22140744? ago

The original creator of the "I am a pizza" song heard in the Ecuador video is Charlotte Diamond. https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3610821

22131828? ago

I met this Polish pop star who is all into Q and Illuminati stuff...

She’s really big in Sweden and at one point came to the us where she ALMOST got a break. She ended up having to deal with someone who J Bieber had also dealt with and it became clear real quick that they expected her to be okay with sexual abuse.

She wasn’t. So she went back to Poland and said... fuck it, I don’t want to be an American star.

22140727? ago

the entire hollyweird movie and music industry seems to be this way

22130994? ago

Kevin Spacey, Epstein, Rolf Harris .... the conspiracy is real or fake? @madmalloy @kobold @ellanana @whitemouse

22144327? ago

and the Weinstein Story https://voat.co/v/news/3610717/22141144

22130906? ago

Pizzagate was debunked. No basement at the Comet Pizza shop. lol Then some Q-tard showed up to shoot up the place. Authorities proved it was a bullshit Conspiracy Theory. Even the POTUS said it was a crazy theory.

22132159? ago

Yeah...I can Google Pizzagate articles and read wikipedia as well...but guess what? It wouldn't mean I'd know the truth! You are either a newfag who has much to learn or simply a shill....because it's blatantly obvious you haven't learned anything these past few years. Lol. Try harder.

22132221? ago

Pizzagate was debunked. No basement at the Comet Pizza shop. lol Then some Q-tard showed up to shoot up the place. Authorities proved it was a bullshit Conspiracy Theory. Even the POTUS said it was a crazy theory.

The POTUS said it was a CRAZY theory.

22134771? ago

Tell that to Dr. Pizza.

22132262? ago

Disinformation is necessary.

Like I said...you haven't learned anything! 🤣

22132394? ago

I know all, I see all. Pizzagate was a hoax.

22133977? ago


22131264? ago

You’re either a shill, or next level niggerfaggot stupid. You choose and let us all know. Faggot

22131458? ago


22131906? ago

Nope, you’re gonna have to choose

22132087? ago

I did. Neither.