21931819? ago

Joo supremacy at its finest

21931712? ago

Both Jewish and White congress members are paid by Jews.

Nobody in the government is working for Whites.

They have taken over.

21931750? ago


Still hear the "cannot serve two masters" voice over the house loudspeaker when Dianne Reidy the stenographer reached the podium: "The greatest deception here is, this is not one nation under God. It never was. Had it been, it would not have been. No. It would not have been. The Constitution would not have been written by Free Masons. They go against God. You cannot serve two masters. You cannot serve two masters. Praise be to God, the Lord Jesus Christ. Praise Forever.", then promptly send to the mental institution.

21931826? ago

No more brother wars. Blood is thicker than water. Even holy water.

They have infiltrated the churches. They have usurped the faith. They want Christians around. Who else would fight their wars, but one who blinds himself to their treason, in the name of his faith?

21931875? ago

Yes, freemasons have done all you stated as above. {Blood oaths as well}. True Christian faith and brotherhood would alleviate much of this.

21931978? ago

Try and tell a man his church was compromised and he should instead follow "true" Christianity, and you'll find yourself at the end of the conversation.

Tell him instead, to fight for his family, his ancestors, his progeny, and their culture and civilization, and you've woken up a patriot.

White people are kin, whose blood they should seek to preserve into the coming generations, for the love of self.

The Christian churches have been corrupted and are being used to endanger the survival of Whites, within their own lands.

All I'm saying is, whatever you believe, fight for your own.

21932005? ago

I said "Christian", not churches, my fren. I understand where you are coming from, but patriotism is not race based, it is culture based.

21932281? ago

If you're earnest, you will not miss my point.

Anyone can call themselves Christian, and build a following under that banner. Many Americans are currently flying the Christian flag as they march to their annihilation.

The nature of what may be called a called a Christian is therefore, malleable and corruptible. It may not have been for you, in your own appreciation of matters, but it has been corrupted for many.

The nature of the blood running through your veins: your lineage, and heritage, no man can corrupt. They can only ask you to ignore it. I say you do so, at your peril.

Also, patriotism is based in blood. The word "patria", from the root "pater", meaning father, hence fatherland. Your compatriot: is he with whom you share a father.

Furthermore, culture derives from our nature, and is distinguishable by race. Whites, wherever in the world they may come to settle, produce a recognizably White culture. So it is the case with other races, wherever they come to be, in sufficient numbers.

You've been propagandized to diminish and even disparage these crucial parts of yourself, in order that you become atomized and easier to control, and subject.

Consider you may come to understand things yet, which you have not done so far.

Race is real. Race matters.

21932482? ago

I think most Christians are being guided by non-Christians, and are blinded to the eve of destruction. I consider what you say, however, cultures exist, even in mixed races, cohesive and harmonious. It is when the call of advantage of one over the other, that we begin to have problems.

21942180? ago

Scripture is the basis of Christianity. What exists under the name of Christianity is not Scripture based, but man made doctrine, much like how jewish Rabbi's create doctrine in their Talmud. It would be more accurate to label these fake Christian's belief Churchianity, and their adherents Churchians.

Culture stems from genetics and can only thrive it is hegemonous. When multiple genetics are in the same dish, strife and chaos follows as one vies for dominance. It is folly to mix races in one country, and even worse, to adopt non-White genetics in White nations. Non-Whites have never built a nation from the ground up. They've always subverted White nations, then proceeded to destroy it because they don't have the genetics to maintain it.

21931352? ago

Nazism is dumb.

21931458? ago

Nazism is Jewish.

Holocaust = Levite Sacrifice.

Only “holy” if overseen by rabbis, (regardless of numbers).

21931470? ago

*supremacy is dunb.

21931526? ago


White Supremacism a debunked myth.

21931584? ago


Also, I'd be alot moar convinced of wuhite supremacy if wuhites weren't threatened by every passing racial issue.

21931694? ago

Whining and bitching by blacks & Jews has been going on for fifty years.

Whites are like lions, awakening to the mischief of rats & mice.

Do y’all really want to keep playing with Fire?

21938833? ago

Lots and lots of fire.

21931303? ago

Major balancing act, ahead.

Jewish hatred against whites has gone unnoticed.

They will cling to the corpse of their Nigger Dream til it rots.

What mercy they receive will be determined by their truthfulness, concerning what has transpired.

So far, they are not doing well.

21938820? ago

eloquent reply!