22130609? ago

Boo hoo hoo ... California's problem has nothing to do with Reagan dumb shit.

22129064? ago

Why did Regan attend Bohemian Grove?

Wasn’t his wife into reading Tarot cards?

Fuck his legacy.

22144096? ago

Opened the way for illegals and refujihads, I feel Ronnie was played maybe even owned by others https://voat.co/v/whatever/3611094/22142662

22128749? ago

It doesn't matter how good you are if you give Jews power and influence they will Jew

22128093? ago

But I thought Kalifornia was all about sjw ethnic diversity and cultural enrichment. You're saying the utopian notion of a perfect harmonious world of peace and tranquility actually didn't spring up from forcefully mixing very different races and cultures together while publicly shaming anyone who questions it?

22127921? ago

i never understood why conservatives loved this fucking kike controlled bush controlled piece of shit. he put us over the trillion debt mark. he fucking gave all those mexicans citizenship. iran contra. he didnt make goverment smaller... fuck this actor fucking retarded piece of shit only if clint eastwood couldnhave taken his place we might already have made america great again.

22130022? ago

One side of the coin is Demo.rats and the other side is Republicans. Politics is corruption and always has been. Trump is a one of a kind, actually doing something about beating back the roaches so we may breathe for a while. Our government roach motel will fill up again one day, hopefully later rather than sooner. We voted for him specifically to kick butt and fumigate.

22127858? ago

What are you tlaking about? California is great! Where else can you get 500k or more for 1200 sqft dump with homeless shitting all over the sidewalks in front!! Ha ha ha to all you sacks of pathetic crap that live in California!!!

22127548? ago


22127512? ago

He was OK, unless they shot him. Freaked him into submission.

22127392? ago

Forgiveness is the secret...

22127169? ago

You Reagan bashers are a bunch of shilly morons. He did what he could with the powers he had. Clearly he had not been prepared for the full force of the cabal. If anything, his presidency was a strength test. The results led to Trump.

Thank you Ronald Reagon. Rest in peace.

22127597? ago

^^^This. If Reagan was such a traitor the cabal wouldn’t have tried to assassinate him like they did JFK.

22127778? ago

That's when he bent over! He was a coward not up for the job! Dude played illness well.

22176367? ago

You worthless zero. Reagan did more just breathing the air than a hopeless entitled faggot like you.

22179501? ago

He was a satanist. Try harder.

22126512? ago

I think he was planted for the role by the HW Bush CIA.

22126609? ago

it was the son of a good friend to HW Bush that tried to whack Pres. Reagan

22126848? ago

Yes, I recall reading that.

22128297? ago

the kid was a mental case (fantasized about Jody Foster and tried to stalk her), so the father knew he'd just be put into a mental institution - guess figured should get some use out of the kid for the purposes of the globalist

22134186? ago

Sounds about right to me.

22126505? ago

He was anti 2nd Amendment too, signing legislation to outlaw open carry in California.

22126772? ago

Everything is illegal in Kalifornia, except for drugs, public shitting, and shoplifting.

22126253? ago

He believed he could negotiate. He had no support. You can't go this alone.

22133951? ago

Great point.

22126244? ago

He was a good goy.

And notice how Q shills Reagan all the fucking time.

Reminder that his campaign negotiated with Iran to hold hostages longer to hurt Carter. Not that Carter was good either.

The last decent President (not completely evil) was JFK.

22127966? ago

A 40 year old lie. "Secret deal" with the Iranians, LOL. Authored by the fucking idiots that lit the fuse to the last 40+ years of Islamic radicalism and terror by gifting Iran to the Ayatollahs by turning their backs on a West-friendly Shah.

You all also fucked the Iranian people...pics from Iran pre-Ayatollahs....girls carrying college books wearing skirts and bright colors, everywhere. Imagine all of the human suffering among just the Persians that you idiots are responsible for. No lectures from you. You haven't learned crap in 40 years.

22126221? ago

Im sure he is concerned.....

Matt 6:14

22126123? ago

You're about to get a lot of nasty messages in your inbox from angry boomers

22126286? ago

Why? I am a boomer and am not going into a rant. Truth is truth. He passed some bad legislation but he also did some good things, like improving the economy or telling Gorbachev to tear down the wall. Calling out Boomers is a dividing technique, so you are shilling or not smart enough to understand it.

22126299? ago

Q never said they were trying to divide us by age....

22126374? ago

Now you are talking nonsense, so you are a shill. So FO.

22126095? ago

T. H. I. S. Reagan Is and always was... An actor.

22126321? ago

Also ordered Marines into retreat after Iranian 1983 Beirut barracks bombings, Contras Irangate .... who removed Carter and put in senile Ronnie Raygun?

22127045? ago

We lost a lot of good marines in Beirut. Several I went to boot with. Rules of engagement were: you are not to engage. Do not return fire. For fucks sake wtf were we even doing there then.

22127213? ago

Sorry to hear that man, no enemy should be down played, each one is its own threat, every where their are compeditors, rivals and potential enemies. There are other good military around the world in battle but pound for pound I always seen the US as the best fighting force, its Navy, its Army, the Marines exceptional with a memory going back to the days of Barbary War an incredible and amazingly strong military, its only weakness getting betrayed from within, back stabbing politics is the real only thing that made Americans lose on a battlefield. Looking back I feel Lebanon was designed to fail, it was once Christian you can still see those old tv commercials online and the 'Paris of the Middle East' or maybe it was a vulnerable babylon ready to fall? In the Middle East the Arab–Israeli start fighting in battles and all the moslem refujihadi go to Lebanon forever changing its population demographics, once Maronite Christian and Greek Orthodox Christian, an open economy now taken over by Civil Wars and 54% Muslim, people wonder is it failure and incompetence of Western Civilization or is it done by betrayal and design?

22126083? ago

Reagan also passed no-fault divorce in CA, which was eventually adopted by the rest of the nation.

No-fault divorce led to the complete breakdown of the marriage contract - a complete and utter disaster.

22127519? ago

Wow, never thought about that.

22125993? ago

He was never a conservative... they used to call him Red Ronnie... he may have had a small change of heart during his presidency which nearly earned him a bullet... and got him right back to towing the uniparty line

22126330? ago

Dedicated a Space Shuttle to a pack of koranimals in Asscrackistan

22125891? ago

Exactly. Fuck the punk piece of shit. Preach, anon.

22144180? ago

I don't know about Ronnie I think he was a senile clown in the end, read some tele prompter scripts well. The idea of new American churches, the idea of Protestant is fine. However they all get subverted, invaded from within, compromised, you see the rot and corruption, the Masonic shit, the pedo royal family, it all becomes the one thief brainwashed blackmailed demonic crap @Sir_Ebral @fightknightHERO @Barfin @JudenIsEdom the diea is not the same anymore, royalty fucked up the movemnets and there is a shit ton of pro jihadi immigrantion and cirminal connected pedo stuff in the Nordic countries Swedistan, Africa, N.America. Australia etc

22144426? ago

Christianity is a double-edged sword for the white man; it teaches us morals and the benefits of them, brings us closer together as a society.. but it also promotes jew worship and allowing jews to come into and remain in our countries.

When the jew was evicted from European countries, it's always the Christian who lets them return, only to later be kicked out again after the jew's subversion and degeneracy once again becomes apparent.. Time to end that cycle.

Given that Christianity is not required for morals or social cohesion, it's best we drop it to avoid the cut of the reverse side.

22125747? ago

and you shouldnt

22125743? ago

It’s a good thing he’s not running for president then, I guess.