22038163? ago

Fuck, too late. Like the HHS hasn’t been selling my DNA info since forever.

22033132? ago

If you had a fluid tested in the past 10 years? Hate to break it too you, but they already have it all. They want you to pay to get a copy. Did they protect you on FB from Cambridge Analytica. What makes you thin Quest and LabCorp are any different?

22030839? ago

I don’t understand why companies put people like that in leadership positions. Odds his department is a totally toxic unproductive prison? 100% I guess they’re already making plenty of money.

22033646? ago

Seems to me that him being such a minority in so many ways makes him one of the ones you can't get rid of without big lawyer fees. Maybe that is why he stays in leadership positions, surely, someday, there WILL be a group he can effectively lead!! They just have to find that group first.

22030902? ago

Because the company doesn't exist to make a profit. It's a front in order to collect biological information. They put that guy in the leadership position because he's compromised and they can blackmail him at any moment with his child porn.

22030828? ago

Saw this coming from a mile away...

22362236? ago

https://voat.co/v/QRV/3637205 Fabian Socialism is the means by which the West is enslaved. It is a much more subtle and incremental form of Marxism

22030215? ago

Why anyone would voluntarily send in their dna and blood to a clearly reptillian eugenicist program that is only out there to map the human genome and if necessery provide a dna bank for future clones is a total mistery to me.

especially considering they can send you any made up result.

22030652? ago

Try explaining this to your family when they're discussing getting their ancestry done in the near future haha. They legit think im crazy. Oh the ironing.

22029734? ago

Too late. My wife convinced me to do it early on.

22035279? ago

I warned some relatives but they dismissed my warnings. Other relatives happily submitted to find out their heritage, having no idea there could be anything nefarious with learning about your history. Argh

22030668? ago

Well you better hope evil is defeated, otherwise your identical clone is being tortured in some chamber somewhere....

22030255? ago

Same. My family did it early before we knew any wiser

22029513? ago

not to mention their databases are always getting "hacked" like hillary's server, I think they just leave the back door open so the insurance companies can get your DNA profile. It's ALREADY happened a couple times!

22029821? ago

When a person gives up their genetic information in order to supposedly find long lost relatives, they essentially give up their rights to their genetic information. It's in the fine print. This information is shared across a wide range of disciplines. Biologicals are being developed that are genetically specific in their targeting. They develop the problem and the supposed cure together. Both are designed to cause as much profitable destruction as possible. A perfect form of warfare. Destroy the population while leaving the resources.

22029917? ago

a jew-tron bomb

22029476? ago

dispossession/displacement = rape, torture, murder, and complete genocide of the white race.

22029311? ago

Whoa, that thread. Remind me to never piss of 8kun or /pol/

22029170? ago

a gay communist furry

Oh Geezus freaking Chris !

22028466? ago

He claims whites were the parasites in South Africa. lol.

22028854? ago

They literally turned baren/uninhabitable land no one lived near, into fertile farmlands and fed a country.

22029909? ago

and then what happened?

22031364? ago

and then the non-whites around there decided it was time to take "their land" back, and started killing off white farmers in the night.

22048023? ago

The stupidity sensor went 0-100 real quick.

22028977? ago

This comment was linked from this anonymous v/8chan comment.

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22028310? ago

But I found out my dad is not my dad and but my mom wont talk about it.

22028297? ago

Don't link to 8kun. Uncool.

22038742? ago

Don't link direct to 8kun, don't visit 8kun without TOR.... thanks faggot for having MY ISP log that I visited 8kun.

22040803? ago

People can do what they want, but actions have consequences, can't say they weren't warned. Visiting 8kun unprotected is akin to going to a whorehouse without a condom. Linking to 8kun is like going to the same whorehouse, no condom, giving everyone your business card, and then shooting the place up. Do so at your own risk, that's all I've got to say.

22037756? ago

Why? It seems up and stable now.

Qresearch: https://8kun.top/qresearch/catalog.html

The chans are back up. Don't tell me what not to link to.

22028399? ago


22035298? ago

Because there are special instructions that there is a need to use TOR and I don't know what else to access 8kun these days. I used to visit the Chans, but haven't tried 8kun. I get enough info here and from qresear.ch

22037710? ago

You do not have to go through TOR anymore. I mean you can if you want, but it isn't necessary.

It is reachable over the public internet at 8kun.top

22031466? ago

just trust us, OK?

22037737? ago

Trust your for what? Browse to https://8kun.top/index.html

Are you not computer savvy?

22028659? ago

because the images disappear after a while, retard.

It's the same with all of the chans.

22029221? ago


The images don't disappear.

22037117? ago

after enough time, everything there disappears. If you want something permanent; screen cap what you're looking at and post it via something like catbox.moe

22037482? ago

My bad. I forget I'm reading archived threads when I check out older 4chan threads.

You are correct.

22037553? ago

No worries - I had to learn that at one point too. Cheers.

22029508? ago

Yes they do... You have to rehost if you want anything resembling permanence.

22028734? ago

What do you mean?