21922042? ago

Wow Epstein got to live most mens fantasies effing hundreds perhaps thousands of beautiful teenage girls his whole life while living in luxury. Although his retirement did not go so well!

21922686? ago

He's probably still alive. He could live the rest of his life in riches so long as it was away from prying eyes. I find it unlikely they'd kill so important an agent. What message would that send to the agents who would follow in the same capacity? The heat was too much and too many people knew him by name for what he was part of. He's off sipping fine liquor and a new acolyte is in his role. 20 years from now people will be just as aware of the next guy by name. Then they'll swap him out as well and on goes the game.

21921102? ago

"pimp" or "bottom bitch"? Maxwell is a victim, or at least she was when it started while she was still young....

21922252? ago

she never was a victim. she was a massad agent.

21921593? ago

Go google her and find out who her dad was.

21922239? ago

ahh yes, children of the satanic elite are immune from sexual misconduct, remember Anderson Cooper's sibling? you're probably also going to disagree with me that some alter boys who were molested grow up to be priests who molest alter boys. these things are not so simple as good an evil, we are born with free will and the process of evil taking over is not a clean or quick process.

21924836? ago

The poor babies whose lives have been brutally ripped apart by evil beings who have sexually attacked them and their poor parents who either didn't know or couldn't stop it! The anguish as uncaring, idiotic, stupid people who go and gawk at those mentally ill children who are living in a 'Prison' so brutalized by pain, suffering, grief, confusion, lost! The shame, the vacuum of their little minds being filled with unspeakable horrors, grief and no escape. Each human being who participates in the looking, watching, gawking at them contributes to their Prison life of hell! Soon Satan and his demons move in to live in that childs mind and the prison is Hell! an Immortal life in Hell with Satan and his demons and no escape! Surely the mother, dad, human beings who know the Creator God could extend a hand to that child with mercy and tell them to 'call' for Jesus to rescue them. Only Jesus can rescue that baby! Call on Fern and Audry https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRJIQNM4pJcYouTube they can help if you are looking for some kind of an escape. Call on Jesus!

Please people! Stop contributing to the immortal life of Hell for these imprisoned children. Pray God will intervene and save these babies from satan and his demons!

The grief, mental anguish, torture of soul this child is going through! The parents whose souls suffer grief, mental anguish because they couldn't stop or prevent this grievous act of satan against their baby! This child is in a living Hell for the immortal life he lives because this Demonic attack against him has opened his mind to be filled with demons and evil forever! In demon prison for eternity! The parents are living in this demon hell for their child! No escape! Call on Jesus for an escape! Only Jesus can rescue these babies who have been captured by satan and his demons! Seek help from Fern and Audrey https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eRJIQNM4pJc they can help. Your only escape is the mercy of Jesus! People should spare these children any more Hell and not gawk and torment them like the demons do. Pray and stay away from them and their parents. God intervene and spare the children!

21922489? ago

You’ve done zero research or don’t understand shit. Nobody knows for sure what happened to coopers brother, how u can assume that he was sexually abused is merely something you’ve pulled from your ass.

21921560? ago

U haven’t done any research whatsoever on maxwell and her family, have you nunskull?

21920399? ago

What a disreputable little yiddish peter puffer.

21920310? ago

The Mossad Madam has more than earned her day in court.

Time to shake the indictment tree and harvest the ripe ones, Jizzy included.

21920272? ago


21920186? ago

Jews are demons from hell. Need more proof??

21919092? ago

Q/Trump aren't competent enough to imprison Epstein/Maxwell. Prove me wrong.

21918975? ago

So this is why ghislane is still alive. These billionaires can rat her out and look innocent. They dont look like the type to be very concerned about a little girl or anything else.

21918968? ago

Why would you fly all the way there just to not follow through?

21918840? ago

Total number of arrests? Still zero.

21921069? ago

2019 isn’t over yet PATRIOT! WYSIWYG

21918778? ago

https://archive.ph/wip/PDjaL :

2019-12-29 | Jeffrey Epstein's 'pimp' Ghislaine Maxwell 'threatened a 15-year-old Swedish girl' | Daily Mail Online

"Jeffrey Epstein's 'pimp' Ghislaine Maxwell threatened a 15-year-old Swedish girl held hostage on his private island when she refused to have sex, according to bombshell claims made in US court documents."

'Mr Rizzo claimed the girl told him that Maxwell and Kellen had demanded sex from her and taken away her passport and threatened her when she refused. '

'I was threatened by Ghislaine, not to discuss this".'Mr Rizzo testified that the girl stopped answering questions once she realized that Andersson-Dubin was heading toward the kitchen. '

'Mr Rizzo testified that he saw the girl about a month later on board a flight with the Dubin family to Sweden. '

'The testimony came from a defamation lawsuit brought against Maxwell by alleged sex slave Virginia Roberts Giuffre. '

This has been an automated message.

21918775? ago

Imagine if she commits suicide too.

21918843? ago

It would be pretty convenient for the guilty bunch..

21918691? ago

She's still not in jail. Why.

21968735? ago

He didn't bank as a profession, nobody real knew what he did even among the Wall St perverted https://voat.co/v/politics/3589045/21967635

21920196? ago

Because the victims are just goyim. To a jew, no crime has been committed.

21918681? ago

These fucking Jews. It's non-stop.

22492373? ago

“The time to buy is when there’s blood in the streets…” – Baron Rothschild https://voat.co/v/QRV/3654969/22487471

21920611? ago

It’s fake reporting. Don’t be gullible fools.

21920297? ago

yep the amount of EVIL is just mind boggling.

(((their))) souls must be completely dark

21921293? ago

False. They don't have souls.

21922693? ago

that makes even more sense, they're the organic portals/soulless ones...

can't believe it took this long to figure out, but sure explains A LOT.

21923253? ago

It also explains why they constantly need human blood and make sacrifices to Satan.