21923716? ago

If it's who we all think it is, it is astounding their lack of self-awareness.

22150330? ago

Interesting? What and who were the Club members? Models?

21922317? ago

Blind Item #7

That divorce is still not final and they share the bed more often than he sleeps down the hall. The wife, who all of you know had a sit down with her former boss and wants her to put out feelers to see if the husband has any chance of getting donors should he run for office again. The wife must just be a masochist for public humiliation. Or maybe it is the cartel family friend of the wife whispering in her ear. The same family friend who is also best buddies with the celebrity CEO. The same celebrity CEO who turned to the billionaire pedophile for advice. The same billionaire pedophile who hosted arms dealers and cartel leaders on his island.

Comments think it's Huma, Weiner, Hillary and El Chapo's wife.

21921053? ago

Too much effort to provide context?

21921845? ago


21921256? ago

It's a serial, like Buck Rogers or soap operas...

Read the comments for back stories and filler, sometimes it is spot on. Used to be called 'gossip' but these days it ain't made up garbage as often as it is reality.

21921126? ago

that's the shill game