Come on Khomeini you sandnigger pos bring it on. Everyone knows Muhammad was nothing but a satanic pedo and you whorship him like a dumbass. Come on you pussy throw a punch!!!! (QRV)
submitted 5 years ago by 3597174?
We are laughing our collective asses off at you. You talk big but can't do jack. As Trump and Clint Eastwood would say, "Go ahead and make my day!"
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha he ho har! Now to off take my meds!
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22031588? 5 years ago
I doubt the Islamic leaders really believe their BS any more than the Pope does his. They all just pontificate it for Mass Control. Wake Up, People!
22048846? 5 years ago
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22031588? ago
I doubt the Islamic leaders really believe their BS any more than the Pope does his. They all just pontificate it for Mass Control. Wake Up, People!
22048846? ago
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