22057732? ago

Wrong. Iran was fighting ISIS in Iraq because ISIS was a Sunni Muslim organization, while Iran is Shia. 70% of Iraq is also Shia, and they were oppressed by the Baathist Party (Saddam) for decades. As soon as 'democracy' broke out, the govt was overrun with Shia. In comes the Iranians who tried driving out US-backed forces and driving out ISIS. ISIS was so effective in taking land and resources because it was headed by many of the battle-hardened military leaders of the former Iraqi military under Saddam. Iran wants to run Iraq. And Iraq wants to work with Iran, not with the Western nations, because of their Shia beliefs.

22059060? ago

Okay, you're right, but my point was really just to drive home the hypocrisy of kicking out the US after making a discrete strike on a known terrorist, while not saying a peep about Iran sending a salvo of guided missiles into Iraq without a single similar complaint about Iraq's sovereignty.

22055453? ago

You clowns still hung up on rockets that killed no one?

22056336? ago

You having a hard time understanding what this thread is about?

22085485? ago

Yeah because you really havent conveyed any information in your shitpost

22054691? ago

Big Iran decode being attacked by board sliders: >

Board sliding attack on NMBRFG in progress, so I will just counter by leaving this here.

Thanks. <


22054580? ago

No retard

22053672? ago

Read several articles on the December and yesterday's Iranian missiles fired at bases in Iraq. and found a common ommission. Dems do not condemn Iran for firing missiles into another soveriegn nation. They might express concern for US troops stationed in Iraq but they do not condemn Iranian's actions.

22052163? ago

Touché OP

22052033? ago

USA bases in a country are USA soil, even here in Italy.

Italian police or army cannot enter the base, if they want anything they have to ask to USA and USA may deny it.

So, technically, if it was a USA base, they did NOT violate Iraq sovereigeity

22053787? ago

The missiles flew through Iraqi air-space to reach the US bases, moron.

They violated Iraqi sovereignty.

22053917? ago

I see you are flying the high ground of legality now, how convenient

Let's wait for the dust to settle, maybe there is an agreement in place to take care of your high ground position

Get real, USA should stop meddling and messing up the world

22057772? ago

Yep, pull back everywhere, like under Obama. That worked out great in the ME (ISIS) and in Crimea.

22058238? ago

Obama did not pull back anything, he bombed as much and more than Bush

22059350? ago

Obama pulled troops from Iraq. That is a fact. That power vacuum opened up opportunities for ISIS to form and take over.


22064640? ago

Look, you tell me that the migty USA could not see ISIS happening and could not defeat it ?

Something that Syria is doing with just the aerial support from the RUssians ?

Nobdy is believing your narrative that the supposedly Obama pullout "created" ISIS, ISIS was created on purpose by USA to mess up middle east and sell more arms.

The administration that did it was the Obama administration

22054738? ago

The Deep State CIA should stop meddling and messing up the world....fixed it for you.

22052131? ago

Sounds like every atm machine in existence.

22052917? ago

kek, "at" "m", "machine" :)

22055369? ago

Welcome to the deptartment of redundancy dept

Please write your pin number on a piece of paper and wait for your number to show up on the lcd display.

22051718? ago

The only way to clean a house is to find and get rid of the rats. They plenty did that in Iraqi parliament. Now PAIN.