22084820? ago

So then ask the addict @Shotinthedark is Joe Mac off his meds? https://voat.co/v/whatever/3603777/22083394

22074328? ago

this is a great way for Jews to get disability for a fake addiction.

fuck you OP.

22074287? ago

I don't see any mention of Dershowitz.

Click bait fake news.

22074508? ago

You have not being paying attention, he has a dead wife you can not name, Alan Dershowitz linked to the smut merchants? been coerced to perform by her abusive then-husband Chuck Traynor, who received $1,250 (equivalent to $8,000 today) for her acting. She also claimed that Traynor threatened to kill her, brandishing handguns and rifles to control her.

In 1986, she testified before the Meese Commission, "Virtually every time someone watches that movie, they're watching me being raped." In the Toronto Sun on March 20, 1981 she said, "It is a crime that movie is still showing; there was a gun to my head the entire time." While the other people present on the set did not support the gun charge, both Traynor and Damiano confirmed in interviews that Traynor was extremely controlling towards Boreman and also hit her on occasion. In the documentary Inside Deep Throat, it is claimed that bruises are visible on Boreman's body in the movie. prosecuted by the federal government on obscenity charges (Lenny Bruce had been prosecuted in the 1960s by local authorities). Reems became a cause célèbre and received considerable support from Hollywood circles. On appeal, he was represented by Alan Dershowitz, and his conviction was overturned: the Miller test (the three-pronged standard from the U.S. Supreme Court's 1973 decision in Miller v. Commiefornia

22074531? ago

OK anon, sounds like you are on to something! Keep digging!

22157023? ago

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