21976202? ago

Wrong, she is with Epstein extracted by the force of Q

21976173? ago

Because the FBI is a crack squad of justice seekers, you bet.

21972376? ago

Please, the FBI had numerous chances to grab her and decided not to do so. The more relevant question that needs to be asked is why did they decline?

21971654? ago

Jewish billionaire and isreali dual citizen ghislane maxwell is being hidden from the FBI by its supposed ally the isreali mossad in a series of safe houses in isreal.

21971382? ago

The FBI had plenty of chances to grab her and chose not to.

21971178? ago

Hidden “from” the FBI ...or “by” the FBI? I’m not so sure.

21971017? ago

Why wouldn't they just eliminate her? She has no more value alive.

21971011? ago

Wasn't she in the US last few months? Why didn't the US disallow her to travel abroad when they had the chance?

And..... Israel?

21971504? ago

Those pics of her were terribly photoshopped and those proofs were well circulated. We don’t know that she was in the US.

21971154? ago

Are you new? Allow me to offer a primer:

1) Israel is jew land. You must prove jewish DNA to get citizenship.

2) Dual citizenship is jew code for "get out of jail for free"

3) Israel does not extradite. At. All.

4) Jews occupy all offices in US and determine who stays and goes.

5) Israel is a criminal sanctuary state

21970958? ago

FBI or NSA could find her for sure! These people are stupid and someone will use a phone that can be tracked!

21970526? ago

Jews harboring terrorists and pedophiles. Nothing new.

21970426? ago

What a crock of shit.

I'm sure she has the dirt, but the rest of the story is bullshit.

Probably first in a series of stories painting her as a heroine but ultimately leading to her death.

21970443? ago

No he didn't. This is a reddit hoax from a few months ago.

21970355? ago

this is not coincidence ~~ Netanyahu's son just tweeted: 'How come most of the globalist, new world order, powerful men are also pedophiles?

21973222? ago

if by "just" you mean 50 days or so ago...

21970087? ago

How is this even possible?? This sounds like a fucking Hollywood movie...

21969978? ago

Wife material.

21969965? ago

Ghislaine Maxwell 'is being hidden from by the FBI, who work for MOSSAD, in a series of safe houses in Israel because of the information she has on powerful people'


21972301? ago

Yeah but this article is from a major news source and is extremely red pilling for normies.

21971483? ago

Haha yeah I was about to say the same thing.

21969890? ago

Dipshits on QRV continue to call GrizzleyAnne a "gal pal, girlfriend" of Epstein are idiots.

She has information on demons, not "powerful people"

She is a demonic, pedophile, rapist-jew, EXACTLY like Epstein.

21969588? ago

This model had an instagram,. fly global girl, Nadia Marchinko https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3589268/21969028

21969087? ago

What was it Q said about Israel?

21973208? ago

That cult? Old money...consider the strong European/Mid East ties, Rome/Hollywood/Royals...look at the symbols in NYC, the Ranch...Jewish Occult, Marduk Enki.the Cult of Dionysus. https://files.catbox.moe/tnhw77.jpg Celebrated gods for Mardi Gras ... This is a pic of the keystone above the front door of epstiens house on E 71st ny

21970182? ago

Saving it for last. Many will flee to there.

21968998? ago

https://archive.ph/WOv9o :

2020-01-02 | Ghislaine Maxwell is reportedly a foreign spy hiding in Israel | Daily Mail Online

"Now the Page Six source claims she is being protected by powerful foreign interests. 'She is not in the US, she moves around."

'It is not the first time that Epstein has been tied to a foreign intelligence service. ', "An explosive new report has asserted that deceased sex criminal Jeffery Epstein and his alleged 'madame' Ghislaine Maxwell were foreign intelligence 'assets', and that she is currently hiding in a safehouse in Israel. 'Ghislaine is protected.", "Maxwell is being 'protected because of the information she has on the world's most powerful people,' the source said.", "After Epstein's re-arrest last year and death behind bars in August, Maxwell has remained out of sight and her whereabouts unknown."

This has been an automated message.

21970193? ago

What a shocking thing for a Jew to do. Never saw that coming.

They’re our greatest ally!

21968966? ago

Well let’s go get this bitch then?

21970168? ago

Just wait. See how many more will flee to Israel before this is over.

Saving Israel for last.

21970287? ago

Is there a REAL reason the embassies are still closed worldwide?

21973207? ago

Good question. Appears it's a "budget dispute" https://www.jpost.com/Israel-News/Israeli-embassy-in-Athens-to-Netanyahu-Welcome-we-need-a-budget-612867 -- that article is from today! So it's still ongoing.

And I would imagine if one follows the money, one will find the REAL reason. Not necessarily "budget" related, but it's "money" related so by saying "budget" they're not wrong, even if they're not completely truthful. "By deception we wage war" indeed!

21970075? ago

In a perfect world we would...

21969682? ago


21969612? ago

Exactly. Cut off ALL funding to israel, get her back, then keep the funds cut off for the rest of America's existence

21969667? ago

Yup, but fast because she is a terrible liability and could be killed.

21968949? ago


Needs to go in PG. Cbf doing the write up myself.

You know me.

21968986? ago

Same commenter:

@Crensch, you may want to take this one, given certain elements ;)

(will edit above to confirm authorship, and pm you)