coal.


International Energy Agency, World Energy Outlook 2018

Prime Minister's Science Engineering and Innovation Council, Australia 2002, Beyond Kyoto report

David Cain & staff, Rio Tinto, pers. comm.

Smith, D 2002, CO2 capture articles in Modern Power Systems, Nov-Dec 2002

World Coal Institute, publications on Clean Coal Technologies

Australian Coal Association (integrated into the Minerals Council of Australia in 2013)

COAL21 Fund

World Coal Institute, Sustainable Entrepreneurship: the Way Forward for the Coal Industry

International Energy Agency 2002, Key World Energy Statistics

International Energy Agency 2002, Solutions for 21st Century – Zero emissions technologies for fossil fuels

US DOE 27/2/03 announcement

US DOE NETL 21/3/03, Carbon sequestration – technology roadmap and program plan.

Gale, J., Geological storage of CO2: What do we know, where are the gaps and what more needs to be done?, Energy, Vol. 29, issue 9, pages 1329-1338 (2004)

US DOE Clean Coal Research

National Enhanced Oil Recovery Initiative (NEORI)

Michel J.H., Lost hopes for CCS – added urgency for renewable energy, Air Pollution & Climate Secretariat, Air Pollution and Climate Series 28, June 2013

International Energy Agency, Energy Technology Perspectives 2016 & 2017

Royal Academy of Engineering, CCS Forum Report, 10-12 February 2016

Carbon capture and storage a global priority, Engerati (3 August 2016)

A pathway to zero emissions from coal, World Coal Association website


Happy now?

This is a different person to the one you replied to by the way.

I am from Australia, and Clean Coal is legit.

Thank you.

22147752? ago

I'm the one he was responding to, but I think I will just sign on to your post. I could not explain it any better than this.

22148504? ago


When they are presented with information this detailed, they have literally nothing to say.

22150826? ago

You are an information warrior badass. I left a friend speechless with this! You had more than one victory today, friend!

22150902? ago

Thanks! Can't have the liars telling the Normies Porky Pies now can we?

Every single time (((they))) try shit like this on for size, I will be there with some of the best research in the world to counter them. <

It's not called infomration warfare for nothing.

Here is a taste of my latest breakthough regarding POTUS' comment "A Beautiful Vase".

It matches the Gematria of Q's last Trip code beforte it changed in November 2019.

Thanks for your kind words and support.


22151251? ago

Yikes. Sorry I’m not into gematria. Mainly because I’m not mentally ill. But great post nonetheless Patriot!

22151303? ago

Thanks for your "support" Shill. <