22083422? ago

They are teaching our children to become social justice warriors, promoting a "world view" using global warming as their vehicle of "change". My public school system hired a black social justice activist to fill a diversity position of "Community Schools Coordinator". Here is a sample of the job qualification: Qualifications (Education and Experience) EXPERIENCE IN COMMUNITY ORGANIZING, education, health or social work desirable. We suddenly now have our local school children protesting against capitalism and free markets to "protect our planet". They have these kids scared that they are going to die from global warming if they do not change the system. Get your kids out of the public schools NOW!

22083353? ago

22079937? ago

So many people are homeschooling I am now seeing new laws that the State will now send agents to your home to make sure you are properly indoctrinating the kids to their standards.

There is only 1 solution to this problem, and it involves far more direct action than taking your kids out of school. When the Patriots make the call, make sure you, your body, and your equipment is ready for what must be done.

22079037? ago


22078880? ago

That's easy to say in a world where both parents don't have to work just to pay the taxes so that niggers with 10 kids don't gave to get jobs.

22078401? ago

Where did this come from? Can I come hang out?

22077313? ago

Teachers are mostly parroting Automatons, Repeating what their (((Masters))) say. If they don't they aren't teachers for long!

22077216? ago

Mine come home ant tell me about the cuck teachers and we laugh at them. Raise your kids right and they will simply laugh at the fuckers. Dont be afraid to say nigger and tell them the truth about the shitskins from when they are babies.

22077097? ago

Video is way too edgy.

22076531? ago

We must disavow jews and other non-whites. We must be for only ourselves. If we don't love ourselves then something is wrong.

22081539? ago

Can you be more specific?

Where does the white line get drawn?

Caucasian? Italians are caucasian, French too, lots of folks even a few darker ones.

Define 'ourselves'.

Vikings only? Vikings and British only?

Sicilians are pretty dark (olive). Also Caucasian.

22087882? ago

No. Only white peepo are white. we know who the non-whites are. a greasy Italian is NOT white

22080858? ago

We must disavow jews and other non-whites.

I disagree

One Of Many Jewish Patriot Is Laura Loomer :)

• President Trump’s tweet in support of Loomer’s candidacy for Congress at https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2019/12/president-trump-tweets-in-support-of-laura-loomers-candidacy/

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They want you DIVIDED.





UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


22075931? ago

Technocracy is the real threat. Not this shit post.

22083032? ago

Technocracy loves to have indoctrination centers for autoglobohumans so this shitpost is right on target.

22075693? ago

It also prepares your family for war - these other kids are being prepared for domestication

22075684? ago

Homeschooled seven kids.

22075434? ago

Home schooling will soon be forbidden on a global basis.

22075277? ago

Two things:

  1. Listing Ben Shapiro is top kek. Things suddenly got specific.

  2. The teachers are so indoctrinated they don't realize what they are doing. We should work to break their conditioning. Hell, they still buy supplies for their classroom.

22075261? ago

I was home schooled and I can tell you it's a double edged sword, my advice is to let kids go in public schools if it's a "good" district until grade 2, then home school for grades 3-6 and maybe 7 but they need to go back into an external system with peers for grades 8-12. I was put into a cheap private christian school for high school and the the time I was home schooled had really damaged a number of my social skills, I've never known a kid who wasn't socially damaged by homeschooling, it leaves you with a mark that is visible for many years and it's a sort of pseudo Asperger's, kids coming out of homeschooling are going to have a few years of semi autistic behavior; I've never known an exception to this.

This impairment of social skills can be minimized and managed with a few simple steps, the emphasis here is that they should experience first hand as many different perspectives as they can safely, this will better help them in assembling context for various people's behavior and attitudes and it has practically given me a 6th sense for spotting disingenuous and imposed ideology, essentially it gives your kids a high powered bullshit radar.

Some time in public institutions will be a useful context for how the other half lives later on and during development, get them out before the hard propaganda really sets in, I was home schooled using mostly Calvert's curriculum, it works, it's a sort of secularist traditionalist catholic approach, I've never found any good math curriculum in america outside of colleges so mileage may vary, the most blue pilled shit they push is a holocaust book report and you aren't required to send any of your work into them so you can supplement this at home with other info.

While in the homeschooling program go to your local YMCA and get involved in their sports programs for kids and see if you can find more home-schoolers in your area and get your kid into their sport leagues, they will typically play against private schools, it doesn't have to be a good sport that you like, the kid just needs to be physically active to prevent getting fat and be able to interact with kids their age, Your primary goal in this period is education and preparing them for the world but goal number 2 is assuring their physical fitness by managing their diet and exercise, you don't need to be a cunt about this shit you don't need to be aggressive or hurtful in explaining this shit to them but explain that society will reject them around every corner and close doors to them if they are over weight and that physical fitness my seem like a hassle to achieve at first the stronger your body the more comfortable they will be, I don't mean emotionally or socially here though both are true, I mean physically sitting when you get fat can be continually painful, you can get sores, you can get blood pressure problems and chronic muscle and bone problems that will keep you fat, sad, sick, and in pain little physical activities you avoid while fat will be as tiring as the exercise it takes to be fit anyway, fitness isn't a waste of time or a time sink, a ft person will typically spend 2-4 times as much time on the toilet in day, the lack of self control most fat people has is associated with addiction and opens them up to a downward spiral of porn addiction because the short term feeling from that can blind them to the long term rewards of relationships and begin to close doors on their own. Don't make your kids hate you by forcing them to be achieve make them empathize with the sadness of a fat persons life and fear falling into that despair like most people fear homelessness. If you want some fitness info for you or your kids just respond now, even If you're living without spare cash I can help you with simple floor exercises and some tricks for cooking and self discipline. The short of it though is that girls need cardio, aerobics, and diet for hormonal balance during development, Yoga isn't a dirty word and it's a good practice for men and women just don't buy into the hokey pokey spiritual bullshit, but it's good for girls; for boys cardio is important in youth, low impact sports, avoid impact sports(no football), and you need to keep it light but if you can get them on some weight training before puberty do that but don't emphasize it too heavily, keep the weight low and then get them on floor exercises, High muscle tension on soft bones can restrict growth but increased serum testosterone can boost masculine traits and help them achieve their max height by stimulating natural HGH production, after puberty actual weight lifting with heavy weights is good but you need so much info to do this right so make sure you and they both get the info, no chemicals, do it natural, If your kids are getting real physically fit and can keep it up without being on sports teams don't force them into sports, you can get better team building and social skills from online video games if you get into the right crowds which is easy and occurs naturally.

At grade 7 throw them into middle school, send them to public school, it's the deep end, it will be hell, when they want to quit tell them you need at least a week to order the homeschooling materials, and let them quit out, if they don't want to quit you are still moving them to a christian school for high school at the latest but I recommend doing it by Grade 8. The goal of this is to get the awkwardness beat out of them before you put them into private christian school you are going to keep them in for all of highchool, they are going to embarrass themselves massively when first back in a peer environment you don't actually want them getting beaten up but even a healthy, fit, popular, girl coming out of homeschooling will get bullied for being so awkward and you should hope to let them not have a catastrophic embarrassment follow them for 4-5 years. My area had a whole lot of private schools and we had a number of price ranges what would have been Ideal for me would have been putting me into the second nearest cheap school for all of grade 8 and then transfer me to the nearest cheap school for high school.

Even if the sects don't match your beliefs, even if you are atheist put your kid into a cheap christian school for highschool, if you can afford it get them in something better but no matter what you can't let them rot in public school.

My tuition for High school 10 years ago was ~$3400 a year and it could be lowered by a few hundred for attending the church and a few hundred again for each additional child enrolled, a friend of mine had 8 siblings, on their first year at the school their tuition individually for 5 of the kids who were school aged were ~$1400 per kid, the next year it was up to ~$1600 after one graduated. Today It's over $5K for that school but they got a new building, and moved out of the bad side of town after the niggers overpopulated and poured out of nigger town.

That school let niggers in because they couldn't legally say no(the school was founded after Brown V. Arizona) but in a city that was over 40% niggers they never had more than 5 in a school of ~200 kids K-12, There was 1 latino kid in every grade though.

Private school is better than homeschooling but holocaustianity is alive and well they will catch all of that while there so you need to home school your kids for a bit so you can teach them right and about how people will try to deceive them, most of the world are the blind leading the blind and you can't always open a persons eyes, they might have had them gouged out over childhood ow they are just naive shells of people.

BTW, Great Agit-Prop OP, where'd you find it?

22078731? ago

I've never known a kid who wasn't socially damaged by homeschooling


22075116? ago

Honestly, it does not begin to take 6 hours a day! I am a mom who homeschooled three daughters and we all are better for it!

22075055? ago

I have homeschooled my child from the beginning, he's now in 5th grade. He has a very unique personality from it. He acts like a child should, respectful and independent, he loves doing the pledge of allegiance to the flag every morning and learning about our constitution and the founders of our great county. Most children in public schools don't even learn about how our government was formed, the constitution, or how laws are made. Homeschooling is the way to go. I would never consider putting my child in public schools.

22074830? ago

The problem with the White race is that we are too independent.

Our entire race is being attacked and the response is to look out only for our own family while the rest of our race is exterminated.

Whites are strong, resilient, inventive, but we are too independent.

22076758? ago

The thing is, as a family unit we can bear a strength within society that nothing else even remotely compares to. Family is the strongest unit of power and influence below the State.

Unfortunately family has been mostly DESTROYED, and therefore people are trying to substitute that with community and activism. This is a futile pursuit. We need to go back to building family, estate, and legacy. They push promiscuity, divorce, abortion, and gender bending because they fear family most of all.

22082967? ago

Nicely put.

22075377? ago

If you cant look after your family, then you cant look after your race.

First you must look after yourself, a strong mind and body

Then you can use that to look after your family, providing for them, leading them

Then you can look after your race, your tight knit family unit working together with other families to form a strong community/race.

22076653? ago

I've been working on that myself; making life improvements. Got a weight bench and started working out so I can protect my family from a physical altercation. Going to the gun range to brush up on target skills. Stocking up on supplies in any way possible. It's not a matter of if a SHTF scenario will occur, but when.

22074748? ago

Every dollar that would go to a normal school should be given to parents who decide to homeschool to help ease the burden.

22077365? ago

Normal schools = deep state indoctrination canters

22075650? ago

The property taxes in my town are so flipping high, and most of it goes to the board of ed that we never even used. My girl went to private school until I took her out...so all that money goes to indoctrinating other people's kids.

22077379? ago

Property taxes are direct taxes, unconstitutional—as is the income tax.

22076827? ago

Everywhere I go schools are getting flooded with money, and yet they're always complaining that they don't have enough money. The school buildings look like brand new shopping malls with vaulted ceilings and windows. They have laptops for every student. They have brand new state-of-the art smart boards, projectors, theaters, football fields, uniforms, gyms, cafeterias, etc. and they complain that they need more money!!! Always from the property taxes too... Throwing money at education does not improve education. It's all a giant scam and it's always the democrat politicians that promise more funding for the schools.

22074582? ago

The better goal is take-over and transformation of the school systems. Saving your own child, no brainer. Saving a generation of children, truly priceless.

22074478? ago

Wife and I already decided to homeschool after our kids graduate from the preschool she and I both work at. When that happens, I'll be leaving this maintainancing job for my own business. Hoping it works well. Gonna start a clothing brand.

22076696? ago

When you move to your own business, start substituting part-time and redpill all the kids until you get fired.

22074929? ago

what to teach them about the royal family? http://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1514522657027.jpg

22077665? ago

Is the boy the one who married the mulatto, and they Megxited the Royal Family. HaHaHa!

22077583? ago

Take your 12 year old to a topless show. Sick bastards.

22076547? ago

That look on the white faces. THEY DON'T WANT TO BE THERE (but have to.)

22081508? ago

lmao, I had to look, you speak truth, they look like they are thinking "omg it smells awful and why is that baby naked?"

Now look at all the black faces watching, could not be happier.

Ok, on behalf of the entire internet, you get a star by ur name today buddy.

22081524? ago

I take that back, the ones who look like they crawled up through real work, appear to be thinking: "I didn't infiltrate the white folks to watch this bullshit again"

22074832? ago

Nice! I want to buy American-made clothing so badly but there is very little to choose from.

22083039? ago

Seriously, cant get usa made pants that aren't trying to be some trendy blue jean co. Guys? Just make me some regular fucking cargos?

22075194? ago


22077539? ago

How do you figure?

22074359? ago

Bust the unions, too! Education Inc!.....a fucking money pit shithole

22074713? ago

Bust the unions? That is a sadly mis-informed goal -- Instead of targeting the few people NORMAL FOLK still doing OK -- why don't you spend half as much effort looking for those responsible for the actual problems that make you jealous of their union!?

Because they had the balls to come together and exploit their COLLECTIVE BARGAINING POWER to ensure they get a FAIR DAYS PAY in exchange for their FAIR DAY'S WORK ... you're jealous, and want to break them up!?

Leftist genius.

22082929? ago

they had the balls to come together

It's no longer 'they', it's (((they))).

22074341? ago

I had to take my girl out of 7th grade because her health was failing. She had trouble with a heavy backpack full of books and having to traverse several sets of stairs without enough time to get between classes. It turns out that she's genetically sensitive to mold, but what a blessing that turned out to be. We bypassed all the crap they throw at kids in school now. Not to mention what the kids do to one another.

She's 23 now, healthy and beautiful, and she got into college without issue because she enjoyed self directed learning. The Human organism Loves to learn. It's our natural state, and school programs need to be adjusted so we're involved in a co-creation. If a child shows aptitude and interest, by all means, give that child all they need to explore it as much as they like.

And by the way, college also sucks...she got 3 weeks into a semester and chose to pursue other avenues of education. At the campus, we noticed all the kids had their eyes down when passing. They all seemed quite docile and cowed, and I reckon that's what the school system is meant to churn out.

22079508? ago

sounds like you had a fatty

22080936? ago

Yeah we both lost 45 pounds and now we do Pilates.

22077968? ago

Sorry to pick on just one small point from that comment, but how did you determine the genetic sensitivity to mold?

22078062? ago

By blood test. And believe it or not, I tried SO many things to try to see why my daughter was always so weak, even though she looked healthy. This went on for years ~ and I hope you won't judge me for trying everything I could. Hypnosis, Shamanic work, Naturopathy, akashic record readings (she's an empath) and energy healers. Each modality helped a little, but it wasn't until we had a reading by a medical intuitive that we took in the suggestion that she be tested for genetic mold sensitivity.

The positive result was life changing.

22082863? ago

You'll find no judgement here friend. A parent trying anything and everything is what makes the world turn. I wouldn't be asking if our family weren't in the same boat.

Didn't try quite the gamut of things you did and my wife does most of it while I make the bucks to pay for it, but in the end we're all in it together as a family.

We went: allopathic - naturopathic - gut generally - gaps - keto and different issues popped up along the way like whack-a-mole. Only had the problems with our first though. Others seem all clear of everything, touch wood.

Did you vaccinate, if you don't mind me asking? We started with the first and then stopped after a few months and a bad reaction.

Final question, do you know what the marker(s) were for mold sensitivity? If not I'll try and look it up somewhere else, but naturopaths tend to keep these things to themselves in my experience. Pay per view, of you will.

22083789? ago

I did vaccinate, and I cried right along with my tiny baby when it happened. I researched what the minimum was to get her into school. Once we were no longer invested in keeping her there...no more shots. I guess we'll never know what adverse effects they might have had on her overall health and well-being. Since the mold sensitivity is genetic, I can't blame vaccinations on that.

As far as resources...this one may help ~ http://toxicmoldproject.com/

We also have special units upstairs and down that have a light bulb that kills what the mold feeds on. The girl feels it when the bulb stops working and needs replacing. You can find those blessed things here ~ https://www.waterwise.com/product/air-wise-multi-room-air-purifier/

22095313? ago

Thanks. We've been looking at the specialized air filters (some combination of UV and -OH or something) in combination with diet but the website is new to me. Good luck with the family from now on.

22099990? ago

Thank you as well. I'm appreciating this exchange because this is what community is all about. We're here to help one another.

22077413? ago

My daughter came home for school, too. We use K12 Online through a state Virtual Academy. She reads at college level and her math is 98th percentile. At the local brick and mortar the teacher had her sitting at a table with all the minorities helping them read simpleton shit! The low IQ kids didn't even appreciate her help. They just tried to force her to do their homework (under threat). They Used Her!!! She is very happy now! She completed 7th grade in one semester and this semester is 8th grade including Algebra.

And we don't deal with superior minded, though inferior, "teachers Or their Social Engineering.

22081441? ago

My dad was a bit rebellious so when the junior high told me to cut my hair, he told me I didn't have to.

They didn't like that one bit (mid-90s), 8th grade...South Texas.

Result was I pretended to take home school(expelled from public for the long hair) while pursuing computer science.

Some days, it is remarkably difficult, to co-exist with the so-called 'peers' this so-called 'schooling' has prepared for me.

Most of them can barely read, but they know who won the <popular_sports_game>

22098039? ago

And -- I know you watched "Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure." :)

22102355? ago

I hadnt really thought about it that way, but I supposed there is similarity.

At any rate, Be excellent to each other ;)

22103813? ago

kek! Yeah, it was your penultimate paragraph that clued me in.

I am learning to play that song from the mall, which was by the band Extreme, named "Play With Me" and is quite a finger exercise!!! I can play it at about 1/3 speed, and will continue! God bless.

22081473? ago

Different situation, but I think a lot of us here feel very similarly to you.

We're all here for a reason.

We will change the world. It's only a matter of time.

22075154? ago

It turns out that she's genetically sensitive to mold

The standard American diet is full of mold. That's one of the ways they are slowly killing us.

22075622? ago

We had severe intestinal issues back in 2016 that brought us to go gluten free and have food sensitivity tests. Long story short ~ strict diet to heal our guts, then a blood type diet...but all organic and GMO free certified . I pray that our food supply be purged of all the poisons used to kill us off and keep us beholden to the ghoulish pharma companies.

22098024? ago

Two things in your comment that resonated: I did a week-long fast around Thanksgiving, and it drastically helped. Gut is going back to its old ways but I also started drinking again and I know that causes inflammation. Mucous is a big part of it as well, which fasting helps to clear.

The second was "I pray that our food supply be purged [...]" -- this is actually a good thing to do before (and after!) every meal! Praying that the food will nourish your body, and that any poisons or impurities will pass harmlessly through your body and be eliminated. Thank you for the reminder, I need to do this more often.

22099976? ago

Oh yeah...my food blessing is kind of involved. I pray over my cats' food as well.

You didn't ask, but I'll share the words I use that can be adjusted to what feels best for you.

Bless and purify this food.

Fill it with Love, Light and quantum healing and lifting energies

No harm or irritation will come from the consumption of this food

May it be the right food for me (us), in the right amount

May it be nurturing and satisfying

I pray that my (our) bodies use what they need from this food and eliminate the rest

Thanks and blessings to all those who had anything to do with bringing this food to our table/the cat's bowls

May all beings have clean water to drink, healthy food to eat, a safe place to live and loving community

In the name of the Light and the highest good of all concerned


22100354? ago

Thank you. God bless.

22076574? ago

I'm pretty sure gluten intolerance wasn't a thing before farmers were forced to use Monsanto's bullshit seeds and crop treatments. Just sayin'

22083026? ago

Yeah, the gluten levels are off the charts now because of GMO and hybridization. You really have to get red mill, organic whatever, or einkorn. Einkorn is great stuff, pricey, but its the only non-hybrid wheat.

22075772? ago

Glad you are doing better. Gluten fucks up so many people. It's not fit for human consumption.

22074865? ago

Woke or awake? Woke is a pejorative for the lefties who think they're helping the world with their Marxist bullshit.

22081425? ago

I will not relinquish the 'Woke' term to the lefties, It's mine and I will use them interchangeably.

However, Point taken.

Source: Captain Random Internet Dude Esq.

22082375? ago

That's the spirit! Never give in to these niggers' PC bullshit.

If I want to call a magazine a clip, I fucking will. You assholes can't stop me.

22097993? ago

So you like reading porn clips?

22098047? ago

Only for the articles

22075583? ago

Edit made...thanks.

22077532? ago

Heh, no problem ;)

22074197? ago

We are very happy with the k12 program.

22074874? ago

What's this?

22076254? ago

K12 program is an online school system.

22097976? ago

K12 was also the slope that Lane Myer skied down on one ski to impress Beth, but ended up getting the French transfer student instead. Great movie, "Better Off Dead", which I'll likely not watch again due to John Cusack's more recent antics.

22074182? ago

I wanna make it

22082890? ago

Good luck to you and your family.

22074543? ago

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22074016? ago

Both my niece and nephew were raised with very conservative values, were home-schooled and scored very highly on academic measures..........BUT still got "Hoodwinked" by the media. They think Trump is a dumbass.....I really don't know how that happened. Hurts my heart. I work as a teacher in a public school and I am literally just trying to get my students to learn to read and write (not brainwashing them). I try to teach them an appreciation for our rights. They come to me with a predisposition of being "left" or "right", based on parental teachings. Some really "hate" our president. I speak truth, but do not interfere ( teachers can't/shouldn't preach their beliefs). Most of my students appreciate POTUS, but some absolutely believe he is a racist, xenaphobe/homophobe...yada yada yada (insert leftist talking points here). I can't do anything about it, but try to tell them that things may not be exactly as they seem and to be discerning. I teach the young ones, so we don't get into deep issues or topics. Our county is rural and voted "RED" at 86% or higher. I think a lot of the brainwashing & propaganda goes on in the larger "bluer" cities. I do think that it is very odd that we no longer have text books to use in schools. I am sure History has changed in these teaching materials over the decades to serve an agenda. I would love to compare our materials with those of decades ago. Not all teachers are evil. I am just a regular person who loves our country. The problem, IMHO is not 100% the public schools....but social engineering that we are submerged in.

22074930? ago

I agree with you here and have noticed as a parent in a Big Blue City that a majority of the opinions have come from young people following people and opinions on Youtube and then other friends talk online all across the country. They think they are looking at a variety of media to get their news and opinions, but in fact she is not looking at the media that I look at online. A lot of local friends are not talking about politics, just get together to play video games or watch movies. Our family is basically moderate, but have now become conservative, although we still don't like the Never Trumpers. I'm ok living in a balance of diversity, but get annoyed with constant commercials looking like the UN on purpose and advertizing 'man buns' and other ridiculous hip styles.

While our schools laid the groundwork for the indoctrination, social media and the marketing world has completed the job and taken advantage of the young people communicating with each other. The news media of all types have completely inundated the working adults and older adults in our area. This stuff all works unfortunately, so while POTUS has been educating us and taking care of things behind this MSM wall, a lot of damage to everyone occurs every hour of every day. I realize he will one day tear down the MSM wall, but until then....tragedy for regular folks.

22074883? ago

Thank you

22073897? ago

Working on it. I was homeschooled myself. Gonna take a couple years to pull it off though.

22073829? ago

Will be doing so in two years. “Crossing fingers”.

22082868? ago

Wish you luck Anon.

22083078? ago

Thank you. Very nervous but I refuse to let them get ahold of my children.

22073655? ago

Our state is forcing mandatory vaccinations now so I may actually be going this route soon. Any homeschool resources you would recommend?

22079570? ago

singapore math

22075102? ago

My Father's World curriculum was excellent for us. www.MFWbooks.com - works very well with multiple children at different levels. My youngest hated Sunday School because the Lifeway curriculum used was so remedial after MFW.

22074901? ago

Trivium. Classical education. Here is a start: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ_X1SjmA5A Teach them how to learn and think for themselves. Once you know HOW to learn, you can learn anything.

22075487? ago

Passio is incredible. I watched his 9 hour Natural Law presentation and it's one of the best sets of material I've ever come across.

22077557? ago

I do not agree with him that we should all be vegans but yes, he's otherwise fine to listen to.

22073534? ago

fucking truth

only thing is home schooled kids turn out weird because they don't interact enough with other kids...

22079622? ago

There are many homeschool groups in most US cities. Homeschool kids go on more field trips than public school kids. Homeschool kids have best friends and bullies.

22074906? ago

NOT TRUE AT ALL. Children in public school act like the other children who go to public school...bottom of the barrel shit.

22073870? ago

It really depends on the family and kid tbh. I grew up homeschooled and made a lot of other homeschool friends, and participated in non public school sports and made non homeschool friends.

Plenty of the homeschool kids I know have functional normie lives, some went off the deep end and rejected all of the values their parents have tried to instill in them the moment they are 18. While still others I've heard there has been sexual abuse in the family.

Several of my homeschool friends I barely talk to anymore because they fucked their lives up and don't have any prospects.

I'm thankful every day my parents took the time to homeschool me and my brother, he's one of the few people in my life I can openly talk about a lot of this "fringe" stuff with. At this point my entire immediate family is red pilled to one degree or another.

22073867? ago

You mean because they don’t bury their head in a phone or talk and fret about all the new fashions and sporting games and other brainwashing bullshit? Or is it just that the non homeschooled children are so fucking brainwashed into other shit that they think the homeschool kid is weird?

22073517? ago

I don't have time to do that

Is retarded. You're responsible, as their parent, from showing them the world... literally.

If you're indebted to someone and need to be a slave to raise your child, you're doing parenting wrong. Escape wage slavery and then have children, you fucking mongrels.

22079730? ago

Well said.

22073499? ago

Understand that almost every outside influence has been turned into poison.

Want healthy kids? Do not send them to government schools. Do not allow streams of poison, which used to be predominantly TV/radio, but now the internet is center stage. You must not allow children to have unobserved internet access. This means no smartphones for children (and no phones of any kind is even better).

Also, don't allow your children to associate with children poisoned by any of the above.

22073479? ago

Hello all. I don't listen to Ben Shapiro much anymore, but I used to a lot, and I credit him with helping turn me from socialist to more libertarian, though I'm against open borders and such. Either way, I was wondering why people don't like him. Other than the fact that he wears a yarmulke.

22074919? ago

He'll send you and your children to war but won't send his own. He's a Talmudist and once you read what is in the Talmud, you will not appreciate him...at all. You okay with raping children? Ben Shapiro is.

22073892? ago

Anons know he’s controlled opposition. His brainwash, control opp specialty is open borders.

22076388? ago

I do remember him switching from a closed to open borders viewpoint a few years ago. That really surprised me.

22076975? ago

That’s him, doing his part for the overall controlled opposition side of the fight. Alex Jones does/did a certain thing, Etc.

22073273? ago



Public School-a reallygraceful documentary


This girl's videos are quick little documentaries full of top-notch digging-

They constantly demonitize ALL of her vids & hard work, which tells me she's Right Over the Target(≖◞ ≖🌸)💖

22073024? ago


22073016? ago

I spend 6000 a year to send my daughter to a private Christian school. Well worth the investment in my daughter

22074842? ago

Not the same as homeschooling. At all. Christian schools are cucked.

22074128? ago

Private school = better grade of drugs

22073625? ago

I did the same with one and home schooled the other. Both are still good students as adults. I agree that some schools are well worth the money. I applaud your choice!

22073087? ago

How much do you know about what they are teaching her? These things infiltrate Christianity as easily as they do other religions.

22075913? ago

My wife has worked there for ten years

22073403? ago

How do you know everybody who has a child is capable of educating them ?

22074836? ago

There is NOTHING the schools are teaching that you cannot teach.

22074569? ago

I don't, I'm saying don't trust a school just because it has a particular sign on the door.

22075945? ago

I agree. As I said to the other anon my wife has actually worked at this particular private school for a decade so she's there with my daughter and knows what the school is teaching as it relates to Scripture and salvation.

22073086? ago

It's not worth shit if it's not a white school lmfao.

22072906? ago

If I had to do it all over again I would have found a way. Still deprogramming my 23 and 21 year old.

22072686? ago

Are you an AI? there are too many articles related to my own searches, I am starting to see a pattern.

22072754? ago

OP is spreading propaganda.. 3.4% of American children are homeschooled.

Unless Americans TAKE BACK our Education System, the war has already been lost.

22072617? ago

it is starting to appear that way. It's the only way to preserve truth and the american way.

22072512? ago

That was interesting

22072589? ago

So a simple graphic with shit music was interesting? Damn, you're easy to please, it's clear you went through liberal school.

22072903? ago

it is art, much better art than anything Durham's father has created, way more interesting and 'hip' art than any degenerate liberal art student/professor has created. Pictures have always been worth a thousand words, short animated clips with words are worth a million

22073053? ago

Wow, you're a fucking idiot.

22072462? ago

How about taking our education system back?

After all, we're paying for it.

You have us paying TWICE with both our time and money.

Btw.... what the fuck is the curriculum and if it's unique from household to household, child to child, how can we possibly attain acceptable levels of community and common message?

22073035? ago

You can use your own curriculum... Like The Ron Paul Curriculum. Check it out

22072578? ago

The point, you fucking idiot, is not to have curriculum. People should be taught about Jesus and some basic math and writing and then it's up to them to figure out what they want to know more of after that. Who are we to tell people what they have to learn? We can teach them about politics and all that in conversation, it's not lessons. It's clear you're a fucking liberal who just wants indoctrination.

22073048? ago

Woefully unprepared with only those tools.

22072709? ago

No faggot... I'm a Conservative who wants to chase the Communists out of our Education System.

You fucking dipshit... Gee... if only 3% of people are being homeschooled and the other 97% are being indoctrinated by communists, who wins in the end? ( it's 3.4% currently being homeschooled ) ie... WE ARE OUT OF TIME

They are taking BILLIONS of our tax dollars and forming an Orc Army of ignorant, angry, perverted of mentally ill.

You're far better off running for school boards and targeting perverts that are grooming children.

22072742? ago

The way you rage and wiggle, I must be over the target and upsetting someone. Another proof I'm right, argue all you want, but every time you scree and reeeee it just proves us right, faggot.

22072777? ago

you stupid fucking Jew piece of shit...

3.4% of American children are homeschooled

When? When does your asinine plan to take America back by allowing Communists to run our Education System become effective?

22073056? ago

Wow you commented twice, so powerful!

22073388? ago

wow.. your point has been obliterated