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21989188? ago

Look up Operation Ajax. CIA took out Mossedegh, the democratically-elected president of Iran (1953). They installed the Shah. The Shah was a brutal dictator who murdered and tortured his political opponents -- backed by the CIA black op criminals.

When the Ayatollah came to power and the people booted the Shah out, he fled to the USA. Jimmy Carter protected him, refusing to return him to Iran where the people there wanted to put him on trial for the crimes he committed against the Iranian people.

THIS is why Iranians stormed the US embassy and took hostages. George H.W. Bush (CIA) was the VP-elect after the 1980 election, and he worked a deal for the release of hostages (because he was CIA, and they were controlling the strings) -- but the Americans held hostage had to suffer longer until AFTER Reagan/Bush inauguration. Only then were they released (and they were released immediately).

Bush would continue to work a black op with the Iranians in order to fund the Contras in Nicaragua, so the CIA black op criminals could control that country, too. Col. Oliver North was Bush's point man in Nicaragua, and the drugs he ran out of there were flown into Mena, Arkansas where Bill Clinton made sure no cops would snoop around while the drugs were being released into the American streets.

That's why Bill Clinton was pushed to the front of the line to be prez. Had nothing to do with his "political prowess." He had CIA backing. Hillary went along for the ride. Then we had Bush Jr. and then Obama, an actual CIA operative (which is why he has no background history that can be verified by anyone).

Your friend was right.

And CIA has been pulling the strings since it was founded.

Nixon - VP in 1953 and ran Operation Ajax with Prescott Bush pulling his strings.

Kennedy - CIA did not want him, and look what happened.

Johnson - Why did he not run for re-election? Because ...

Nixon - Got "paid" for being a puppet of the CIA.

Ford - He was never elected by the people. Installed as VP for Nixon because Nixon was going to have to resign. Ford was the one on the Warren Commission who had the photos doctored to make it seem like all shots came from the rear. His assistant, Arlen Specter, came up with the "Magic Bullet" theory, and was rewarded with many years in the Senate.

Carter - Georgia governor who came out of nowhere, but did what he was told.

Reagan - Another Kennedy, and look what they tried to do to him. Meanwhile, he was forced to put Bush on his ticket to get enough delegate votes to win the R nomination. And Bush was working dirty deals because he was a CIA guy, just one step from the top, until ...

Bush Sr - Started with his granddaddy and CIA was run by his daddy. Enough said.

Clinton - Rewarded for his criminal cooperation.

Bush Jr. - Too dumb to be anything but a figurehead for the CIA black op criminals.

Obama - An actual CIA black op criminal actually gets into the presidency, despite the fact he wasn't even eligible.

And then after all this corruption ... finally ... the winning card is played ...


21992147? ago

Pretty good, just add that the cocaine being flown into Mena was being picked up by uniformed Arkansas State Troopers in their cop cars. So Bill wasn't 'keeping the cops away', they were in on it.

22010407? ago

You didn't think we forgot about you now did you HILL and BILL > Arkansas Skeletons run deep. Just in case you forgot >