22094210? ago

Tweeted at 5:50 PM EST


22091725? ago

future proves past

22091335? ago

It kinda seems like some world leaders are reincarnations of leaders from eons ago, about to finish up their ridiculously long war.

22091060? ago

Q likes this phrase quite a bit...interdasting

22091023? ago

To Barr/Durham/Huber: again THE WHOLE WORLD IS WATCHING. What is about to come out will decide on whether this Storm is worth the outcome or not. Treason is treason. The Rosenberg's knew first hand what the sentencing meant. Let's have the same understanding for these anti-American POSs.

22093350? ago

After the election? But I thought the US can't hold up the courts for political reasons... Still reading Q drops... Still waiting for arrests...

22090959? ago

The world is watching you white supremacist terrorist jew haters oy vey

22092358? ago

Want your butt kicked bro? Will meet you at any Waffle House, will be riding my harley.

22093109? ago

lol boomer Harley hipster fags

22092236? ago

LOL of course it´s a regime change you dumb fuck! Power back to the people!

22093252? ago

so whens israel and America gettin' a regime change?

22093348? ago

USA 2025, Israel much earlier.

22090829? ago


MOAB incoming!

22090495? ago

I found this, based on the time of the tweet: 11:11


22090489? ago


22090361? ago


22090135? ago

We are indeed.