22098019? ago

The Constitution says you need to be a natural-born citizen. That means the circumstances of your birth made you a citizen. As long as that is true, then yes, you can become President.

22096443? ago

The original 13th Amendment should be restored as well. (conflicting sources claim that it was ratified and there exist too many state published US Constitutions to easily dismiss the claims).

No one profession should ever gain that much influence over all 3 branches of our government.

22095863? ago

Does it matter? - Trump may as well be. He is in all but name.

22095744? ago

Obummer did, right?

22095494? ago

I wouldn't go too far down this rabbit hole, if I were you all. Trump's mother was a British citizen. That means Trump can have dual citizenship if he wants. Hell, he can have Slovenian and EU citizenship if he wants by virtue of having married his wife. His kids can also have dual citizenship with Czechoslovakia and maybe with the UK since Trump is eligible. I'm not sure how the latter works, but in most of these countries if the parent is a citizen, the kids can be citizens.

22095314? ago

Anons go here instead: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3604875

And OP should go here instead: SendBlessings.org

22095377? ago

qué raré. (((Dickchick))) at US sum moar, faggot.

22095306? ago

Considering that a dual Israeli/American citizen has sworn primary loyalty to Israel for the purpose of the destruction of America, probably so (considering the Civil Rights Masquerade has been in service solely to the purpose of the destruction of America, for Israel).

There have been many malicious laws imposed upon the American people, rendering the Constitution corrupt. If the Constitutional Republic (not Democracy) that is the United States is to be saved, then the Constitution must be cleansed of alien elements; and many aspects of the results of enemy infiltration and corruption must be thoroughly investigated and remedied (such as which Jews were on which draft boards, exempting Jews from military service, while strategically deciding which Gentile sons would be chosen to fight and die, unwittingly in the service of Jewish long-established interests of Gentile Genocide.)

Dual Citizens of any combination must be disallowed from public office, and sent packing. They don’t have to go home; but they cannot be allowed to remain here, having been caught attempting Global Economic Collapse, and the overthrow of America.

22095985? ago

Excellent reply. We should also repeal the 17th Amendment, taking away selection of Senators from the states and making it a popular vote of the people. As it was originally intended, the House was to represent the people, and the Senate was to represent the state as a whole. With the 17th Amendment, now states have no representation in Congress, or our government at all.

22096167? ago

Hear! Hear!

22095273? ago

Nope. Mcnoname was invalid, having been born in Panama.

