22056436? ago

Iranian revolution incoming?

22054622? ago

Praise Jesus >

Board sliding attack on NMBRFG in progress, so I will just counter by leaving this here.

Thanks. <


22054454? ago

It always pays to be doubtful just like it is to be open-minded

22053371? ago

Iran fight for your freedom...q

America sit at home and trust the plan...q

Which is it

22054696? ago

Why can't it be both? It IS their country after all. Why do you think we always have to have troops go in?

22064679? ago

who said anything about troops. im referring to the fact that q encourages iran citizens to fight, yet q encourages u.s. citizens to do nothing. why is that

22065318? ago

Where did you come up with the idea that Q has not told U.S. citizens to fight? There are dozens of Q posts talking about Patriots fighting. Fighting doesn't always mean that it has to be with guns in the streets, there are many different ways to fight.

22065856? ago

trust the plan is not fighting back. the patriot act is still in effect. Israel still gets nukes and our 38billion in tax dollars. elites are still running this cuntry. and nobody fights back.

22066584? ago

You need to research more to get a better understanding of what is going on. There is more going on than what is seen. Or are you itching for a civil war?

22068179? ago

def the latter. ive researched. my comment still stands. to add, jews still run our govt, fake news is still legal, we still pay the highest in taxes while the elite pay the lowest, our tech and copyright laws are still draconian, healthcare is still for profit, and a slew of other shit wrong.

22053066? ago

What about this Hassan Rouhani guy? How does he fit into the picture?

22052932? ago

I’ll be watching our elections get stolen like the House in 2018. Mid terms are safe amirite?

22054703? ago

Mid-terms were about keeping the Senate.

22069529? ago

That argument is a poor one. The House being lost has major ramifications as well. How is Trump not gridlocked by loosing the house? And how secure is the Senate? Hint. Not much. But, stay apathetic.

22055047? ago

Shills dont care. They are still mad their "blue wave" never came, and they were stuck with a few drizzles of blue cum instead, and the loss of senate seats .

That was all part of the plan.

22052832? ago

What's so great about a larping faggot falsely predicting an Iranian revolution a year and a half ago?

22054711? ago

Future proves past.

22054978? ago

Yeah. So how many more years of total bullshit do I have to listen to before you realize the future alway has come and your guy is full of shit?

22056446? ago

You don't have to listen to anything, faggot. GTFO

22056576? ago

Lol. So defensive. In psychology they would say that's a sign that you're afraid your ideas are vulnerable to argumentation (either the idea is bad or you have no confidence in debate), so you use emotions like anger, confidence, or sadness instead of logic.

This is anger.

Outside of psychology you're what's known as a "dumbass."

22055057? ago

Go back to watching CNN, moron. You clearly arent intelligent enough to comprehend anything that isnt spoon fed down your drooling gullet.

22052258? ago

MediaMatters ( LuLz/KeK) shat'r'eBlue(^_^) all up in these threads. You guys are so eazy to C........

22051837? ago

Hassan Rohani is not the one in control of Iran. With the Gen taken out. The main power is Khamenei.

Rohani knows very little about the activities of the late Gen & Khamenei

22051287? ago

Let us not jump to conclusions just yet.

22052801? ago

the hour is getting late!

22051144? ago

My wish: Trump gets Israel wound up over Iran, they eagerly join our "battle". We get started...and then make a quick about face, leaving Iran and Israel to finally fucking fight it out and get this millenia old bullshit over with. We can come in and clean up the remnants of whatever is left over.

22051701? ago

There's no battle. The enemy general is dead. The next part of the movie is coming up.

22052547? ago

This man gets it.

What's next? Media? EU? UN? Is-Ra-El? Endgame?

22055820? ago


22051635? ago

Sounds like Ezekiel 38. Iran/Turkey/Russia attack Israel mercilessly, US doesn't help, Russia et al get way deep into the city and at the last moment an earthquake swallows them up.

22050986? ago

Good find!!

22050929? ago

This level of coordination is remarkable. There are no coincidences.

22052553? ago

Coincidences happen all the time, foo. Or is Q really named after the Star Trek character?

What coincidence was it when Q posted the false crap about the CA ballot? Or when Q claimed that a current picture showed BHO as a child holding a weapon?

22054180? ago

I have one of those ballots, asshole. It’s exactly as pictured.

Enjoy your 50¢, sellout.

22053101? ago

Or when Q claimed that a current picture showed BHO as a child holding a weapon?

Flat out false! Q said pics would surface, yes, but it was someone on the chans who recently asked if that was the pic Q was talking about, and obviously he didn't acknowledge it at all.

So learn how to fucking read Qanons posts before being a fucking concernfaggot


22052779? ago

Think . . . Carefully . . . After reading. Let the information settle before reacting. Look at the information presented, then consider it in different contexts, to see if it fits. When it doesn’t, ask yourself why. If you are missing information, consider other posts or research yourself. Repeat. Q has more information than you do. Why? Read the posts (hint: they tell you why). Read qmap.pub from the beginning using above when something sounds ludicrous. Why trust Q? Don’t. But the questions asked by Q allow you to answer most things yourself, if you actually slow down and contemplate the questions yourself. Q has gave us information indicating that the Whole World has been ruled by corruption (blackmail / extortion / greed). L e t . . t h a t . . . S i n k . . . I n. The bloody head of the FBI and DoJ and CIA were all compromised. Holywood tells you that that means 3 bad guys should go to jail. Logic tells you it is M U C H bigger than that.

22050769? ago

there are some pretty interesting qdrops from jan 7 2018.

22052631? ago

No. No there are not. Fakery is fakery.

22050428? ago

Meh. That's pretty thin.

22050423? ago

Nice find grasshopper

22050086? ago

Nice try unless I see Rouhani’s head on a spike by morning. E for Effort though.

22050061? ago

oy vey anudda regime change


22051112? ago

Obviously you're not really familiar with Q's drops, otherwise you'd know they're saving Israel for last.

22050995? ago

^^^ the oy vey shill!!


Never.. you are watching a movie.

22051343? ago

You deserved the down voat I gave you.