21987770? ago

General Soiledpants —-> hilarious!!!

^ This is what QRV does best

21986735? ago

General Soiled Pants? That there is funny!

21985860? ago

Q recently said something BIG is coming- BIG = Bomb Iranian General?

21985714? ago

Great so America continues to act like the world's police force. At What cost?

Tax money should be spent at home defending our borders

21984572? ago

Enjoy the show guys! Another war is what we all voted for, right.

21987395? ago

This will help to avoid a war. The Mullahs need to be shown that action against us will cost them via targeted actions against their guys, not general war against the people of Iran.

21984476? ago

Question: would the 2nd Deputy technically be the 3rd in charge for Hezbollah?

21985336? ago


21984394? ago

People, it's likely this will keep us out of war. We just destroyed ZOGs plans.

The original BLUEPRINT for kike/neocon takeover included Iran and North Korea. Both of these are now permanently off the table.

Does anyone remember PNAC?? That was a very real thing and it was that Israeli program (with Saudi's help) that did 9/11.

21985483? ago

Why did John Bolton just come out congratulating the attack?

21986035? ago

Because he believes this will still lead to war. They think that war with Iran is inevitable, no matter what happens.

21995248? ago

Very interesting. Thanks for sharing..

I'm not a numberfag, but the 1320 reference in the URL is notable too.

21984334? ago

Yes goy. Support the war.

21984297? ago

"Gen. Soiledpants" surely got a cut of those billions sent to Iran by Obozo to do just what he was doing - trying to start a war that draws in the U.S. once again.

21984222? ago

If you think we should be in Iraq or Syria at all then you're a Zionist dickhead plain and simple.

21984368? ago

There's a Syrian pipeline that you should learn about faggot.

21985349? ago

I’m old enough to remember when Syria justified invading and occupying Alaska because of an important oil pipeline

21984205? ago

Why is the US in Iraq anyway?

21986761? ago

To get them into the zog banking system, destabilize the region, and steal from the American people.

21985084? ago

Not so long ago America seen Iran and Iraq as doing bad things, both sides got played against each other, the Bush mafia got greedy and wanted the Iraq Oil, lied to the American people to start false wars....all this happened during a peroid called the 'Cold War'...that's about as simple as I can make it. Once upon a time a bunch of faggot freemasons from London-Amsterdam and the Shriners thought they had islam on their side Iraq, Saudi, Turk, Egypt, Iran, but....not everyone thought they wanted islam...a lot of others were not so stupid to think they could control a rapid zombie dog called islam....some older Americans like Founding Fathers times knew of this islam and the Barbary wars, the Marines fighting in Libya long long ago.... 'islam' vanishes from the American mindset and just becomes soemthing foreign and exotic, they did not know moslems and the dead terrorist pedophile mohammed who founded the religion islam...they did not know islam and mohammed has hated America before America was even born. The elites with their Shriner rituals and Royal-Dutch oil companies they still wanted those old roads and networks. World war one would come and go...millions dead...World war two millions more.... then of course what comes out is Russia and a Soviet Empire, the Ruskies putting satellites into space. There was a guy Pahlavi, the last King of Iran, take into account things like Vietnam, East Germany, the Korean war happening...a very tense and paranoid time across the world. The Shah leaned Western but the Mob of islamists hated the Shah, at the time Iran wanted Western fashion, Iranians leaning Western but the Shah was corrput, the guy PahlaviReza Shah, was the last King of Iran...he lost.... Iran Hostage Crisis - Iranians help removed Jimmy Carter and replace him, Iran gets America to elect Ronnie Raygun, a small islamist hole helps turn the US political system on its head, Carter decided upon an ultra-secret mission to rescue the hostages...a big crash in a dust storm and the secret mission fails. A group of Iranian 'students' stormed the U.S. Embassy in Tehran, taking more than 60 American hostages...Ronnie Raygun gets in, big election win that Iran approved with Bush Snr as VP but he's a corrupt admin, ....America hates Iran and Iran hates America ...strange as it sounds this politically benefist both sides as it gives each side a foreign enemy or boogeyman. Raygun and Bush Snr is there, you get things like Irangate the IranContra scandal. They the schemers played Iran and Iraq against each other ...its an ongoing fallout from coldwar times and the Bush mafia family was involved, America has probably never really forgiven Iran for the attack on the US embassy, seen as one of those lines that should have never been crossed. Iraq also has lots of oil, if you want to go deeper into the global conspiracy i guess you need to go back into cold war times and even the days of old religions and ancient imperialism, Eisenhower warned America's on the danger of the military industrial complex, the things JFK said etc

21984355? ago


21985323? ago

OIL: Operation Iraq Liberation

21984623? ago

Protecting refineries etc so the Deep State cannot get control of them to fund their terror operations against Humanity

21984677? ago

Deep State wanted to run the Syrian pipeline thru Iraq as well

21984020? ago

Good goy!

Off to some shithole desert you go, to die for Israel.

And don't you worry, Tyrone will take good care of your girl when you're gone!

21984000? ago

Just read an article wish I had copied it now. He was planning on arresting the Iraqi president and taking over their government.

21983780? ago

Eric Trump got busted bragging about it and doing a bit of insider trading: https://twitter.com/_Arianna_D/status/1212937373173944320?s=19

21983841? ago

He was talking about another tweet, shill. Get off of here.

21983944? ago

Then why did he delete it?

21984300? ago

Maybe because it was confusing some people

21984465? ago

Riiight, he deleted it before the announcement of the bombing.

21983677? ago


Perhaps all this can be avoided if Iran General use peaceful method to convey his message to USA.

President Trump is rational and is someone that you can trust to make deals with.

This is not a good outcome. It only continues a cycle of war and revenge

21984390? ago

Globalist way = give billions from USA to 3rd world shit holes.

Nationalist way = don't fuck with us, we don't fuck with you.

21983586? ago

Too bad, Deep State Commies, Zionists, Neokooks, Dual Citizens, MIC war profiteers

Nipping it in the bud.

Avoiding another war, Not starting another war.

21984210? ago

Wtf are you talking about? The deep state is Iran now? Holy shit you're a fuckin idiot.

21984481? ago

Cabals worldwide, retard.

21984317? ago

Dunning-Kruger alert, Dunning-Kruger alert!

Stfu idiot. You're the one who lacks understanding. Maybe reddit is a better place for you........

21984312? ago

Try and keep up, Shlomo, and a little reading comprehension also.

21983423? ago

Is solomonkey and frens the best they got? Er had? Poor thing!

21983399? ago

Crosshairs on the Middle East DS/Mo_sad actors once again. Shlomo has fudged himself...dreams of Greater Israel are fading away with each strike........

21983397? ago

Good. Iran didn't have a central bank for long enough.

21983361? ago

And then, for no reason at all ...

21984826? ago

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21990421? ago

21983324? ago

Iran is getting a rothschild owned bank now. Trumpstein is doing the lords work (lord rothschild)

21985650? ago

Oh look, a turd, I mean a Jew.

21983300? ago

https://tweetsave.com/3days3nights/status/1213026796616048640 :

🇺🇸 3Days3Nights 🇺🇸 on Twitter: "News sources are confirming that the Baghdad airstrikes not only took out Gen. Soiledpants, but also the #2 deputy in Lebanon's Hezbollah. And Marines are arresting pro Iranian militia in Iraq. This is a very big deal.… /e2R6YV7QXd"

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21983266? ago

Good. Now that they're out of the way, isis will be free to destroy iran.

21985352? ago
