Was the Cult of Mithras an early form of Freemasonry? (QRV)
submitted 5.2 years ago by 3585402?
men's club
initiation rituals
levels of progression
initiates called themselves syndexioi, or "united by the handshake"
secretive but symbolism displayed publicly
underground meeting places found all over Europe
all levels of Roman society involved but really popular with Roman soldiers (police)
a depiction of a compass at one of the archeological sites
Mithras sometimes thought of as a sun god and referred to as Invictus (possible Nimrod alias)
Also thought of as a god of light
Are we looking at freemasonry 1.0 here? Were these guys quietly guiding the direction of the Roman Empire?
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21935723? 5.2 years ago
22786044? 5 years ago
Joe Biden in public has converted to Zoroastrianism?? ... Conpsiracy people talked of an Iranian faith ages ago? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3691940/22786009
22786532? 5 years ago
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21935723? ago
22786044? ago
Joe Biden in public has converted to Zoroastrianism?? ... Conpsiracy people talked of an Iranian faith ages ago? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3691940/22786009
22786532? ago