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21993578? ago


21994457? ago

Not really. You can “find” anything. This is a, yes, (wait for it.....) coincidence. Believe it or not coincidences do happen all the time, despite what members of the Q religion faithfully believe.

21994827? ago

There is a spectrum.

It runs between "coincidence" and "cause and effect."

At this point, nobody following Q believes much in coincidence. Anyone who follows this stuff runs into coincidence way, way, way too much. In fact, the sheer amount of coincidence here is mindboggling, because there is no human way that this much coincidence can be generated. Anyone who has dug DEEP into Q and started looking at codes, and yes, even the coincidences that exist in gematria, has left scratching their head -- or simply blowing it off.

I'm not the type to simply blow it off. That's how I became a "conspiracy theorist" in the first place. By acknowledging the facts that are in front of me without shrugging and dismissing them to coincidence. Which leads me again to the sheer number of "coincidences" that can be dug up in so many different ways. This is unnatural. There has to be technology behind it.

I personally believe that there is a Quantum AI that has generated the Q drops.

21994971? ago

It's a puzzle built for us to solve, and keep our focus along the way. <

The Gematria I am doing is scratching the surface.

This Gematria stuff isn't for everyday people, it's the language of the Top Elites on both sides, and it is why they that are so interested in my decodes.

21995267? ago

You have any links?

21997170? ago

Thank you.