22054643? ago

Here is your decode that the Shills are making posts to board slide, containing porn. <

Board sliding attack on NMBRFG in progress, so I will just counter by leaving this here.

Thanks. <




'o-o' <

22054526? ago

Notice the libs are now concerned for our troops whereas hardly a peep from them before.

22051770? ago

Lol! Even blue-check, always the first response to trump tweets, "Eugene Gu,MD" is thanking him - geniunely.

Even haters can see the light

Well played Mr President

22051808? ago

Twitter is so fucking fake

22051533? ago

WW3 started and ended in 15 minutes (maybe 3.5 hours). Most efficient war ever! On schedule and under budget!

22053621? ago

I love your statement!!!! So Trump!!!! lol

22053619? ago

I love your statement!!! So Trump

22052946? ago

If that was WWIII, it’d have been a horribly wasted opportunity to not nuke China and he entire Middle East while carpet bombing all of Central America.

22054776? ago

Not necessary. Besides, there would have been too many innocent civilian casualties in the scenario you propose.

22069546? ago

And what value do any of those nationalities offer humanity? How have ANY of them benefited Whites/Westerners other than cheap labor? What value would have been lost eliminating or completely quarantining all non White countries ? Enjoy the browning of your ancestral lands. I’m sure they’ll allot you the same courtesy we’ve shown them.

22070770? ago

You sound like someone full of fear who is bloodthirsty and racist and places no value on human lives considering how you would arbitrarily extinguish millions of people because you demonize many because of the guilt of a few. The everyday people of the world want nothing more than to be left alone to live their lives, provide for and raise their families in peace. They don't want war and all of the death and destruction that comes with it. It doesn't matter their nationality. If you had spent any time outside of the country and spoken to anyone different from you, you would understand this. It's not about skin color or nationalities or religions. It's about doing what is right and not taking innocent life unnecessarily.

22080200? ago

It’s called exaggeration.

But I strongly disagree that third worlders want to be left alone and live in peace. They come here by the MILLIONS and take and take and take. They HATE you. Hate Whites. If they wanted to be left alone they’d stay in their shithole countries.

Nice utopian view you have. Sadly, that’s not reality.

22081347? ago

Those coming here either have an agenda or are being paid. If you had ever stepped foot out of your basement and met anyone outside of the U.S. you'd be aware of the fact that most people on this planet want to be able to provide for their families and live in peace. The third group coming here are those looking to provide for their families in a place of peace because the DS has corrupted their countries. Would you not if you were in their shoes? Would you not want to provide for your family? Would you not want to live in peace? Most don't truly want to leave their homes if they weren't desperate (not the ones with an agenda or being paid off). They leave the only homes that they know. If they could provide for their families in a peaceful environment that is their own home, they would stay.

There is no Utopian society. But, they have been made to believe that America is just that - a Utopia. They seek the American dream. And, the true American dream is to live in peace and provide a better life for family. No one can be faulted for that.

That is what the whole Awakening is about. Hate is learned. No one is born to hate. They have been taught/brainwashed to hate. Just as you have.

Wake up!

WHERE WE GO ONE WE GO ALL! (That includes those you speak of wanting to kill without any remorse and that's unacceptable.)

22092000? ago

Ironically telling me to wake up after a huge wall of text that could have been summed up in a couple sentences. Ready? Here:

“All non whites want to steal your American Dream and we should welcome them with open arms. I’m fully in support of this because WWG1WGA.” - You

People like you. Overly self righteous, ignorant, and cucked weaklings are the exact reason why this country has gone to shit and will only get worse. This isn’t Star Trek NG!

YOU NEED TO WAKE UP or fuck off already. You HAVE to be a jew shill because if you’re not getting paid to write such utopian fantasy that all are equal, want peace, and we should let the fox in the hen house because like us, he has two eyes and a mouth, because ACTUALLY believing that is the most naive thing I’ve heard today. Possibly the week.

Wake up, little sheep. The world is filled with lesser species of humans that WANT YOU GONE and them in their place. They wouldn’t hesitate to completely genocide Whites.

Disgusting amount of faggotry in your post. Sickening.

22097532? ago

Why are you so filled with hate and vitriol? I am neither a jew or a shill. I have, however, traveled and spoken with everyday people from other countries and can attest to my statement. You, on the other hand cannot respond without having a meltdown which exposes who you truly are.

Those who scream the loudest...


22103814? ago

You assume I have t traveled the world. Typical of a self righteous virtue signaler. My traveling is what opened my eyes to the evil of third worlders etc. I was a head in a sand idiot like you once.

Your fake ‘kek’ failure at being amused is such a leftist diversion. The fact you’re proclaiming you’re neither a jew or shill, but actively believe the naive rhetoric you spew, is just an announcement to this board of not only your opinion ignorance, but your extreme faggotry. Women like you are the reason for this countries downfall.

22052142? ago

'A number of #US fighter jets were destroyed in the #AinAssad base and a large number of casualties were comfirmed, all missiles reached its targets, the US air defense failed.' #IRGC Commander adviser.


According to #Iran's media reports, based on #IRGC confirmed sources, several #US aircraft were destroyed in #AlAssadAFB during the #Qiyam missiles attacks. So far 30 were killed, and many US soldiers were injured. 4 #Chinook helicopters air lifted the US casualties. #IranVsUS



22054811? ago

Trusting unnamed military sources now, are you? kek

Wake up! How would they possibly know what damage much less how many casualties were on a U.S. installation under lock down?

22051740? ago


22051465? ago

We are living in a kike produced Hollywood movie

22054510? ago


22051353? ago

https://archive.ph/Jp3HF :

Donald J. Trump on Twitter: "All is well! Missiles launched from Iran at two military bases located in Iraq. Assessment of casualties & damages taking place now. So far, so good! We have the most powerful and well equipped military anywhere in the world, by far! I will be making a statement tomorrow morning."

This has been an automated message.

22051281? ago

The Zion Don speaks!

22051195? ago

Look at the top comment video from Shezy Mughal.

Kind of reminds me of the dancing Israeli's. Just happened to know which way to point his cam.

22051120? ago

I was told we already know the extent of the damage

22050969? ago

In other words, the media should chill out. Get some sleep. I got this!

22050964? ago

Stable Genius