22055248? ago

He's not a mod here, KYS

22055287? ago

He thinks he runs the entire site.

22058843? ago

No, that would be kev who thinks that.

22059017? ago

I wish it was he was a good dude.

22055381? ago

Nope just a shill who manipulated his way into becoming mod of an unofficial wannabe Q sub. Dime a dozen pulp fiction shilling.

22055475? ago

True, just want to warn everyone about him. It takes a sick individual to attack a mother on her dead kids birthday.

22055199? ago

Cross post designed to out usernames of people here. Op is not only a faggot, but a ladyboy sucking faggot

22055207? ago

So you agree with his message then?

22056126? ago

What are even, ... Nevermind. Just shut up.

22056260? ago

I will not. You play memory matching games daily, you can certainly figure this one out.

22057754? ago

Seriously. What are you even on about?

22057816? ago

So you can't read by yourself? Are all of the Qterds unable to function without your Qew leading the way?

22055013? ago

Sorry, it won’t happen again :)