Jews in New York now using own police force called the Shomrim (lurking in background). White groups protecting whites from non-whites would be maligned as white supremacist domestic terrorists. (
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3589594?
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21969572? 5.1 years ago
Blacks are mad because they were told Whites brought them over as slaves, I wonder who told them the truth? lol
Slippery slope the kikes travel with the amount of lies they spew.
21970236? 5.1 years ago
? Sharia ... an extremist kike a jihadi kebab type, these people do NOT assimilate
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21969572? ago
Blacks are mad because they were told Whites brought them over as slaves, I wonder who told them the truth? lol
Slippery slope the kikes travel with the amount of lies they spew.
21970236? ago
? Sharia ... an extremist kike a jihadi kebab type, these people do NOT assimilate