21998382? ago

You mean the CIA puppet we installed said that

21996737? ago

I'm shocked this made it to air.

21994381? ago

So much evil in this world. We need a heavyweight like Jesus H. Christ to come back down to Earth and smite some bastards mightily.

21993976? ago

When he went down the list of things they control, the SHAH also wanted to say YOU to the interviewer when he said "I'm going to stop there"

21993699? ago

Many great men spoke about the demonic jewish cancer

21993296? ago

Three Days of the Condor depicted the CIA wet dream for the future. We're in that dream.

21992835? ago

The Shah was an ally of the United States, and was not nearly as murderous as the f'ing mullahs that came afterwards; no excuse for those of you supporting the mullahs. Carter was the 2nd worst President in United States' history (after Obama) and supported the Communists in Nicaragua and mullah whores in Iran; what an idiot!!!

21992604? ago

From https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/cia-assisted-coup-overthrows-government-of-iran

In 1951, Iran's premier was Mohammad Mosaddeq, an Iranian nationalist. Mosaddeq started making waves almost immediately over BRITISH PETROLEUM companies and their influence. He threatened to expropriate and nationalize the industry. The CIA, working with British inteligence (sound familiar?) orchestrated a coup.Mosaddeq got wind of it and called is supporters into the streets to protest. The Shah left the country, came to America for a few years, but then he returned after the CIA successfully overthrew the Mosaddeq government. The Shah remained a puppet of the Clowns through the Cold War. President Jimmy Carter turned on the Shah, citing human rights abuses (as he also did with the Somoza regime in Nicaragua) and turned US policy against the former CIA puppet. The CIA helped install Ayatollah Khomeini (who had been in exile in Turkey, Iraq, and France) and the Islamic extremists took power in 1979.

Iran hates us because the US and British factions of the Cabal have controlled its government for over half a century. If Trump is successul, he will simply give the government back to the Iranian people.

22003500? ago

Excellent summary, you can also trace the CIA's parent the OSS to deep ties with the Russians during WWII (see Wild Bill Donovan's visits to Russia during WWII, how did they get the bomb?) and helping place in power the Communist Chinese in 1949 (see the history of Maj John Birch, and why did we stop supporting the Nationalist Chinese?). Who have been Iran's major allies, Soviet Union/Russia and Communist China. Where do all the roads seemingly go back to? Coincidence?

21994881? ago


21992545? ago

Dont worry, we are SO in control that the clinton whore just might get her rotting wrist slapped somewhere around 2080.

21991449? ago

I was 7 went my dad was posted to Kabul. A very cosmopolitan city. A "Paris" in the middle east. I was 9 when we moved to Tehran. Went to medical school in Texas with two brothers/friends from Tehran whose parents worked for the Shah. It is very sad to have seen what has become of those cities. The everyday people are not the problem. The fring theocracy running things are the problem. No, not Tehran. Tel Aviv.

21991417? ago

All members of Congress who have dual US and Israel citizenship should renounce the Israel citizenship. It's a built in conflict of interest. Over 20 in congress have dual citizenship. How do we know they believe in America 1st. We need a new qualifier for our politicians. They need to be citizens of America and ONLY America.

21990504? ago

Also this Shah was a corrupt POS places in power by the Deep State so that British jews could get their hands on Iranian oil. Prior to the CIA's coup Iran had actually created a secular Republic, no strong men, no hardliners...the moderate, muslim democracy we all wish could have existed. Instead the CIA pulled their coup and put the incompetent puppet Shaw in power who was so bad he inspired a bloody revolution lead by Islamist crazy ass radicals. The result was Iran has buddied up HARD to the Russians and sabotaged American interests, spread terrorism across the world anywhere and any way it possibly could. The CIA/DeepState/Jews made this enemy of America pointlessly...because they were fucking greedy ass motherfuckers who had visions of megalomania.

Never forget, that the DeepState, acting on its own MADE this enemy from a country that was at first friendly to the USA, all over oil for British Jews.

21992861? ago

Um you confused the part about iran sending terrorists all over the world. Thats us America.

21991314? ago

Dude, you've got some facts right, others not so much, but you can't even spell "Shah."

it might be once per 10 years that I spelling-flame but in this case it's so blatant you're very unfamiliar with the subject and on't really know what you're talking about, are just repeating things but not quite right.

21990483? ago

And then he was deposed from office. Does that tell you something that we all ignored? Our government knew it then and did nothing to stop any of it.

21990151? ago

that's why the jew loves implementing democracy in the countries it wants to destroy!

21989544? ago

"And I'm going to stop there" lol. The Shah was a little nervous.

21989516? ago

Nice find. And I notice lots of folks here have opinions about who the Shah was and what was going on. The fact is, at this time, we really don't know. We can simply conjecture.

21989427? ago

The shah was a good guy. Fell victim to a Jew coup that they lost control of.

There was a Islamic and (((communist))) faction that overthrew the shah, the Jews planned for their faction to end up in power.

He also knew the Holocaust was almost completely made up in order to take advantage of the European people's higher than average amount of empathy.

22001180? ago

Ukraine was created and carved out of Poland and other land at the end of WWII and the lands Jews wanted to create their European Israel out of are today a government filled with Jewish leaders.

21989124? ago



Myron Leon "Mike" Wallace (May 9, 1918 – April 7, 2012) was an American journalist, game show host, actor, and media personality.

21989065? ago

and of course he died of cancer, just like everyone else in positions of power that "know too much".

21988738? ago

Hot damn, you've got my attention.

21990804? ago

Mine too.

21988638? ago

I like how the interviewer tries to make him sound crazy but in the end the shah sounds like he knows what’s going on and the interviewer sounds like an ignorant doofus

21996652? ago

Wallace, whose family's surname was originally Wallik,[3] was born on May 9, 1918, in Brookline, Massachusetts,[3] to Russian Jewish immigrant parents,[3][4]

A jew in the media questioning the purported jewish control of media.

21990033? ago

They do the same with President Assad of Syria and his interviews with (((media))).

21989916? ago

Mike Wallace, Chris Wallace's father. He was totally involved and - much like his son - an enemy of the United States.

21994349? ago

What was said then is known fact today. Didn't Time Magazine literally have a cover that said "The Jews control the media, so what?" It's a big fucking so what, Christians just can't seem to understand that Jews DO NOT SHARE YOUR VALUES, the old Testament is not like the New Testament, it doesn't have the forgiveness and love thy neighbor or Golden rule aspects. The major aspects.

21989153? ago

Myron Leon "Mike" Wallace

(May 9, 1918 – April 7, 2012)

of 60 Minutes fame.

21990390? ago

Smash that early life!

21988541? ago

henery ford did a lot more detailed explanation of what jews where doing but no one listened to him some reason. henery ford literaly tried to save america and he failed.

21991595? ago

"henery" really bro?

21994078? ago

the eighth, i am!

21989790? ago

Lying kikes would have you believe that he and Hitler were Rothschild pawns.

21988534? ago

The Shah was CIA backed

21988434? ago


21988756? ago

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21988267? ago

WOW! Mind. Blown. Tells me everything I need to know about who is in charge in Iran today.

21988439? ago


21988557? ago

I guess people thought I was being facetious.

21988243? ago

Other than the argument that the CIA put him into power, which in and of itself is certainly not a good thing, I found no flaw with the Shah.

Iran was a modernized, safe country with considerable freedom for people, including freedom from the Islamists.

Oh, he had his police electrocute the balls of Islamic terrorists?

That was a good thing in my book.

So of course Carter betrayed him. The above quotes probably helped seal his doom too.

21989306? ago

Shah tortured and murdered his political enemies. Carter protected him by refusing to return him to Iran where he could have been prosecuted for his crimes. That is why the US embassy in Tehran was taken over and Americans held hostage.

Shah was evil.

21989421? ago

And his "political enemies": were, what?

Exactly what I said.

Boo-hoo. Sorry you're upset about Islamist terrorists and seditionists being killed.

21989647? ago

In 1953, Islamist terrorism was not a thing.

CIA installing puppet dictators was.

21989690? ago

You are actually unaware that there have ALWAYS been Islamists seeking to murder anyone who did not do exactly as they say Mohammed (the murderer) said to do???

21989861? ago

It was not a thing until Carter/Brzezinski started Operation Cyclone to wage an illegal war against the Soviets in Afghanistan.

Shah was a puppet dictator. That's why he was protected by Carter.

21989893? ago

Followers of Mohammed have been murderers from the beginning.

That is the inevitable outcome of being the follower of a murderer.

Those that aren't murderers aren't true followers of Mohammed.

The only peaceful people from Islamic countries are those that don't follow Islam, which the Shah permitted and that's why Iran was a fine country then and not since.

Sorry about your murderous bros getting their nuts electrocuted.

21988794? ago

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