22057158? ago

Vaccine makers are exempt because of BARDA - disguised as an anti bio-terrorism bill stuck in legislation as a rider back around 2006. It makes the ingredients of vaccine secret (exempt from FOIA), and it makes pharma companies exempt from any liability for damage caused by their product. It states this rather simply and succinctly, and our brain dead Congress passed it.

22054762? ago

Even if this was overturned, I'm glad to see it brought into the public awareness again here.

22054683? ago

Nice try: >

Board sliding attack on NMBRFG in progress, so I will just counter by leaving this here.

Thanks. <


22054583? ago

Some folks are saying that the links contained within the article do not work on the sources. Below are 2 alternative links. The second one references the court documents; however, I do not have access to Pacer. Hopefully, there is an anon who does and can provide the actual document...



22053839? ago

None of the links to sources provided by the website actually link to pages.

22052915? ago

Anybody have any alternative links for first 2 in the Article ? I got Page Not Found and Error. Thank-you in advance.

Peace Y

22052838? ago

Bla bla bla bla bla bb blaaa bblla bblaa bblaa bla bla bllaa llaa la la la bla bblaa rince and repeat. I just figured a little music was in order!

22051660? ago

the tea☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕☕

22051547? ago

At the hospital where I worked that was one reason I was "forced out". I HATED having to take a flu shot AND a TB test involuntarily. I NEVER had contact with patients nor was I EVER in the patient area of the hospital or even the same building!! Fucking feminist Nazis!

22051306? ago

I'm going to hold off on getting excited so long as all of the sources remain broken links. Kinda hard to convince anyone with this.

22054475? ago

22050849? ago

While we're at it, how 'bout we require vacs to be made in the good ol' USA, too.

Seems like a good jobs opportunity as well. We need to rebuild our stand-alone production industries here anyway.

22049865? ago

Article is everywhere accept anywhere that cites a court or a lawsuit or shows any other sign that it can be believed. There was a foia request that revealed the lack of documentation regarding oversight. Of which we know there is none. Apart from possibly making sure that they are effective at population control.

22054563? ago

If you have access to Pacer, you can get to it. Here's information from the docket.


It took less than 5 minutes to locate this by doing a little research.

22054609? ago

Thanks. Guess I need to get Pacer.

22049818? ago

Article links to two pages that aren't working. If this was a real lawsuit, where's the real evidence of the case?

22054571? ago

Here's your evidence that the case exists... https://dockets.justia.com/docket/new-york/nysdce/1:2018cv03215/491840

22049748? ago


22049154? ago

nice, but the supporting links are all 404'd

22048941? ago

Oh look, more OLD NEWS...

22050122? ago

Oh shut up.

It's jerkoffs like you who talk about the "Memory Hole" and how stupid we all are for forgetting shit or not paying attention to anything older than last week.

22051871? ago

It's not just old news...

It's news that is completely incorrect at this moment in time.

So, no, you fuck off. You allowing this shit is intentionally misinforming people.

This case was dismissed with prejudice IN 2018. It can't be refiled.

Christ you people drag us all down with your ignorance.

22052497? ago

It's because the anti-vaxx obsession on Voat is mostly just grasping at straws. Like dismissed cases from a a year or two ago.

22052349? ago

Yep, That's my purpose. To drag you all down with my superpower ignorance. I can feel it growing within you. EAT IT !!!!!!

This is so stupid. Shills aren't even interesting anymore.

22052661? ago

Shills aren't even interesting anymore.

You know what is interesting? Yes, it's using the shill conspiracy cop out because you just lost the debate.

22053310? ago

If I am wrong, then I apologize.

22048906? ago

You basically just copied the article which is total guesswork ... no links to any facts at all. I don't believe it.

22048887? ago

It means none of this. Over a year ago...and what happened? The States are demanding mandatory vaccinations. Nothing became of this obviously. Just like everything.

22049956? ago

The states try to demand mandatory everything. Solution: Never fucking comply--with anything. The more people that figure thus out, the power is placed back into the hands of we the people.

The jackboot thugs will be afraid to enforce their stupid rules if they are worried about every other person handing their ass to them.

22048819? ago

If there's one thing I hate, it's fucking vaccine bullies.

22049735? ago

yOu dEnY ScIEnCe!?!?!?!?!?!?

22049392? ago

Better shut up before I stick this mercury and fluoride filled needle in your neck.

22052723? ago

you convince many, and, will suffer

22049496? ago


22048402? ago

Anyone got the Italian reports of NO BENEFITS OF ANY KIND for any vaccines from a few years back?

22051656? ago

Might be interested in Japan's reports

22048343? ago

This was from NOVEMBER 2018. Look for the appeal and overturn in 2019.

22050317? ago

If it was appealed then overturned, then all of those health agencies might still be disbanded.

22049788? ago

So this post is basically fake news, given it omits the most up-to-date information.

22050045? ago

Someone anonymously sliding QRV, I'm shocked

22050277? ago

Shills are gonna shill, but it's the chowderheads that upvote all this stuff that annoy me.

22051062? ago

Idk why I come here anymore, unfortunately I'm too busy in real life to bake bread on the chans/kun but I also recognize that we're fucked if people like me don't

22048294? ago

Great news. Thanks for posting this.

22048705? ago

I follow SGTReport and he's been saying this for years. I try tell people on forums the vaccines have never been tested with the results made public and the abuse I get... Both my kids do not get this poison. They are filled with cells that will ultimately GIVE you the cancers and the other fatal illnesses. ALL ON PURPOSE!

22049936? ago

China has a new mystery illness. Upper respiratory but not SARS.

22049969? ago

Source? It coincides with the "Outrageously high flu season" here in the states.

22048188? ago

Thank you comrade. Look forward to more measles outbreaks like Seattle .

22048398? ago

So, if they work, just get fucking vaccinated. You won't get them. Right? No worries.

22048841? ago


22079956? ago

That’s what you got for an answer? Where am I wrong? Oh, I bet I know. Your full of shit.

22048342? ago

Really? You think that these vacs shouldn't be checked for effectiveness or other problems cumrade?

22048157? ago

Great post anon. Will use this in redpilling outside the echo chamber.

22048904? ago

Well said, agree!

22048593? ago

same here. much appreciated!

22048133? ago

This is huge

22048433? ago

All of the exposed agencies will get canceled!

Massive breach of trust. Criminal behaviour that killed many kids and crippled many more.

All while trying to force these on all kids with the full force of the state. Treason!, conspiracy.

22049509? ago
