21977796? ago

She'll never be found, until such a time that a cabal lacky is in power again and they need the political points, much like the Osama Bin Laden raid...

21976886? ago


21976750? ago

hiding in a safehouse in Israel *with Epstein


21975494? ago

Jewish spies on what? Financials that the public is not privy to via the mass media? I mean who or what were they spying on? Was there a Madoff connection?

21974400? ago

I saw it on the news this morning. However the source was named as Reuters and Israel was never mentioned. Reuters is Rothschild.

21974084? ago

its OK, goys, we can rape your kids, then hide at home while you pay is $38bill to us, suckers!!!!...

21973929? ago

Posting a screenshot of an article? OK boomer.

Here's the actual article source:


21973590? ago

Epstein lives.

21973372? ago

No wonder they're saving is real for last it's where all the reptiles will be hiding last.

21977000? ago

"Saving Israel" for last...Thats my interpretation...

21973279? ago

Daily Mail is definitely being used by white hats now.

21974436? ago

Do you have other examples you can show us?

21973062? ago

MOS has some explaining to do

21973043? ago

Good thing we have such a good relationship with Israel, right Patriots? Right?

Is thing on?

21987476? ago

Epic twitter Thread on Epstein...this went on for at least 15 years...The Matrix Red or Blue? The idea that the press isn't covering Epstein properly is the ultimate truth pill. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3590344/21977322

21972870? ago

Well great. An ally like Israel will be glad to work with us in the spirit of mutual cooperation. Yes?

21972672? ago

a tweet from an account that isn't even Drudge is not mainstream...

21973300? ago

Source appears to be Daily Mail.

21972632? ago

Is the Daily Fail really mainstream though?

21973196? ago

Drew Barrymore's story ? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3502244/21217135

21973829? ago

That’s awful

21972625? ago

Epstein is Maxwell. Eeeeepstein is Maxweeeeell?!?

Neither suicided


21972583? ago

If MSM says it’s true, it must be false

21972544? ago

Great job anon. Way to fulfill your patriotic duty. Q wants us to name the jew, every hour of every day.

21973719? ago

That would be retarded. Tell people you know and trust about what jews are doing to us, when you redpilled them into it. Nothing more than that.

21972929? ago

Looks like the shills are still trying to get us shutdown spreading more lies.

21973080? ago

They'll never stop until the normies have woken up, they have everything to lose, at which point they'll play the helpless victim in order to garner sympathy.

21982978? ago


21972956? ago

get you shut down?? We were here long before QRV ever showed up. I'm really happy you guys showed up though, Q really showed us the light.

21977842? ago

Q came from 8ch/pol/

The jew has always been named!

21976001? ago

most of you Nazis are going to be arrested along with the pedos.

21976042? ago

Nice dude. I'm sure the jews will love you for that. You're a perfect goy slave for the jew. Willing to sell out your own blood for the good of jew.

21976163? ago

you're going down. you and your criminal enterprise. nothing can save you. America and God of the universe is against you. you will fail miserably for your stupidity.

21976346? ago

So you admit that you think that people who talk about jews are criminals?

21978415? ago

all nazis are criminals. you hate jews and blacks. your hate causes you to gather together to collude on how to arm yourselves for the pupose of killing mass amounts of jews and blacks. you do this by committing crimes such as drug running and firearm crimes. your parents live in hate. they probably beat and raped you. people with hate in their hearts are easy prey for the demonic. many of you also fight fagotry as well. and many of you are pedos. all of you are going down. you have been infiltrated.

21978542? ago

you sound way too over zealous. obvious shill bud.

21981246? ago

the shill calling others a shill

21981277? ago

fuck off kike.

21985157? ago

I'm still here loser. not leaving this subverse till its over. gonna watch you and yours burn.

21972620? ago

No “Q” doesn’t. You made that shit up entirely on your own.

21973649? ago

Many times you kike.

21979295? ago

Q named YOU as one of them. THEY (^you) will try to divide. Knock it off if you are legit. We are done being divided.

21989758? ago


21991529? ago

...and let loose the frogs of war!

21981010? ago

Love seeing kikes panic. Dont you have goyim children to rape, rabbi?

21982361? ago


21974349? ago

No, he hasn't. The only thing hes said about jews is "were saving israel for last".

Get out with your fake bullshit

21975489? ago

Q has named MOS as recently as last month, has told people to look at older HISTORY BOOKS (because of Holohoax Bullshit to see how it has evolved), has quoted multiple anti-kike memes etc. You are a shill.

21975968? ago

post the Qdrop then you lying sack of steaming shit. prove it motherfucker

21982356? ago

you are dumb as fuck

21985138? ago

Now you see how it works you evil waste of air. You make a comment with no basis in fact , I call you out...You cannot defend yourself in anyway , You get mad and scream like the pissed off demon that you are. I laugh, everyone else reading this laughs at you. Then you have a bad day,not the other way around. You get tormented, not the other way around. Another win for the patriots and yet ANOTHER lose for the shills and trolls. you should give up. never has there been a more useless job created then what you do.

21972675? ago

I'm sorry you hate America so much anon. Take your anger elsewhere.

21973385? ago

The fuck did you say??? Hate America??? You’re dumb as fuck. I love America and hate that you are trying to portray the Q Movement as Anti-Semitic. You’re either a shill, or too fucking stupid to realize that the MSM will try to use that dumb “naming the Jew” shit against us. All you’re doing is hurting our image.

21973464? ago

Jews aren't apart of the American Identity. If you truly believe that, you are sadly brainwashed, and probably can't be saved.

21975990? ago

demonics HATE the jews., you ARE a modern day Nazi, EVERYONE HATES nazi. tell you what Q is against Nazi.

21976013? ago

nobody is responsible for more sexual perversion and worship of sexual perversion than the jews. If you dont know this, you really dont know anything about the jews...

21976178? ago

keep pulling bullshit statistics out of your ass. im sure there is more in there which is why I can safelky say you're full of shit

21976465? ago

sounds like you dont understand the definition of the word statistic.....

21978444? ago

sounds like you are completely unable to think logically. you must read on a third grade school level.

21982370? ago

dumb mofo rite hear^

21985092? ago

yes you are a dumb mofo. glad you realize it finally. see, I told you that you read at a third grade comprehension level. You probably won't understand my response. All your misspellings and.improper sentence structure gives it away.

21974257? ago

YOU are already a gonner.

21972237? ago

Cheesebooger was right again!

21972172? ago

WORSE than that, must be about to drop.

The 'Satanism' angle of this Mossad crew is being completely ignored.

logic would say: if Mossad is Satanic, then the CIA is also Satanic

"Demonic Jews were raping and sacrificing humans for blackmail", would be more accurate.

they always like to remind you that Epstein is dead, too

21989735? ago

demonic jews

implying non-demonic jews

They're all demonic. Literal devilspawn. Call them demons or jews, but don't supply linguistic ammo by making a distinction. That is how jews worm their way out of their cage.

21973180? ago

The cult? Old money...consider the strong European/Mid East ties, Rome/Hollywood/Royals...look at the symbols in NYC, the Ranch...Jewish Occult, Marduk Enki.the Cult of Dionysus. https://files.catbox.moe/tnhw77.jpg Celebrated gods for Mardi Gras ... This is a pic of the keystone above the front door of epstiens house on E 71st ny

21977963? ago

What bothers me is the life-size Jesus on the cross he has hanging off a wall at the NM ranch. Who is Epstein really?

21982333? ago

I suppose the painting of a graying Bill Clinton in a blue dress didn't bother you at all? hehehe

21979263? ago

It worries me that Jesus might be one of their gods.

21974646? ago

Epstein didn't put that there.