22419492? ago

a young Corey Feldman was in a movie? https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3646729/22419176

22067776? ago

He’s going to need some Greece for his asshole when he is cuddling up with Bubba at gitmo.

22065420? ago

We don't want this malaka in Greece. Tom Wanks can fuckety fuck right back to America!

22065019? ago

It's Honorary meaning there is no legal standing in claiming Citizenship to avoid legal charges.

Peace Y

22065000? ago

NOW I get the reason for the meeting with the Greek PM, among other reasons. <

22065090? ago


22064877? ago

Defacto citizen of southern cyprus too.

Which is handily a short drive to Turkey occupied northern cyprus where no extradition treaty exists because its not actually recognised by any country. Lots of UK crime bosses live there.

22117938? ago

Jeez, pedo Hanks wouldn't last 5 minutes over there with all them geezas

22064693? ago

Hopefully we have a good extradition treaty with Greece!

22065422? ago

I think a few of us could assist him to a plane.