21997356? ago

Watch Free Movie Counter-Intelligence

For those not familiar with what the CIA “really” do, you might be interested to watch this free American made movie. Which exposed the CIA in 5 parts at http://metanoia-films.org/counter-intelligence/#watch

Alternative links 1:

  1. Part 1: https://www.bitchute.com/video/oC6WDFZq5GMx
  2. Part 2: https://www.bitchute.com/video/fxtZUc4s1qcb
  3. Part 3: https://www.bitchute.com/video/MlWqPLCL8gzh
  4. Part 4: https://www.bitchute.com/video/FRRBzXx3pWar
  5. Part 5: https://www.bitchute.com/video/leBVGP1R68aJ

Alternative links 2:

  1. Part 1: https://vimeo.com/65148608
  2. Part 2: https://vimeo.com/65942057
  3. Part 3: https://vimeo.com/66019647
  4. Part 4: https://vimeo.com/66183267
  5. Part 5: https://vimeo.com/67967592

In summary, according to the Counter-Intelligence movie, the CIA is arguably by far the largest terrorist organization on earth. Including CIA's illegal terrorist events within the USA. And the present alleged Coup within the USA?

I believe that most people at the CIA are good people, with mature, ethical, and lawful behaviors. But allegedly, a minority of people in the CIA are bad people, with immature, unethical or criminal behaviors. Did the bad people intoxicated the CIA beyond repair? Like a cancer? If so, will the Trump administration be able to drain the swamp? Time will tell.

Read an interview with Scott Noble, the American documentary author at https://dissidentvoice.org/2014/07/counter-intelligence-spying-deters-democracy/



To encourage the author to create more movies, your donation is welcome at http://www.metanoia-films.org/donate/

21991377? ago

The answer to "Who REALLY controls [XXX]?" has always been "The C.I.A."

21990591? ago

Most if not all 20th century wars are backed by the globalist arm called the C_A. What good and critical intelligence have the C_A ever given? Not much. They are great at propaganda and of course lies.

21990567? ago

C_A = jews

21990066? ago

Riddle me this though, why are the Israelis fighting for war with Iran if they run it?

21992155? ago

You always need an enemy, trauma based mind control.

21989826? ago

And Nicaragua, and Guatemala, and Argentina...

Read, New Confessions of an Economic Hit Man. They don't just do a propaganda campaign or war, they also do economic fuckery.

21989188? ago

Look up Operation Ajax. CIA took out Mossedegh, the democratically-elected president of Iran (1953). They installed the Shah. The Shah was a brutal dictator who murdered and tortured his political opponents -- backed by the CIA black op criminals.

When the Ayatollah came to power and the people booted the Shah out, he fled to the USA. Jimmy Carter protected him, refusing to return him to Iran where the people there wanted to put him on trial for the crimes he committed against the Iranian people.

THIS is why Iranians stormed the US embassy and took hostages. George H.W. Bush (CIA) was the VP-elect after the 1980 election, and he worked a deal for the release of hostages (because he was CIA, and they were controlling the strings) -- but the Americans held hostage had to suffer longer until AFTER Reagan/Bush inauguration. Only then were they released (and they were released immediately).

Bush would continue to work a black op with the Iranians in order to fund the Contras in Nicaragua, so the CIA black op criminals could control that country, too. Col. Oliver North was Bush's point man in Nicaragua, and the drugs he ran out of there were flown into Mena, Arkansas where Bill Clinton made sure no cops would snoop around while the drugs were being released into the American streets.

That's why Bill Clinton was pushed to the front of the line to be prez. Had nothing to do with his "political prowess." He had CIA backing. Hillary went along for the ride. Then we had Bush Jr. and then Obama, an actual CIA operative (which is why he has no background history that can be verified by anyone).

Your friend was right.

And CIA has been pulling the strings since it was founded.

Nixon - VP in 1953 and ran Operation Ajax with Prescott Bush pulling his strings.

Kennedy - CIA did not want him, and look what happened.

Johnson - Why did he not run for re-election? Because ...

Nixon - Got "paid" for being a puppet of the CIA.

Ford - He was never elected by the people. Installed as VP for Nixon because Nixon was going to have to resign. Ford was the one on the Warren Commission who had the photos doctored to make it seem like all shots came from the rear. His assistant, Arlen Specter, came up with the "Magic Bullet" theory, and was rewarded with many years in the Senate.

Carter - Georgia governor who came out of nowhere, but did what he was told.

Reagan - Another Kennedy, and look what they tried to do to him. Meanwhile, he was forced to put Bush on his ticket to get enough delegate votes to win the R nomination. And Bush was working dirty deals because he was a CIA guy, just one step from the top, until ...

Bush Sr - Started with his granddaddy and CIA was run by his daddy. Enough said.

Clinton - Rewarded for his criminal cooperation.

Bush Jr. - Too dumb to be anything but a figurehead for the CIA black op criminals.

Obama - An actual CIA black op criminal actually gets into the presidency, despite the fact he wasn't even eligible.

And then after all this corruption ... finally ... the winning card is played ...


22010387? ago

"Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me... Can't get fooled again".


21997366? ago

Watch Free Movie Counter-Intelligence

For those not familiar with what the CIA “really” do, you might be interested to watch this free American made movie. Which exposed the CIA in 5 parts at https://voat.co/v/QRV/3591671/21997356/

21992147? ago

Pretty good, just add that the cocaine being flown into Mena was being picked up by uniformed Arkansas State Troopers in their cop cars. So Bill wasn't 'keeping the cops away', they were in on it.

22010407? ago

You didn't think we forgot about you now did you HILL and BILL > Arkansas Skeletons run deep. Just in case you forgot >


21991484? ago

Just an interesting tidbit to add. Norman H. Shwarzkopf led desert storm. His father H. Norman Shwarzkopf is mentioned in Quigleys Book Tragedy and Hope and was "sent" to Iran to help "Train" security and police in Iran in the op you mention due to setting up and training New Jersey State Police. Quigley said he was really helping to overthrow Mossadegh. The training was cover, his mission was to support the overthrow. The issue was what was better to buffer communism in the area a militarized Iran or religious buffer resistance.

21993273? ago


Quigley was the "official" historian for NWO secret society, which is where he got the material to write his books. He was also Bill Clinton's professor at Georgetown, and Quigley is the only person Clinton thanked in his inauguration speech.

Operation Ajax (Iran) was the first op outside of Europe. CIA started Operation Gladio right after WW2 to infiltrate and control governments of Europe, and then they spread to the Middle East, Central America (Operation PB Success in Guatemala), and eventually into Asia.

The CIA overthrew the Indonesian government, assisted by Lolo Soetoro, a high-ranking military officer in the new CIA-backed government and was in charge of killing squads that murdered over a million Indonesians. Barry's baby mama infiltrated communist groups in Indonesia to identify who to kill.

Operation Gladio morphed into many operations worldwide, and would eventually put one of their own (Barry) into the White House.

21993874? ago

i read Tragedy and hope front to back. Also America's Eastern Establishment by him. I always had suspected he was involved with "The Report from Iron Mountain" if your familiar with that, which from your excellant dissertation here i would suspect you do

21989005? ago

I remember Iran in the 70s... you COULD NOT tell the difference between a teenager in Iran vs the West

Never saw a friend in Canada wear a hijab... not til the last decade... those who left Iran .., left because of the austere life imposed on them

Then their fringe ideology hit their people in the west... due to cultural pressure from other muslims

21988613? ago

The CIA needed IRAN to have a constant wild card to play against the world, a constant nemesis, constant ORDER OUT OF CHAOS to precipitate world war 3? It's purely luciferian.

21988481? ago

.... Your Iranian friend prays to the pedophile terrorist prophet mohammed?

21997503? ago

kikes are almost as bad as the kebabs just more clever....

I disagree

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They want you DIVIDED.






UNITED or Divided?

I suggest to ignore calls for division. Because by remaining united you are STRONGER. Thanks you for being you ♥. Including, but not limited to united Blacks, Catholics, Jews, Muslims, Whites, and all other flavors. Compare to divided where you would be weaker :(

With infinite love ♥


21988423? ago

oy vey Iran is CIA, goy idiots. We must attack Iran. Israel is greatest ally and only country in middle east that allows buttsecs

21988395? ago


21987911? ago

Yeah we Q followers are dealing with people who think the way you did.

21989036? ago

The masses need a cause to follow. A variety of people supply it to them.

21987757? ago

  1. Confessions of an Economic Hit Man by John Perkins
  2. The Blood Bankers: Tales from the Global Underground Economy by James S. Henry

Books that opened my eyes.

21987741? ago

I had a friend like that and he ended up becoming an ungrateful anti-white cultist who worships the Jews on the lying press.

21987355? ago

That we enjoy the privileged lifestyle we do is centrally thanks to the boys and girls club of America.

21987283? ago

Date of formation of C_A?

Date of formation of Mossad?

Its literally what the C_A (and many other 'intelligence' agencies across the world (Dates of formation???)) was created to do.

21987370? ago

Learn to write and convey ideas like a normal person instead of pretending you're Q.

21987256? ago

You’ve got some catching up to do!

21987136? ago

Our CIA is the largest terrorist org in teh world.

21988492? ago

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21987120? ago

Don't forget Merkle and Kerry when speaking on the topic of Iran, otherwise you are missing some puzzle pieces.

21988902? ago

If he does't know, he should ask his handlers in Israel.

21987030? ago

It's not a belief it's well known fact the Deep State CIA overthrew a Western friendly secular government and installed a crazed islamist, the Shah, in order to protect the Queen and her interests in BP oil. It was called Operation Ajax.

21988987? ago

a Western friendly secular government

Nope, Mossaddegh had already turned toward the Soviets, dissolved Parliament, begun making laws on his own, and arrested the Shah's men who delivered the king's order to remove him from office. The Shah was already the king, though he had been installed by the British during WWII when they deposed his father. They don't often teach that in schools because it goes against the AMERICA BAD narrative.

21989276? ago

Mosseddegh was elected by the people of Iran. The Shah and his daddy were not.

21989206? ago

Hell, they never even taught anything about Iran when I was in school. Having to educate myself on history decades later on the internet. What a waste of time 12 years of public school was!!

21989275? ago

too many shills here today

21989298? ago

a lot

21988970? ago

it's well known fact the Deep State CIA overthrew a Western friendly secular government and installed a crazed islamist, the Shah

I think there's been a switcheroo...

21988399? ago


21987906? ago

OP is claiming the CIA is behind the ayatollahs who overthrew the shah. Q hinted at this already.

21992061? ago

The first Ayatolla was a CIA asset, like Bin Laden, so yeah

21987706? ago

You got your history mixed up, fren. Read more. I'm unfortunately out of downvotes.

21988891? ago

That's either a days-old account, or you don't contribute to this site.

21989875? ago

Where's your argument?

[IN 1959] The Iranian military, with the support and financial assistance of the United States government, overthrows the government of Premier Mohammed Mosaddeq and reinstates the Shah of Iran. Iran remained a solid Cold War ally of the United States until a revolution ended the Shahs rule in 1979.

The above is what happened.

21995674? ago

You don't know what you're talking about. Just search pictures of women before and after.

21995728? ago


21989990? ago

I'm unfortunately out of downvotes.

That's either a days-old account, or you don't contribute to this site.

Where's your argument?

In your admission that you're "out of downvotes".

21990138? ago

Voat being voat. 105 votes/day, it maxes out at me.

FYI (x'ed bait):

Voting habits

Submissions: This user has upvoted 1xxx and downvoted 1x submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 5xxx and downvoted 3xx comments.

21990742? ago

Your vote/comment balance is out of whack. After the first couple weeks, you should never run out of votes in either direction.

21990808? ago

Dunno. Have 950+ comments. Maybe manipulation?

21991040? ago

Technically, you need to get some upvotes on those comments. So, a certain level of manipulation is required if your normal comments repel people.

21987345? ago

Who does the Queen report to? The Rothschild Family?

21990006? ago


21990311? ago

I like that one. It says a lot.