What if I told you Linda Ronstadt had ties to Charles Manson? Interesting >> She's getting a special on CNN at the same time she's calling President Trump "HITLER" (ronstadt.proboards.com)
submitted 5.1 years ago by 3586657?
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21946202? 5.1 years ago
She also dated Gov Jerry Brown. This was back when he was governor the first time. Same time period when the gov was caught walking the American river levy while dressed in drag.
21947888? 5.1 years ago
Pizzagate Artwork, Murals in Comet Ping Pong https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3584077/21922216
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21946202? ago
She also dated Gov Jerry Brown. This was back when he was governor the first time. Same time period when the gov was caught walking the American river levy while dressed in drag.
21947888? ago
Pizzagate Artwork, Murals in Comet Ping Pong https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/3584077/21922216