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22127071? ago

I'll say it again - and this is from someone who thinks Bill Barr was Trump's best hire, just slightly ahead of Pompeo - but WHERE THE HELL IS BILL BARR IN THIS CASE?

22127603? ago

Bill Barr is exactly the distance away Bill barr needs to be away, so that bill barr is relatively unnoticed in the way that b needs to be.

22127631? ago

B2 bomber

22129481? ago

It just occurred to me, B2 = 2 B's = B2 = Bill Barr. Maybe other anons already brought it up but I haven't been active here lately due to life's pressing matters.

22129568? ago

ARMY Tweet = Love QAnon > Plus FLOTUS Christmas Decode 'o-o' <

B2 > Be Best > Bill Barr