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22012099? ago

You should send it to OAN.

22012135? ago

I am planning on it when I have something without my name all over it that went to a bunch of people. I can't lose my job.

22015387? ago

Get a lawyer and contact local police. Prepare ahead of time. Then contact the attorneys of the sites that are listed.

18 U.S. Code § 241. Conspiracy against rights is a federal crime. However, it does not seem to be a felony so it would not fall under misprision of felony if you fail to report it. Find out if your state has similar laws.

Get on Protonmail or Tutanota or some other encrypted email service. Shake every branch of your friends and family until you find someone in the police or national guard or an intelligence agency who can then contact someone who is in a position to open an criminal or counterintelligence investigation. Their web forms do not work and no one ever acts on the information I've sent through them in the few times they don't throw errors. Have that person get an encrypted email account and post their address in a reply to this message. Bookmark this thread in your browser so you can find it again.

22016054? ago

I think you're confused, this is the new official federal position that is being handed down from Alex Azar in DC - this isn't a rogue person doing this.

22017607? ago

It doesn't matter whose name is on it, it is highly illegal and is probably originating from a foreign intelligence agency that is leveraging a federal agency to shut down competition to the websites under its control. What you have described is a nationwide order to kidnap the children of everyone who is not loyal to a foreign power.